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    I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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  1. John who? How do I get in contact with him? Well it has now been 2 weeks from the date of that letter, still no real help. My computer is still down...I guess I can't blame all the waiting on Carillon, well because the Pres. of the US didvision was over seas right when my problem happened. He just got back last Thursday, he said he will do what he can. I said what does that mean, your the PRES. of your company...You can do anything you want!!! We shall see. I am hopefull the have been nice. But if some action doesn't happen soon. Well nice will not calm me any more,...ya know what I mean. Matthew
  2. An artical? A tech at carillon says it might be a virus. but I only got on line 5 times. All times my computer crashed. It has never been able to be on line....
  3. Now let me explain something right here, I don’t use pirated programs or hacked programs or do anything out of the ordinary with my computer. I think it should work normally also, or at least as advertised. Back to my attempt at fixing the problem. My computer is working now so slow I can’t work at all with it. 1. I tried the repair function in add and remove programs (ProTools) 2. I started and restarted my computed 3. I removed power from it over night 4. I defragmented all my drives( I do that regularly) 5. I tried to use the recovery discs for XP, they only gave me gray or black screens (5 times) 6. I tried the recover disc for 98 SE, they did not work at all ether (5 times) 7. I went to bed upset. 8. I tried to use the recovery for XP one more time; it worked and went through the 2-disc set like normal. It even rebooted the computer like normal. Now I had faith to do all this stuff because I have 2 other hard drives with all of my audio sessions on them. I have it this way because if something happens to the operating system and I have to use the recovery discs I won’t loose all my clients’ recordings. It also says on those recovery discs that all information will be erased off of the C drive. Well that’s always been fine because that is where all the programs are located, no audio files or recording sessions are on there. Carillon actually first recommended that. That plan work great so far, even with all the problems in our past. Well the recovery disc recovered the wrong drive. Even when it said it was doing the right one. Yes all of my audio is gone 2 bands that I was still in the process of finishing and 10 others that were completed. I can’t explain to you how much money I have now lost. But forget the money,……what I have been through says more right. I feel that Carillon Audio is responsible for this failure of the recovery discs that you made for me to use. I feel that you should repair my computer once and for all. Remove the SCUSI drives you think are not right. Give me a completely new computer system, updated with all new gear. I feel that you should compensate me for my losses in some way that is equal to there worth to me. I have nothing to loose on my drives, so if you want I can ship you my computer ASAP. It all gone. ALL of it. And I still do not have a computer that I was so exited about 2 years or so ago. I am truly sad about that. You guys have been nice, I will give you that. The reason for the letter was to document this conversation officially. I want to be Professional about this, all I am asking for is the computer you advertise and compensation for my HUGE loss. SO CAN YOU BLAM ME FOR HOW I FEEL!!!!
  4. Good news the computer did now burn CDs, it did not crash because of heat, and ran somewhat smoothly. I had to use the recovery discs a few times more. That was a bummer but nothing I couldn’t handle. I was an expert at that by now. Now about a year later after recording for many clients I had a problem. On Thursday 4-6-04 my computer was acting really weird. It was taking along time to open programs that were really simple ones and it was taking 7 full minutes to open Pro Tools. That only used to take less than a minute. Right then I know something was wrong. I went into the add and remove programs section of the computer and performaed a very routine automatic repair done by ProTools. I was thinking that Pro Tools was maybe the problem. That didn’t speed anything up, and if I thought it was hard to open Pro Tools up. Well opening a Pro Tools recording session took just as long if not longer. My once fast computer was slower than the APPLE in 3rd grade. I was pissed.
  5. I finally got the computer………..It wouldn’t even start up. It plugged into the wall fine enough and that’s all it did. Oh it did two more things, it made me MAD and blinked a little cursor in the left had corner of the screen. I called Carillon and they sent me through some steps of repair that I had done before so I was getting quit efficient at it. That seemed to work. Nope a few days later it was doing bad things again. Crash, Freeze, wouldn’t bur CDs. All the things that it had from the start and a few more. So I sent it back, they fixed it again. They said they would do all the work for free and upgrade my processor for free and give me Windows XP for free oh and some really cool sample CDs called Reel Drums ( that was great). FREE?? I hope so. They did not feel quite that way. But they did what they said none the less. I received it and it worked well, except for the fact that I did not have a CD burning program to burn a CD with installed on my computer any more. Guess that will fix that problem right. Well I decided to look for the Nero software that I sent back with the computer. I couldn’t find it. They must have kept it. That made me mad once again. I got some Burning software and mad due with out telling them about it. I was tired of it all and fed up. It now had been like 6 months at least that I was dealing with these computer problems. I wanted so much for it all to end. Can you blame me. next
  6. I waited through Christmas for the promise of a newly reconfigured computer at around the New Year. Well the dates promised came and went once again. I now had my first clients scheduled to record. This was my chance to make a name for myself. Well I had to push there recording date back, back, and back again. Carillon was still not finished with the computer. I looked like I was unorganized and unprofessional. That is a bad thing to be perceived as in a professional environment. Once again I was made to look like a fool. next
  7. Well I had to send it back to Carillon for fixing. We couldn’t do it all over the phone apparently. That meant mailing it back to the East coast. That would take awhile. Man I was really disappointed. I paid all this money for this computer and I won’t be able to use it or even so it for another month or so. It was that long and more…I got my computer back and it was doing the same type of things after about 2 months or so. We did the phone thing again, that got nowhere fast for weeks on end. Still not able to use my computer like advertised. They were saying things like, maybe you need to change from Windows 98SE to Windows XP. I said why you install Windows 98SE was that wrong. No they said, we just think it would run better. Oh I said. So shouldn’t you have installed that the first time? No response. They were also asking me question like, why did you get SCUSI hard drive in your computer. I said I was told that they were the fastest drives to have and are what serious guys use. I trusted the sales man. You see there were not more than two people that new much about SCUSI systems and Pro Tools LE (my main recording program) They said things like you should have just gotten IDE hard drives that would have been great. I was disheartened by the inconsistency of my recommendations. Again I was made to look like a fool that didn’t know anything. That was hard to deal with because I came to carillon because I didn’t know anything about this stuff. They are the experts not me. I thought….. So I had to send it back to Carillon again for them to fix it once and for all said Gil. I asked for a completely new computer and was told no we never do that. Bummed out for sure.
