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In the times I have checked in I have only ever see anyone in the chat room one time ........ the site owner has given e everyone hear a great way to meet other writers , ask questions in real time, and discuss songs etc ...... its possible I am missing something here, as I am almost always on a cell phone when I check in here ...... but I can promise you the chat room here could be one of the best resources on here if people word show up here, instead of watching TV in the evenings ....... I will give you a real life example ...... I joined a very very big and popular songwriting organization many hears ago as a general member, and started going into the chat room there .......one of the requirement to become one of the leaders of the workshops presented in most countries and every state here in the USA, was you first be a member for one year. ........ thru the chatroom and talking about songs I met other leaders line .... I was only a member 3 .months ,didn't know that requirement and was turned down as a workshop leader.....BUT due to them getting together and emailing the president I was offered the state leadership anyways ........ now at least 20 years later I've been living in Nashville 10 yes ..... and out of the 20 regulars in that chat room back then , 15 of them are also living in Nashville and working at, or on songwriting ....... some of them are now publishers or song pluggers or other titles .... and I still see them around or write if play with em sometimes ..... great friends and all people that met in that one chatroom 20/25 years ago ...... k think sometimes an example like this makes a better point than just saying " go to the. Chat room" ........ if anyone sees this and thinks its listed in the wrong place please fix it ...... the chatroom is a great thing that needs to be utilized

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I was sure I had replied to this...


The chat room is a very useful and much underused feature.


The chatroom can be used for a variety of useful purposes from pre-arranged meetings, to rapid fire on-topic chat, group based chats, live coordination of your promotion activities across the web (also very useful to use along with a and specific group to help your promo!) and of course workshops and general chat.


I can only echo what midnighthowler suggests.


To that end, I would be very interested in any of you who would be interested in running regular sessions in the chat room, helping with or running workshops etc. I would be very happy to provide what support I can and look at tools to help (although I think our groups feature is very useful as a start).


If you are interested please PM me and we can arrange a discussion on exactly how Songstuff and it's talented members can help provide help where writers really need it,

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  • 1 month later...

Midnighthowler and John, I just have to add to your posts here because it does bear some thought. I DID meet someone in the chat room that is now a co-writing partner. I have only shared my "songs that are in the works" with one or two other Songstuffers (you like that John? Songstuffers...LOL. I do!)


I like the idea of "A Session in the Songstuff Chat Room!" We could have a set time, maybe once a month with a different topic per chat and get some live interaction.

Some one with a big following could get this started. Some of the names that come to mind are TomCollins, Hobosage, ClaireCreekProject, Rudi, Snabbu, and LookNGlass... (I'm sure there are more but these are the ones I see most activily posting) 


The time differences always makes it difficutl but I would try to attend sessions it if I could.


Additional Ideas:

Anyone interested in attending could maybe supply a list of 5 topics they'd like to see in the sessions to get us started?

We could have different hosts each month?

John or one of the moderators could invite Noobs as they come in as part of the "Hi and Welcome to Songstuff" message. (or is that to pushy?)


anyway, these are my thoughts for the moment...

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Hey Lisa


Good ideas all. We have 10,000 Songstuffers! (yes it's a word i use reasonably regularly, it works for me! lol)


We could have a "Songstuffer's Monthly Meet" to talk about the business of songwriting


Midnighthowler, Skylark and myself are currently discussing puting together some Songwriting Workshops that would no doubt use the chat room. Please vote in the topic asking about it in the Songwriting Discussion board.


I don't think your noob suggestion is too pushy at all :)





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Whenever I see the flag on (and I am at home, it doesn't work for me at work) I pop on. I've had a few good chats with peeps from all over the world. Heytheremary and I met specifically at a prearranged time once to work on one of her lyrics, so it is something that can be a great tool.


There's probably no point to it at the moment, but if it does get really well utilised perhaps down the track multiple rooms could be available, but as I said, that is down the road a ways.



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