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Everything posted by john

  1. Lol Oh to have the time Seriously though, as it looks like I will be getting more time, that can only mean good things for my music! Lol I can’t promise every week, but I hope I can take part when I can
  2. Hey gang I thought it would be nice to post up a link to one of your songs? It would be good to get a feel for the kind of songwriters you are? I am busy recording songs for an EP in April. Meanwhile here is Awaken: Cheers John
  3. If you can get it together to make it a regular feature, I will feature the thread each week in the newsletter. Perhaps it could become a club? Make it public and it could easily be featured :)... just giving you that extra kick! I have a bunch of song challenges, so perhaps your challenges could be themed? With so much on my personal plate I have been too erratic in running the challenges. Nice one Peter.
  4. john


    I just moved a post of yours... a song post to the showcase request board. Is that the post you mean Tim? For clarity that is how that specufic board combination works. The request board is not publicly visible. Members post requests to have their song publicly featured on the Showcase board... because it is a curated board. The Showcase board is publicly visible and will be actively promoted. The act of posting a song as a topic is actively requesting to be featured in the Showcase board. Perhaps it could be changed to leave the original request post and the staff member just reposts the song? It is new, some should expect the process to be refined. Other than that, It is a role of moderation on any board, to move posts and topics to where they best fit. Normally you should be notified by the mod if a move is unexpected. I didn’t notify you because I expected you would have anticipated the move. I will pin a post there explaining the procedure in more detail do there are no surprises. on people leaving I would say our activity levels seem to be about the same... but I do hope that with the changes we make it begins to grow faster. For us all, for the benefit to the community, nothing more. I hope that seems reasonable. If you believe the request process should function differently please please feel free to tell me your ideas for that. I can’t guarantee they would be implemented exactly, but I would very much consider them and implement something that works with all factors.
  5. Hey Noah, good to have you with us
  6. john


    I did did create a set of classified boards, but they just weren’t used. I am not against trying it again if there is an appetite for a classified section
  7. Hey slide Good to have you onboard do you play any instruments? Produce?
  8. Undoubtedly some festivals are are better than others. The prices aren’t all extortionate. Free festivals tend to have much smaller acts, but they are closer to the festivals of my youth. lets face it, some gigs are just extortionate. Take Roger Waters current tour with tickets to my local venue starting at £96. There are much worse.
  9. Playing festival IS fun. Daunting, because you tend to be playing to a larger audience. It even feels weird. There’s normally wind blowing sunshine or rain, or moody clouds (I live in Scotland so rain and clouds is an evens bet ) and then there’s the sound... no reverberation. It’s like Uber-busking! Lol
  10. john


    It’s under the community menu. It was under other features sub menu. So I moved it up a level
  11. Hey gang Do you go to music festivals? Last year I was at the TRNSMT festival in Glasgow to see Radiohead. It was the first festival in a while. I used to love going to festivals. Accessibility is a major issue for me now. I still love going but festivals are just not designed for people with mobility issues.... at least in the U.K. that is finally on the map for discussion. I digress lol any plans for festivals in 2018? I had wanted to go to the next Glastonbury festival, but I doubt I will be able to afford it. Maybe a few smaller festivals will be good. Some of the alternative and free festivals can be good. For me there is something special about a festival. I love gigs full stop, but maybe the whole mass party atmosphere and camping coupled with the journey and a host of bands is just... special. Unless it rains lol then they all become a sweaty mud fest. I have wondered why it is that we don’t have stadium music festivals here. We have stadium gigs.. but they tend to be just normal gigs, in a stadium. Anyhoo. Festivals. Love em. Hate em. Play em. Have at it. Cheers John
  12. Nice voice Mira. Much as I like Whitesnake, I agree with Rob something a bit more contemporary gives you an edge. A bit pitchy at times, a couple of bad habits to work on, but loads of positives there to build on. Do you have a practice regimen? I just mention the singing points because it's not just about what we've got but where we are going Rob nails it right... sing sing and sing some more! Excellent
  13. john


