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Hello, Simple And Feint.


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Good Evening, Morning, or Afternoon wherever you may be. Good to you!

I am not one of experience, history or any great ideas. To be honest, I have no idea what I am doing. Recently thoughts have been my addiction, and expression has been it's physical response to it.

I have a vivid imagination, some of the things I write may be shocking, or at times serine. Nothing is ever revoltingly distasteful, but a little salty at times? Yea. Most times my thoughts put into words have no other meaning than the words read. I am not a musician, I've never written a song. Many poems, but most poems are hard to fit into song form. Pieces can be taken from many things, before 1 song finds its way complete.

The thing that I think is beautiful about a song that strikes you just right? It hits the right part of your heart and your mind, and rings something either true to you or a deep care for someone you know. We have some amazing artists in this world, they sing beautiful words. I just wonder, the thoughts I tweet, write in random emails, sent indirectly or not. I just wonder, will I ever hear them taken, and turned into words from someone else...instead of my own mind hearing them over and over again in my own way. I don't listen to music for just the beat, the words are most important. The beat in my opinion is just the paper for those hearing the words...those words being placed on the "paper beat" need to be in the right spots in order for it to be complete. Just because the beat is good, doesn't mean it is good for the words.

One word can change someones life, what word that may be? I don't know. It's what we hope singers will continue to do, sing, write, experience life and put it down where another might just see it or hear it. We all have something special in us, it's trying to determine what it is, and why it is there. Once you figure it out, the questions still don't end....but enjoy the ride, take what you will out of it, leave what you dont. Someone else may want it, nothing is wasteful,

Long post about nothing really =). Just a Hello, and blabbering thoughts.


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Thank you all for the warm welcome,

Justsoulin, thank you, I will definitely check out the poets corner. I know that I have a lot of work to do on my lyrical placement. Poetry is something that, for me anyway, has always flowed easy. I really want to merge into creating beautiful songs. Hard part for me is that my mind only thinks of the words. I have never been one to think of a melody to make the words flow, or musically talented to bring a beat to the words thought.

Anyone think of a computer program out there where music can be cut and pasted to make a beat? If such a thing exists.

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I honestly don't think it is as simple as cut and paste. Head on over to the "recording industry technology" section and start reading up.

If you've an IPhone or android phone, search online for music making apps. You can get free loops off the web, but then you need an app to put it into to begin making a cohesive sound (like a DAW). There's "Band in a Box". It all depends what you have to begin with (PC specs) and if you are willing to pay for software or go the free way.

I'd say, TBH, you need to spend a while first just researching online and honing down what it really is you want to do. But take some time to go through the lyric section to get some grounding and background on structure etc.

And pls remember, we can help a lot but it really is down to you to do the leg work initially.

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