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It Just Got Busy...



I think it just got busy. I was going to devote a blog to how I could get more gigs, and am going to be listing a schedule of gigs instead. Most of those happened all at once.

This THURSDAY, 9 JULY is the auditions for the Garibaldi Days Talent Show (we figured we’d have one, since the county fair won’t be—the Fair Board claimed there was no point, since there is no local talent, and we are of course going to prove them wrong). I’ll play ‘em my two “local color” songs, with Dick backing me up on blues harp, and Dick, his wife Carol (she of the beautiful voice) and I will do ‘em some Gospel songs (last time we did that was years ago). Some combination of us will be on stage at the Talent Show July 25.

SAT. 18 JULY is the RVTV television taping in Ashland (day) and a Southern Oregon Songwriters “showcase” at Johnny B.’s in Medford (evening). The two half-hour TV shows will air at different times, and I’ve scripted two different setlists, one tackling social issues and one, well, not. For the Johnny B.’s showcase, I’ll give the crowd my newest material. There is plenty they haven’t heard—I’ve been away for a while.

SUN. 19 JULY is my half-hour audition for the “Life’s Subtle Tease” burlesque show in Portland. I’ve asked for a late-afternoon/evening slot, so I can get back from southern Oregon (300 miles) without having to get up too early in the morning. For that one, I’ll give ‘em 6 or 7 of the songs that have been most popular at the Wild Goose. The actual burlesque show will take place in August (don’t know the date yet), and the organizers say they’ll be doing one a month. (And I don’t know if they’ll want me. All I have here is the chance to audition.)

SAT. 25 JULY, the band plays at Garibaldi Days, plus Dick, Carol and I will be in the Garibaldi Days Talent Show (both are in the afternoon, back to back). I’ve scripted out the 2-hour setlist for the band, and distributed CDs, and Dick, Carol and I picked out our material for the Talent Show today. The Friday Night Group is also on the Garibaldi Days schedule, FRI. 24 JULY, because I’m typesetting the schedule and I put them there (they’d be playing Friday night anyway).

SAT. 1 AUGUST is the new date for the Garibaldi Museum concert. 7 p.m., $3 cover. The band gets paid for this one. We’ll be on for an hour. Setlist is already done for this, and it should be easy to pull off—we’ll have played every one of the songs on stage at Garibaldi Days.

SAT. 22 AUGUST is the all-day SOSA concert in Central Point. I’m on at 11 a.m., playing (hopefully) with Dan Doshier’s band. I could use the same setlist as for the Museum concert—this show is an hour, too—just substituting something else for the two “local color” songs we’ll do at the Museum.

It’s not a bad schedule thus far. Sometime in September or October (don’t know the date for sure) will be the Neskowin Harvest Festival, the fundraiser for the little Neskowin Valley School that I’ve played at 3 of the last 4 years. This time, I’d like to do it with the band, if they’re willing, and do enough advance publicity so we draw a really good crowd.

Did I mention I don’t think I got the job in Myrtle Point? I didn’t get The Phone Call, and I think that means they hired one of the two younger guys. (Yes, I’ve been whippersnappered.) It’s all right. I have another interview in just one week, and more applications in the pipeline. And I obviously do not lack for things to do.



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