So, I got back into songwriting after a long dormant period (I used to write a lot of songs in my 20s), and over the last few years I have set a goal of writing and recording (at least a rough mix) a complete arrangement of at least one song per week. For the most part I have succeeded and so I have been writing about 50 songs per year since 2017.
I enjoy unconventional arrangements, harmonies and lyrical topics, though a significant portion of my tunes end up sounding pretty straight. Bass is my main instrument, but I can scratch out my own lead and rhythm guitar and keyboard parts. I tend as well towards alternative tunings and (crude) finger style playing. I'm a lefty who plays right-handed.
I haven't performed any of this recent outburst of songs in public (not even at an open mic). I did have an all original rock band that had booked its first gigs right when Covid hit, but those gigs were canceled and the band never came back together. I am still driven by forces I can't explain to output these 50+ songs a year. I suffer psychologically when I am forced to miss a week or two, but am usually able to make up for lost time.
I'm not sure why I signed up for this forum. I'm not really looking for critiques. I already know what parts suck or are mediocre. Maybe I'm looking for help in getting over this songwriting sickness.