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Everything posted by john

  1. john


    Hey Desbow, welcome to Songstuff!
  2. Some days, everything seems to get in the road of making music... like the world is conspiring against it!

    1. The S

      The S

      Some days? Try everyday. 😀 

    2. john


      i hear you!

  3. Hey melody makers, I appreciate you not self-promoting, and not assuming you could! I will send you my email addy. Have you written any music books previously, or is this your first? Either way, all the very best with it.
  4. Hey Xola, welcome to the Songstuff family! Interesting board name! There is no time like the present to start learning something new
  5. Hmmm. I don’t see the notes you see. You seem to be misreading the octave down tenor part. These are the notes I see, going from highest on the left to lowest on the right, using the bass note as the chord root you can see: BGG F 4 8 2 R note the 2nd and 8th and the second half of the measure CGG E 6 9 3 R then looking at the 6th measure: 6th Measure AFA E 4 2 4 R Note the doubled fourth, relative to E, the root. and the 2nd half of the measure: AFA D 5 3 5 R note the doubled 5th, and the missing octave.
  6. john


    Another great track bud. A nice intimate performance too.
  7. Hey Matt! Good to meet you Message boards may not be on trend, not that anything is for long these days, but they are more useful than social media as they can link to stuff just as easily and activity streams bring in a lot of the other benefits of social media, but I also find them much less distracting, less spammy. No photos of people’s lunch for a start!
  8. Hey Jill, welcome to the Songstuff family! Great to have you with us!
  9. 1. Leverage the work you do in many ways... do something once and re-use, re-purpose it to be an asset in many varied environments. Pretty soon you get good at anticipating re-use, and you build adaptability into it’s creation. The overlap of tasks is vital to minimising workload. The maximum payoff for minimum effort equation. It allows you to find time. 2. Then there is the 80 / 20 rule, also called the Pareto principle. This rule applies in many circumstances from planning and tasks, time management, sales and marketing, product development, feature lists, even popular songs and many other applications. In music it could be shown that 80% of your sales come from only 20% of your audience. In time management it would be that 80% of your goals are achieved after only 20% of the time, and conversely pushing to get that 20% is going to be very time consuming. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle You can use this knowledge for better planning. 3. Build Your Team, and then DELEGATE. The busier you get, the more critical this becomes. ‘Nuff said. 4. To do lists 5. Calendar and reminders apps on phone and online 6. Automation 7 Work templates... templates for emails, letters, posts, even templates for tasks. I would write more but I have to go for now. When I get a chance I will come back and fill out this post.
  10. Hey Zairia, welcome to Songstuff.
  11. Good you have backing of an indie to take care of some mechanics. You say more personal... how so? I would be interested in seeing one of your first contact messages. For example is it: “Hi, I am releasing a new single/ep/album and wondered if you would be interested in reviewing it on your blog?” Or similar? Doing homework makes a difference. Connect with the bloggers on social media too. Really, blogger an press and even radio station relationships are often long term relationships. They can take some time to develop... and the initial stages are a bit like getting a first date. You have to be an attractive proposition to them. So why would they choose to write about you? What incentives are there to write about you? You could say it is only going to a select number of blogs, make it feel exclusive. You could highlight how well it is being received, you could mention how you will add their reviews to your social media, mailing list etc for your fans... if you have a lot of fans, all the better. if your answer is “because I write good music” you assume they listen in the first place. Do you have a press kit, an electronic press kit? Do you include press releases? Do you send them a press release first and follow up, or include the press release with your submission. Is your press release customised to the blogger/journo? These guys have deadlines... if you write press releases in a way that encourages the blogger.... say you write it in the style of their reviews, it makes their job easier, and their ability to reach deadlines easier. It also allows you to seed questions, even dictate their review to a degree. It is worth thinking about your angle. What makes you, this project unique? Why should they click links? Press play? Give them reasons! Have got creative with your submission? For example, why not record a video where you explain a little about the song/ep/album and mention how important it is to you and thank them for considering your submission... it’s a great way to come over as personal. There’s other things you can do too. These relationships are important and worth investing in. I will happily interview you for Songstuff, that should help. As a site we really should also do release reviews too, but so far haven’t. Has your label set up many interviews? I should turn this post into an article lol Alternates and remixes... Did you record to a click track? It can rob a little bit of emotion if you are not used to it, but it makes it much easier to remix. As to alternates, why not do exactly what you have but had backing or harmony vocals? Or add some atmospheric, subtle strings etc. Just on extra instrument will add a big dimension. Remixes can be entirely different. Have you recorded videos of ANY kind for each song? Video really is vital these days.
  12. Hi and welcome to the Songstuff family David! Dive right in,
  13. Sounding great Maggie. A few basic questions lol... what is your release plan? Are you doing direct sales? Distributing to download and streaming sites? If so which ones? Who is doing the distribution? Are you registered with a PRO? Have you registered your copyrights? Have you added ISRC codes to the recordings? There are sooooo many other questions What are you doing to market it? What about press and music blogger engagement? BTW, consider doing radio edits for single releases. Ideally about the 3 min mark Really try to avoid anywhere near 4 mins for a single.... you just won’t get any airplay. You can then release the full length tracks as an album release. Have you organised any remixes or alternate mixes? Ok I will shut up now lol
  14. Hey Handoman, welcome to the Songstuff family!
  15. Hey George Welcome to Songstuff Where in Scotland are you based? Cheers John
  16. Very well put together.... of course using such footage it is probably all out of copyright.
  17. Can you expand on this line of thought?
  18. It is pretty easy to use up 33 isrc codes. If you release a song, you might make an release several recordings. A standard recording, a radio edit, an extended version, a remix, an unplugged version... and every one of those recordings gets a different isrc code.
  19. My friend used to work reception in a massage parlour. She played this loudly one Friday night. There were a load of complaints! Lol could have been her laughing more than anything. My mum hated this song for pretty well all the reasons Iloved it
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