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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem


".. the $9.99 monthly price point is now also becoming a fixture of another important – and fast-growing – segment of the modern music industry: that offering artists tools and instruments with which to create music and sell creations."   https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/are-we-witnessing-the-rise-of-the-9-99-creator-subscription-economy/ 


Peggy in News

NFTs next hit may be music industry

@Mahesh brought up NFT's in the music industry just the other day in a meeting we were in. Thought I'd do some follow-up and start looking a little deeper into it.     In the music world, an NFT could be defined as a rare collectible that is stored on a digital ledger.    https://www.dallasobserver.com/music/how-are-nfts-changing-the-music-industry-also-what-the-hell-is-an-nft-12012567   Former music manager, Merck Mercuriadis, who once counted Beyonce and Guns N’ R


Peggy in News

The best times to post on social media in 2021

"Brands and their customers were constantly adapting in the way they operated online, leading to new patterns of interaction and engagement on social media."   https://www.google.com/amp/s/sproutsocial.com/insights/best-times-to-post-on-social-media/%3famp


Peggy in News

"Alright" (midnights at home)

After the first week of staying at my new home, it still kinda feels like I'm staying at a friend's. (Though I seem to be doing way too many chores for the seemingly friend's place 😄)   It's customary now to sing to these walls at nights and I hadn't played this in ages! Here's a song of mine called "Alright" which is about learning to love without imposing yourself on another. Hope you'll are doing well.       .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom


Mahesh in art & music

How Spotify Royalties Actually Work

"While many in the music community believe that Spotify royalties should be larger, the specifics of how they are calculated aren’t always well understood.   Here, we clear the fog."     https://www.hypebot.com/hypebot/2021/11/how-spotify-royalties-actually-work.html 


Peggy in News

Do You Sing In The Shower?

"Singing in the shower makes you happier, study shows"   This is a fun article about the benefits of singing in the shower.  It even has a spot by vocal coaches about how to improve your shower singing.  Who knew?    I'm working on a new playlist.  It's going to be songs to sing while showering.    Do you sing in the shower?  If you do, what songs do you sing?  Do you have any shower singing tips or techniques that you want to pass along? What songs do you think wou


Peggy in Tips of the Trade

Album 4 - "Not All It Seems - REDUX" (2021)

So, lastly, we come to Album 4 “Not All It Seems – Redux” (2021).   ‘Flat White’ had taken 2-3 years to gestate and create.  Each song was something I was proud of, was quite unique, and had been taken as far as my non-professional abilities would allow.    It was therefore quite chilling to realise, especially after my near-fatal motorbike accident before the full recording began, that all the time, effort and creativity actually counts for nothing if you never get to press


GregB in An album cycle

Album 3 - "The Flat White Album" (2020)

After releasing Album 2 (Prescient) at the end of 2015, followed by an intense music video production phase, I felt creatively exhausted and mentally spun out.    However, there were two events that helped kickstart the thought of doing a solo album: I scored a short film for a Film Festival competition, and I recorded, arranged and produced a song written and performed by my nephew who visited us from the UK These two projects seemed to get my mojo back, and soon I f


GregB in An album cycle

Album 2 - "Prescient" (2015)

"Prescient" (2015) by Nothing At All is available on all digital platforms, including Spotify.   Around 2012, totally disillusioned with performing in public, I had registered on the Bandmix site seeking like-minded locals just to jam at home.  Martin Hale contacted me out of the blue via Bandmix in 2013 (the only worthwhile and non-time-wasting contact ever made through that site) saying he liked some tracks from "Not All It Seems" .  Almost the same age, and both from the UK, we luck


GregB in An album cycle

Album 1 - "Not All It Seems" (2002)

I've occasionally attempted to write songs throughout my life, but the result were boring and banal. In 2001, an ex-colleague and a good friend of mine, died. We were both 49.  This was perhaps the closest death I had experienced to date.  Besides the great discomfort of seeing his family grieve, I felt a deep guilt that I had never expressed my affection and admiration of the guy to his face. Anglo-Saxon men leave so many things unsaid. While trying to write a suitable eulogy, words b


