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Everything posted by Shanethefilmmaker

  1. I first heard the intro through the kid show version Wasn't until I saw the actual show that I heard the original version.
  2. With me, Composing is the hardest part because while I do understand notation I suck at writing it down. Until I discovered programs like MuseScore, mainly because each note you click makes a sound. It's refreshing for those who prefer to play by ear. Myself included. As for how to start, that really depends on how you go about your song. With me, I base it on the most dominant instrument I want. For example say I wanted a brass heavy song I'd start with brass instruments. If I wanted a string heavy song, string instruments. And so on. Just pick what you wanna tackle first then add the others.
  3. I know this thread is old, but when I saw it I couldn't help but think of this. Will Smith - And I'm telling you, I'm not going.
  4. Doesn't sound stupid at all. If you got friends all over the world that are adept at guitar you could be able to get them to send you some recordings through the net.
  5. If your mind is urging you to do it, then do it. Or at the very least jot down as much as you can.
  6. I pretty much do exactly what you are talking about. Essentially it's very easy to make music through a computer, you would need two things at least. With me, I use a songwriting software that is capable of turning what I write into Midi files. Then use a software like FL studio to make the midis sound more like realistic instruments of your choosing. There is writing software like Musescore which is pretty good for those who prefer to play by ear.
  7. My remedies for battling a cold came from trial and error. Now this is for those who don't have access to cold medicine. Whether you can't afford it or ran out, this is a few things from my own experience that will help you through your cold depending on your situation. Remedy #1: For when you're sick but you need to be out for the day. Short Term Now everyone can tell you, no matter what you take rest is often the most important. However some of you either need to be at work or somewhere important for a certain day it's that or bust. So the simple solution for that is this: Menthol rich gum. It's cheaper than Cough Syrup and tablets and it will clear out your sinuses long enough for what you need to do and enough for you to get home and get that well earned rest. Remedy #2: For when you want to destroy this cold once and for all. Long Term Now this one took some doing and is more time consuming than Remedy #1. But through various trial and error, this is a guaranteed fix if you have the time and patience for it. This comes in 3 Stages and has to happen throughout a month at least. Stage 1: Lower the inflammation of your throat and sinuses. This is the easy part. For what you gotta do is eat and drink certain things that help you lower the inflamed throat and sinuses. No matter how much mucus you get out of your system. There's always gonna be more so long as those spots are bottled necked through the internal swelling. My recommendation is four fluid based foods and beverages. The First is Tea. Tea warms the body up and can help you relax, which in turn loosens up all the muscles inside you. Which in turn would loosen those problem areas. Green Tea is perfect for the job, but to each is own. It's also good for relieving headaches related to colds. The second is Soup. Now everyone knows the old Chicken Soup for Cold Remedy, so no need to go into detail on how it works. But I can tell you it's all in the heat and the broth. Third, Ginger ale. Everyone knows pure ginger has elements that can help, but that ale isn't too shabby in that department as well. However drink it flat. Last but not least, is ordinary water. Aside from it being mandatory I'll tell you why it's very important in Stage 3. Stage 2: Once Lowered Enough, clear out as much as you can. Those who don't have a strong stomach, don't read. This stage is easy, but you got to do it fast once you're loose enough. Once those inflamed areas are lowered enough take a tissue and cough and blow as much as you can. Do it gently though as if you do it rough you could risk increasing said inflammation. Once you get out what you can, throw it in the trash and wash your hands thoroughly so that it doesn't try to come back to you. Eventually though, the inflammation will increase over time and swell your sinuses and throat and all you'd have to do is repeat stage one again. Stage 3: Sweat the rest of it off. Regardless of what you heard, sweating it is just as important. However that doesn't mean you have to throw on coats and blankets and turn yourself into a human sponge. No, what you gotta do is during a sweat is replenish the water you lost. The water you sweat out regardless how long it's been in you is dirty water. Dirty from the salt you lose with it. Dirty from the natural oils. And especially dirty from the cold virus it caries with it. Sweat itself does not contain the cold, but as it rubs against your skin which is the main spreader for many diseases including the common cold. Sweating doesn't get rid of it, it washes it off you one bead at a time. And in order for it to keep washing you need more clean water in you. So drink up. Then when all is said and done, sleep. If you wake up feeling great save for a surprising amount of sweat all over you, you just got rid of your cold. As it also doubles as a sign for when it's over.
