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My First Post - Sunfighter


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Hello everyone, I have just registered and this is my first post.

I am 42, in the UK and I'm a very amateur songwriter/musician. I have been playing the guitar and keyboards since my teens but I only started writing songs about 3 years ago, so I left it pretty late.

I have a simple recording setup (Cubase, guitars, keyboard, electronic drum kit) and I have produced 5 finished songs in the last 3 years, though I do seem

to be getting a bit quicker!

I have been playing my finished songs to my friends to varying degrees of enthusiasm. Some are very supportive as they are trying to do the same as me,

while many are just not interested. As they don't write/record they have no idea how difficult it is turning a blank sheet of paper into a recording. And

while I'm very amateur at this I don't think they realise how much it means to me.

And so the reason I'm posting here is that I'm looking for a community of likeminded people who understand what the other members are trying to do and are supportive. I know I'll never do this professionally and that only very few people will ever hear what I've done. I also know that compared what a lot of you are doing it probably sounds pretty poor, but it's important to me to do it, and I'm hoping to receive a bit of feedback, encouragement and hopefully do the same for everyone else on here.

As you can probably guess my confidence in what I'm doing is still very fragile and I suppose I just need to know it's worth persevering with!

Anyway, I'm sorry for rambling but I thought I'd try to expain where I am coming from. I have posted my songs on an online network but I'll post the link


Thanks for reading.

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Welcome Sunfighter ... you are in the right place mate. Many of us here are in the same boat so don't be afraid to post your music. Advice is always given freely so anything you need to know is here. What matters most is that you ARE doing it ... and you get that buzz from writing and performing your own music!

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:) Welcome to Songstuff. Some of us haven't written anything for a long time. But we still keep pluggin away! I'm sure you'll get lots of useful help and advice here. Where in the UK are you?

Hi everyone, and thanks for your messages.

I'm in Cheshire (originally from Lancashire), but I'd much rather be in Devon!

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Hi Sunfighter

Welcome to Songstuff - this is a really friendly forum, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'm very new myself and it took me ages to pluck up the courage to join - I'm so glad I did it's becoming quite addictive! As for lack of confidence - I can sooo understand where you're coming from, there are so many talented people on here - I haven't yet taken the plunge and posted any of my lyrics but I'm really going to try and be brave and put one on today. If I can do it - so can you! Hope to see some of your stuff real soon - and anything that comes from the heart and gives you enjoyment is worth persevering with!

By the way, where in the UK are you from?

Debs x

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Grab an oar mate, we're all in the same boat :boat:

As far as fragile egos go (sorry, EGO's), we are an Honest bunch, so expect some ideas on how to improve your work, but we are all Friends here so Rock on!! [smiley=bounce.gif]


Again, thanks to everyone for your warm welcome. It seems like a very friendly community and I'm looking forward to hanging around...[smiley=rockin.gif]

I bit the bullet and posted a song in this thread...

Mona Lisa Eyes. I'd really appreciate some feedback.

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