GregB in An album cycle

A Contented Sigh

Still working out some small kinks in my studio set up, but at least they are simpler issues. Today I was swapping my monitoring between my main monitors and my nearfield monitors. I spent an age trying to work out why I had no sound coming from my nearfields. I have 3 patch bays (2 balanced, 1 unbalanced, plus my interface routing matrix and any additional routing within my DAW. Phew! No wonder.   The long and the short of it is that I eventually found the culprit setting…. Now I just


john in Studio

Tales Of A Working Studio…

So my Studio is ALMOST tidy. Cough cough. Tidyness is not my strong point. I have my doubts that my studio will ever be truly tidy. I just have too much stuff that gets stored in my studio. Old music gear, music books, cables… more to the point, I suck at putting things away.   The good news is that my studio is up and running again. Loads to explore too. Not a completely new set up, but enough of a change that it will be a while before I am familiar with it all. The journey should be


john in Studio


Phew! It’s good to be back recording again. The first track in a while isn’t even one of the several songs I have been writing in preparation for being able to record again. Nope. The first track is something that came out of road testing my set up.   I started with a melody, worked through some basic chords on my Nord, and then started building the track out on my DAW. Having put together a verse and chorus and laid down a “do do do” version of the  melody, I started on writing some l


john in EP 1

Producing Sucks - Sponsored segment (PG 18+)

When most people think about producing albums, they automatically associate it with something glamours. They imagine a high end studio, the latest in software and hardware, walls littered with instruments, Marshall`s amps everywhere, Steinway Pianos as far as the eye can see, groupies stripping in cages during recording sessions, and all sorts of extravagant settings. They imagine something grandiose, filling their heads with lofty fantasies of a luxurious lifestyle. They think that all producer


VoiceEx in Sponsored segment


So here I was, right in the middle of bitching about all sorts of things, when all of a sudden I had an idea!   I thought to myself: "Mr VX, these fine folks here have gone through the trouble of reading all your bullshit. Which is no simple task because you write a f*ck-ton. So what you need right now, is to put a fresh spin on things and give something back to the community! for some unknown reason your continued presence and this shameless Blog are being allowed. So its time to pay


VoiceEx in Social Experiment

( ask me anything ) : my thoughts on dramatization in writing & performance

Howdy.   I try to do AMA (ask me anything) sessions on my Instagram handle once a week. I get to directly engage with my audiences but also get an idea of what's running through their head. Had an interesting question that came by today. I was asked to share my thoughts on dramatization in writing & in performance. I kinda understood where the questioner was coming from as I'm known to be particularly 'intense' when I'm on stage performing. 😅   Anyways, I thought I'd shar


Mahesh in art & music

The Fandom Paradox (18+)

I can`t imagine this entry not offending at least one or two people 😅 so.. if your squeamish around this subject, or if you feel overly attached to your audience and fans, than... please.. do us both a favor: go see a shrink. Find help. Really. Somewhere else though. I... don`t want you to spill your neurosis all over my blog. Cool. Thanks a bunch! 😏   So fans are kind of a tricky business. One one hand, your suppose to want to have as many as you can get. But on the other hand, the mo


VoiceEx in Rant

A Quick Summary

Welcome everyone! so I opened a blog again. Yay me, am I right. Anyhow, since there is already a description in the Blog about the nature of its content, so I don`t have to say it again. All you really gotta know is, i`m going to use this Blog to express my thoughts and feelings about various subjects. My posts are not always going to be about music. Though the biggest difference being, is that unlike how I write in the open forum, in here i`m not going to apply as much moderation as I normally


VoiceEx in Rants Galore

Creating Content for a Specific Audience is Important In Music Marketing

Know your audience Knowing your audience is a vital part of modern music marketing. If you understand who your audience is, you can provide more engaging content. Content that is specifically designed to trigger the people reading it.   It is an oversaturated market, and so it is highly important for you to stand out as an artist.    Entrepreneur and film director Brad Dervish Aj, better known by the online alias "Nilladriz," gives insight into how he tailors his music vide


Peggy in Tips of the Trade

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