    At at the same time, Songstuff is about more... stuff is a pretty broad term after all. So perhaps it is branding or the presentation... the wrong emphasis is inhibiting a stronger site development? It can always be better, that is for sure!
  14. john


    On the moving up comments... in my experience time passes, membership make up changes in any group on any platform. Songstuff is no different. I know why several of those mentioned are not all that active on Songstuff, and I am not aware that Songstuff itself was at the root of their change of activities. You would be surprised at just how many move on simply because they are less active musically over all. Life and lifestyles change. While Music has been a life long love of mine, I do know how much time I give to it has had to vary. For me I see as a fundamental component of existence. For some others it can be a nice to have or a momentary flirtation... or at least the time they willingly devote to it. It should come as no surprise that creatives are creative in how they express that creativity. Sometimes that balance changes. I am an artist. I write stories. I enjoy other creative pastimes, and sometimes it is good to do something different.
  15. john


    For clarity, the online users you see are those who have been active in the last 15 minutes. Ie you show as logged out 15 minutes after your last action on site. On the very, very, very odd occasion that a member always looked logged in, the6 are probably a bot, or using a bot. As to 2 or 3 members leaving... yet again Mike said he left. Rudi said he was having a break. Jenn has been back on since her break announcement, more than once. In her post she said her reduction in activity was due to creative reasons, not the site. Looking at most visitors, our traffic is slightly better than 3 months ago, and much better than 12 months ago (almost 20% up). Posting stats, our average day is roughly the same as 3 months ago. Members like MP have drifted in and out. Members always have. Partly that goes with their own creativity. Sometimes they are spending time elsewhere. Site registrations are actually better on average too. This isn’t even the first time Rudi has stepped away (as far as I can remember). What we do have here, is a discussion about improving the site, and making it more of the site you want, and more of the site it could be... and that is good. The fact that it has come about because a member leaving has acted to focus on the issues the site has had for 17 years is a good thing. Songstuff offers a lot, but it could be much better too. The big issue has long been that I am the bottle neck... not the concept. Our site was busier 4 years ago, but site instability due to an overloaded server drove people away. I couldn’t afford to upgrade the server, and I was carrying the entire cost of the site. My pocket was the very real bottleneck. It still is... but hopefully that is changing. I am a major bottleneck in several ways. Things are gradually changing there too. It really is the biggest issue. The site needs people to help, volunteers, and eventually perhaps some paid employees at least for the less popular but necessary tasks! Money. Currently money comes from me, donations and some advertising. Eventually it may sell products or services, or take a commission from providing a platform for members to sell recordings etc. Or money from sponsors... but it has to get to a certain level of activity to attract sponsors, and that starts right on that level of traffic that the server I can afford starts to struggle, immediately undermining any potential sponsorship. Typical. This community has so much to offer, and so much more it could. Whatever we plan has to be realistic. It isn’t doom and gloom, but we very much can improve things. There isn’t something inherently wrong... but there are trends we would do well to embrace. There are issues we would do well to address. There is a reality that needs to be dealt with. Most issues, we can sort by pulling together. Most possibilities and options are achievable, should the community want or need to go in a particular direction.... and that that is why this topic is so great.
  16. john


    No, you really don’t lol It was actually created for Tom Collins on Cassie’s suggestion, iirc. During a staff meeting Tom had joked he was just out of bed and sitting naked. At least we thought it was a joke, but you can never be sure with Tommy. After talking of the site we were talking about merch and having a laugh making daft suggestions... at which point Cassie suggested Tommy cover his modesty with a thong and Tommy being Tommy, volunteered to pose for a photo for the newsletter. Yet again we thought he was joking lol So come the next staff meet I showed Tommy the cafe press thong with the Songstuff logo on, and we all laughed some more. Hey at least the staff have a sense of humour! I just never removed it from the cafe press shop LOL I forgot it was there tbh You know deep down you wanted some David. The staff still refer to Tommy as “the naked mod” lol
  17. john