  8. One of the things I noticed in this section was, you talked a lot about art and images, but never about animation or animation techniques. So I thought I'd start the topic on it. One of my specialties, is animation. I use it to make music videos for my work mostly, for promotional purposes. My best example being this series. A Hero's Struggle Music Video Series A dark comedic parody of the Superhero Genre. What I used to animate was simple, but very time consuming: The Software was what follows. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 (You can use newer, but that's my preference.) Adobe Image Ready 7.0 Google Sketchup (Or any drawing software.) Conversion Software specifically from Gif to WMV or other video softwar. Window's Movie Maker. (Or any video editing software) The scenery is the easiest as you just draw whatever fully. I chose a cityscape because it was the easiest. If you wanted to do damage, all you had do would be to erase a section and add cracks or burns depending on the damage. The people on the other hand are the most difficult. To save time I made templates in sketchup. Pre-detrmined movements on a blank model, which I later added detail to, for individual characters. I would then through photoshop put each individual movement apart from one and other through layer techniques. When I was done what I needed, I would put it in Image Ready. I make a gif of what I wanted to animate, save it then convert it so I can work on it in editing. Once I pieced things together, I put my music on and bingo, instant music video. Let me know if you all also have your own techniques I'm curious to know.
  9. The best way to answer is this. In any form of art there are two people that are the most important. The Artist, who paints the picture. And the Patron, who views the picture and offers their own interpretation of it. Now what the artist intends and the patron interpret can often put them at odds with one and other because the latter would often miss the mark on what the former was trying to say through their art. But despite that, that's what the patron feels and if it makes the patron feel good, then more power to them. But other times and this is often a once and a life time chance, the patron would sync with the artist in view points. But no matter what the artist intends and the patron interprets, there is one simple factor. The Artist creates for themselves and the patron/s observes. Now if they were to create a special piece as a treat to their audience for staying with them so long, then that's another story entirely. To make a long story short, you start by writing for yourself and finding your audience. Then once found you do write for them and yourself.
  10. It's hard to describe for me, but when I hear a particular song be it a song of my own creation or a track from one of the greats, certain songs just have this effect on me. Take Don Giovanni's Commandatore, it feels so frightening yet so powerful as though you're there with the Don confronting the dead commander.
  11. With me it was something I had to grow into. No matter what I could never hand write notes to save my life. I was mostly good at playing chords and playing by ear. Luckily for me I got a computer, so I was able to write by ear using notation software.
  12. Now there is something I'd like to ask. I notice you have a critique section in your forum. Is there a subsection there, where I can post my songs for others to critique? Update: Nevermind I found it.
  13. Likewise. I pretty much started out that way, doing a few videos and what not. Nowadays I am focused entirely on my music work.
  14. Thank you. Actually the Abyss was Alan Silvestri. Same guy that wrote Back To The Future, Captain America, The Avengers and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Aliens was the late James Horner. Carpenter was Halloween, Escape From New York and Assault on Precinct 13 to name a few. He's currently doing a redux of his old Halloween Theme for the new movie. His work is mostly synth or guitar heavy stuff, the former of which I like the best. While the latter could tie in with his obsession with Westerns.
  15. My name is STFilmmaker, but my music name is STMusician. I am an amateur filmmaker, reviewer, defictionalizer (finding the truth in fiction), author, cartoonist and musician. While I have many tastes in music, my styles are often between Synthesizer, Orchestral and Chiptune. With the themes going from whimsical, to spiritual, to downright somber depending on the song. As for why I do my own music. Mainly two reasons. The first being that one of my main inspirations is John Carpenter. Who was known for writing his own music in his movies. And two, doing what I can to get a budget to make a festival worthy movie. This is my main site, where I promote my music, music videos and allow space for ads, affiliates and reviews. CIEIR Music Or if you want to go straight to the music, I promote it mostly on Bandcamp. STMusician's Bandcamp Now I don't expect you all to like my music, as like many styles it's not for everyone, but I do expect to hear what many think of it good or bad. Other than that enjoy.
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