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Hello people....I'm Justin from Jackson/Philadelphia, MS. I'm 20 and I've been playing music since the age of six. No, my childhood wasn't exactly normal :D all of my dad's family are musicians and I fell into that mold when I started living with him. I'm primarily a drummer, but I aslo sing and play guitar, bass, and piano with differing levels of profiency....picked up banjo several months ago when I had some extra money. It's really not that hard. I do some producing for local bands and try to help them get gigs at local venues and some outside of the state. That's basically the music side of me in a nutshell

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I write and play. I have several notebooks filled with lyrical ideas and poems and one of my hard drives is used just for ideas that I record, usually on guitar, and usually acoustic. I'll gladly try to help anyone with writing. Just let me know what style you're looking for...and I must say this is definitely one of the friendliest boards I've posted on in a while :D Kudos to you guys

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Ok, I'm sure it's been debated ad infinitem(sp) but is music inherited? I have known several familys who were all musicians. Yet I've seen other cases where someone just develops talent (it could have been there in the others just not expressed.) Then theres me, I have relatives who are talented musicians, I want to be musical but so far .... From the outside it always appears easy, I know that even in these cases where its a family thing it takes lots of work an practice. If desires enough I'll make it.


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I think it is, but there's always the chance for a mutation in a generation, or some genes for it may well skip a generation, or even people who belong to an outwardly non-musical family might belong to parents and siblings who just haven't tried music, aren't interested or didn't get the chance.

Personally I am also from a musical family - my dad used to mend instruments for a 'living' (doesn't pay very well apparently!) and used to teach various instruments. Everyone in my immediate family plays at LEAST one instrument.


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I think it is, but there's always the chance for a mutation in a generation, or some genes for it may well skip a generation, or even people who belong to an outwardly non-musical family might belong to parents and siblings who just haven't tried music, aren't interested or didn't get the chance.

Personally I am also from a musical family - my dad used to mend instruments for a 'living' (doesn't pay very well apparently!) and used to teach various instruments. Everyone in my immediate family plays at LEAST one instrument.


I think it is to , on My Mom's side everyone is musical, and quite a few on my Dad's side. One of my cousins sons is the Bass player for White Chapel (not my style but hey he got to play in the Cave in Liverpool already) He's livin the dream and well I'm dreamin the someting...


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