    Hi and welcome to Songstuff Hizz.
  18. This is your first single. Why now? This is something I have wanted to do for a very long time and I now feel that I am comfortable enough with my songwriting to put it out there to be heard. It has also helped working with a producer who understands the music and genre and is in sync with me as an artist. Have you enjoyed the process of making the single? I love the process of making any songs. I have a multitude of ideas a day, so it is good to get even one of them down and see it develop from a seed of an idea, into something that can be fully fleshed out. It’s also nice having someone to bounce ideas off of, something that SongStuff provides in the critique section. Where was it recorded? It was recorded in the Home Studio I have set up and produced in the south of England. I didn’t go there, that is the wonderful thing about technology these days. Was anyone else involved in writing, recording or producing the songs? I wrote and recorded the song, it was produced by an artist by the name of Fused. What has been most challenging? The most challenging thing for me, is me. I need to get past the stage of everything I do I hate. So if I like something, I feel that there must be something there, something to work on and get right. Then I need to get over the hurdle of actually finishing the song. Do you have a favourite song on the album? As this is just a single at the moment, Fused and I discussed which song to work on first. Heroes seemed like a nice song to start my journey with and it was one of my favourite songs I have written. It is not my favourite out of all of them. That will come at some point, but my second favourite of my songs, will be the second single from an EP. Will you be gigging or touring? I have no plans for either, but Fused and I have discussed whether this could be a possibility, so never say never. If the chance arose, I would have to have a serious think about it. Do you have any other plans relating to this release? A video? Online Shows? I had a video made by someone on the Fiverr website and it is on my YouTube channel. I have posted it on Twitter as well. I have no plans for an online show, but I would like to look at expanding on the video aspect going forward. Appearances? None, other than I turn up when I need to - so I suppose that is making an appearance. My wife says it’s nice of me to make an appearance, as she thinks I am always in the studio. Would you have any advice for would-be artists or songwriters wanting to follow in your footsteps? Just watch out for the hurdles I have left behind me to slow you down!! Ha ha, joking. Just believe in your capabilities and practice. Write something everyday if you can, even if it sounds terrible. Keep writing. Keep every little snippet of music or lyric you have written. One day you might turn to it and think that it fits in with another song you are stuck on. As Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush say “Don’t Give Up”. Where can your single be bought? Where can people buy your merch? No merch, but the single is available on all major music platforms including iTunes and Spotify. Amazon seem to be a bit slow, which is strange for them. The song is also on BandCamp and CD Baby. Heroes links https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/heroes-single/1316173982 https://open.spotify.com/album/5mlN2HJLIC8O0a6CKLRDZ2 https://jigsawsequence.bandcamp.com http://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/JigsawSequence
  19. This is your first single. Why now? This is something I have wanted to do for a very long time and I now feel that I am comfortable enough with my songwriting to put it out there to be heard. It has also helped working with a producer who understands the music and genre and is in sync with me as an artist. Have you enjoyed the process of making the single? I love the process of making any songs. I have a multitude of ideas a day, so it is good to get even one of them down and see it develop from a seed of an idea, into something that can be fully fleshed out. It’s also nice having someone to bounce ideas off of, something that SongStuff provides in the critique section. Where was it recorded? It was recorded in the Home Studio I have set up and produced in the south of England. I didn’t go there, that is the wonderful thing about technology these days. Was anyone else involved in writing, recording or producing the songs? I wrote and recorded the song, it was produced by an artist by the name of Fused. What has been most challenging? The most challenging thing for me, is me. I need to get past the stage of everything I do I hate. So if I like something, I feel that there must be something there, something to work on and get right. Then I need to get over the hurdle of actually finishing the song. Do you have a favourite song on the album? As this is just a single at the moment, Fused and I discussed which song to work on first. Heroes seemed like a nice song to start my journey with and it was one of my favourite songs I have written. It is not my favourite out of all of them. That will come at some point, but my second favourite of my songs, will be the second single from an EP. Will you be gigging or touring? I have no plans for either, but Fused and I have discussed whether this could be a possibility, so never say never. If the chance arose, I would have to have a serious think about it. Do you have any other plans relating to this release? A video? Online Shows? I had a video made by someone on the Fiverr website and it is on my YouTube channel. I have posted it on Twitter as well. I have no plans for an online show, but I would like to look at expanding on the video aspect going forward. Appearances? None, other than I turn up when I need to - so I suppose that is making an appearance. My wife says it’s nice of me to make an appearance, as she thinks I am always in the studio. Would you have any advice for would-be artists or songwriters wanting to follow in your footsteps? Just watch out for the hurdles I have left behind me to slow you down!! Ha ha, joking. Just believe in your capabilities and practice. Write something everyday if you can, even if it sounds terrible. Keep writing. Keep every little snippet of music or lyric you have written. One day you might turn to it and think that it fits in with another song you are stuck on. As Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush say “Don’t Give Up”. Where can your single be bought? Where can people buy your merch? No merch, but the single is available on all major music platforms including iTunes and Spotify. Amazon seem to be a bit slow, which is strange for them. The song is also on BandCamp and CD Baby. Heroes links https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/heroes-single/1316173982 https://open.spotify.com/album/5mlN2HJLIC8O0a6CKLRDZ2 https://jigsawsequence.bandcamp.com http://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/JigsawSequence View full interview
  20. john


