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Performance - Failure & Success. Sometimes the band plays well but I am unhappy about my personal contribution to the music at a gig. This is what I am talking about here. To my own standards, my success rate is quite low. I feel good about perhaps 40% of my performances. I’ve never felt like giving up, but I do feel pretty bad after some gigs. I could improve my success rate by being less demanding of myself. The trouble with that is, I would probably eventually get bored a


Band Crisis

30th Aug 2008 Gig at Romsey Comrades Club. Blown Out have played here several times. All 7 band members have known about the venue since spring of this year. On the night however, we were dealt a cruel blow. Our bassist Stan didn’t turn up. Both I and Pete (vocals) phoned his mobile but he had switched it off. Maybe he had an accident on the way to Romsey, maybe he was sick, maybe anything. However this had happened once before some 4 years ago. It was the first gig I ever took Jan to. Stan


A Day In The Life

A Day in the Life 6.00am: Rise with the untitled tune in D minor running through head. Briefly wonder why bathroom mirror light is on. Recall that the toothbrush is plugged in there because I left shaving adaptor at beloveds. Shave. Brush teeth while loading carrots into briefcase. Climb onto scales. Only ½ lb lost this week. Dress & run mental checklist before leaving house. Phone, wallet, ID badge, briefcase, keys. 6.30am: It’s still dark. Leave house, get car out of gara


Jan's Leg

My inspiration for dieting has been my partner Jan. She has been dieting for 2 years with little to show for it, but she doesn’t lose her resolve at all. For a year (2006) she could take little exercise due to breaking her leg badly. She broke the fibula first (probably) & went to her doctor who diagnosed this as gout. When she complained of the pain she was feeling he prescribed painkillers & told her to carry on walking on it. After weeks of hobbling about on a broken leg, the ad


A Tiny Studio

Boss Micro Br Digital Recorder It was Steve that pointed me towards one of these. He knows I would love to record. The reason that I haven’t done so far is because I don’t have enough brains to learn anything. I took the plunge and I bought one of these two weeks ago. http://www.roland.com/products/en/MICRO_BR/index.html It’s powered by a pair of AA batteries (included). I turned it on and listened to the demo; it was the predictable heavy rock (yawn) song complete with gaudy (y


A Treatise On Abraham Lincoln, The Noted North American Biped Of Yesteryear.

A lifelong omnivore, Abraham Lincoln fed on cows, chickens, fish and pigs for protein, and on grains, pulses and vegetables for fibre and starch. Abraham was lucky in that he didn’t have to catch and kill any meat. He lived in a society where it was normal to confine animals and vegetables within fences. The animals were frequently segregated from the vegetables to ensure the former did not consume the later. This arrangement also made the animals far easier to catch than wandering about t


Banking Hell

So fed up with taking leave to sort out problems with my mothers bank (Barclays) I opened up similar accounts in RBS and transferred the money over after I closed the Barclays ones. Should have solved the problem, but the hitherto exemplary RBS have now out Barclay’d Barclays. I spent 90 minutes talking to Anna Marie of RBS as she set up the accounts, ordered the cheque books and cards, copied & registered my Enduring Power of Attorney document etc. Explained in detail that mother



Photography. Been taking a keen interest in what cameras are out there. Is there such a thing as an Ideal solution? Large Format. A Large Format Digital back for my field camera. They don’t exist. The betterlight co. make some, but they are essentially studio bound (for monorail cameras). In any case it runs into some serious money. At 416 million pixels I suppose it’s to be expected. http://www.betterlight.com/ So I’m stuck with film for that baby, and I would use it if I could fin


40mg Of Citropan

http://www.spinnakertower.co.uk/ The Spinnaker Tower was built to commemorate the Millennium. That is so important isn’t it? We have a large round number appearing on the calendar. Lets spend £35 million quid so we don’t forget that big number later on. The thing dominates the skyline. Its like a big middle finger rising out of the harbour saying “ha ha, you just paid for this, up yours ” to everybody in the city. Now lack of money is blamed for Care Home closure, bus service cutbacks etc etc


Thursday, The Final Evening Of May 07

Broke my naffing thumbnail! I can just about cope with fingernail loss but the thumb is hurting when I pick. Gave up practice after 45 minutes due to throbbing thumb. Nails are a perishing nuisance (literally perishing). Powered up the Mac to download Yahoo Messenger. Installed it and placed it on the desktop. Then noticed it had 2 icons in the dock. I couldn’t remove either of them. Got out the manual, did what the manual said and it seemed to work for about 5 seconds. Then it reappeared i


Flamingo & Strapless Tops

The spanish guitar has pretty much taken over all of my practice time. Although it’s a sod to play I am gradually finding it easier. I am trotting out a piece I began in my 20’s. I called it Flamingo. Like all my own compositions, it evolves. Bits got forgotten and other bits got tacked on later. I have the bare bones of Flamingo resurrected now and can play most of it. More importantly I have added some more and it has taken on a life of its own once more. It’s now as long as it ever was and st


Stanley The Kitten Too

Of course he is a cute little feller. When I knocked on the window he fled behind an armchair. When I entered the room I saw a small wide-eyed face peeking out from behind it. I sat still in another chair & within a minute he was walking all over me, sniffing my fingers, chewing my work-badge. Y'know, kitten stuff. He is a fluffy tabby. He can sit in the palm of your hand. I prefer dogs myself, but there is something quite endearing about Stanley. This puts me in mind of my


Stanley The Kitten

I am to visit my son Ben this evening. He has a new kitten. The kitten’s name is Stanley. Apparently Stanley likes to chew cables & wire. This could be a problem. Cats seem to delight in non-cooperation, except for lions. Other creatures benefit from mutual cooperation, ants, wolves, herring, porpoises, bees, sheep. Why couldn’t he have adopted one of those? A budgerigar would have been easier. After all birds inspired the likes of Wilbur & Orville Wright. The chord of an airc



Scortlund the breeve und cabers Tha problum uz ah see ut Uz that thears no enough cabers luft The Sassonaches huv all made off wi um Tae make thear poncey log cabbuns fur thear holideezs Wun I wur a wee bairn, thear wuz cabers ull oo-er the place! Up the hulls un in the strets. Ma Da were ulways fallin oer em commin haem frum the boozurr. We need tae grow more thuck trees und get un practice toosin the cabers agun ye see Thun wheel try un get ut established at the olumpi


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