  8. Well after experiencing these problems for a few days I called Carillon’s superior tech support. They helped me as much as they could over the phone. They said “things like this are not normal and I am sorry, we will get it all working great ASAP”. Well I did not have access to the internet at this time in my life so I was told it would be a lot easier to help me if I did. Well I did not. They seemed somewhat reluctant to go onto the Internet for me and download these supposed fixes I needed to get. I thought that was there job. I told them I know you would have to mail them to me on CD but that is ok and fine. They wouldn’t do that. They told, or encouraged me strongly to go use the Internet at a friends house or something. Well it’s kind of hard to humble your self to tell your friends that you need to use there internet for a $4000 dollar computer that is not working after 2 days of having it, after saying how cool it was going to be for weeks. I also just didn’t know anyone at the time that had the Internet. Finally they said maybe it was too hot in my rack enclosure. Well it was built to be there by carillon so why would that be the case. I didn’t even have any other equipment at the time around it to make it hotter than it should be. I really didn’t understand!!! next
  9. Ok I bought it trusting the experts in all their advice they gave me in what to pick out. The arrival day was getting close and boy was I exited, I felt like a little boy again. I was 26 so may be I was a little boy. Well it came later 1 week or so later than they promised me on the phone when I paid for it. I was really depressed about that. I said to myself it will be worth the wait. I finally took delivery of my brand new shiny Carillon Audio Recording Workstation. Wow it looked cool, it was heavy (that’s good) and it was mine. FINALLY! I plugged it all in and I was very careful to follow all of the directions. IT WAS SO EASY! That impressed me a lot. I opened all the programs to check them all out that was fun. But Windows Media Player didn’t open very easy. When I did get it opened and playing a CD, well it crashed my computer. Oh well so I restarted it. It’s a fluke. I tried burning a CD next because that would be fun right? Well the CD burner did work at all ether. So I continued on to use other programs and found the same type of things happening. The programs would work for a while and then freeze up the computer or just crash it. Well now I was getting a little depressed, my $4000 Carillon Audio Recording Workstation was not working like advertised. You can imagine the disappointment I was experiencing. All my friends were there, and they thought that $4000 was too much to spend on a computer. I assured them that carillon Audio was worth it. I was laughed at! read next post
  10. Well that sold me for sure, I wanted more than anything before. Why, well all those befits were exactly what I was needing. There was a phone number to call and a web site to visit. I visited the web site with excitement, and later the next day I called Carillon Audio to get some advise on what I may need to accomplice my goal. That goal again was, I wanted it to be cutting edge, as far as a home studio can be on a $10,000 budget. Now I only had about $4000 to spend on the computer, audio interface, and software so that’s what I told the salesman. I said I wanted it to be all the things in that magazine article, he laughed and said no problem. He asked me what I would be using it for and what did I think I needed. I said well I want to build a recording studio at my home and I want the computer to be fast, reliable, and very portable. He was very nice and helpful. He helped me pick out a computer system. That ended up coasting $4000. read next post
  11. Hi I hate this computer it has nothing but problems. I hope they really fix it this time. Here is a letter I sent them today telling my story! I'll have to post it in sections. I acually would lov ethe computer if it worked. Dear Carillon Audio, I would like to tell you my story detailing my experiences with the Carillon Audio Recording computer I bought from you in the summer 2002. I will first take you back to the time that I first discover Carillon Audio. I was looking to start compiling equipment to build a home recording studio. I wanted it to be cutting edge, s far as a home studio can be on a $10,000 budget. I was reading a very informative publication about Carillon Audio Recording computers. I believe it was in EQ magazine or maybe Keyboard magazine. Anyway the article spoke of many things some of which were the ease of using a carillon Audio computer, how much there staff was willing to help a person use there Carillon Audio computer, how they tailor made each and everyone to the needs of there customers, how it was used in very large studio around the world, how reliable it was to use every day at your studio, how it was amazingly quiet and how it was mounted in a rack case which made it very easy to be portable and convent to take it on the road. read next post
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