    It is,nonetheless, a good conversation to have Necessary.
  21. john


    1948, the race is on! Mwuahahaha
  22. Why this album? Why now? Fairytales and Fears is in many ways a reaction to my previous album (Paper Thunderstorm). That album had more people involved, and and co-ordinating everything added time and a bit stress to every stem, so it was released nearly two years after I had originally planned. I kept writing songs through all of that, partly to stay sane! Have you enjoyed the process of making the album? I loved making this album, from start to finish. Part of that was the flexibility of doing more things myself. But also the style of the music was something I really needed: time to think, time for introspection. Even the more energetic songs come from that same place - Carcassonge's inspiration came while playing board games with family, and Lazarus by leaving a job that was stressing me out. Where was it recorded? I recorded the whole thing at home. I don't have a fancy studio setup, I have a small collection of kit that I like and that feels familiar (a Zoom H6, an AKG C1000S, and a pair of Rode NT1-As). A studio engineer could tell me all the ways the sound could be improved, and when I get a dedicated music space next year I'll put all that into practice - but for this project, I was happy to just use what I had. Was anyone else involved in writing, recording or producing the songs? It wasn't a completely solo effort - the most obvious element is the cello featured on four of the tracks, which was performed by Alison Berry. My sister also co-wrote the lyrics to Carcassonge, and that was a really good collaboration. What has been most challenging? The most challenging bit was probably recording the vocals, but not for reasons I expected. I was in the first few months of a new job, which was a bit tiring - it turns out most steps I could still do while a bit tired, but performing vocals wasn't as forgiving. Do you have a favourite song on the album? It's hard to pick a favourite song from the album, but there's definitely one which is the most personal. I Just Know is the closest to a classic love song I've written, and it's still a little apocalyptic. However, it was inspired very genuinely by my partner - and even though I'm really happy with how it came out on the album, the truest version was the one I performed at our wedding. A close second is Good Examples, which is about my problems with the rules of conventional masculinity. Will you be gigging or touring? I've only fairly recently been putting proper effort into getting my music and my name out there. I realised that I want to share it, that I want people to enjoy it, so I'm straying outside of my comfort zone (which is creating music) and trying to perform more. One of the goals of this album was to create songs which I could plausibly perform live by myself. Would you have any advice for would-be artists or songwriters wanting to follow in your footsteps? I'm not sure what advice I could give for anyone else making music. I spent most of my time doing only what felt natural - that's not really a good route to building an audience who will appreciate what you're doing, though! So I guess the only advice I'd have is: get yourself out there earlier than I did. Make sure someone knows your name, even if at first it's just as "the person who performed after me a that open-mic night yesterday". Where can your album be bought? Fairytales and Fears is on Bandcamp, Spotify, Amazon Music, and many other online services.
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