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Death Of A Collaborator


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  • Noob

Howdy all!


I was just going through some recordings I made some 20 years ago with my friend on my old 4-track in my mom's garage. He was very creative and later developed into a good songwriter. We recorded a bunch of stuff together, writing words and music and recording them all within a few hours. My friend died in 2009, and now, listening to those old tracks, I know he would have liked for them to be heard. He told me so. For most of them, there was no one else involved but us 2.


What can I do copyright-wise? I would like to register some of those songs, but with him as co-author or in some cases sole author. Can I do that in the name of a dead person who was not a relative of mine?? I still talk with his family often and I know they'd help too, if that would make any difference.


Later, he formed his own group without me and wrote much more serious songs. They made an album, but I'm sure he never registered any copyright. Years later he told me that if I knew any way of publicizing or selling those songs, he would go along with anything. I wouldn't want to make any profit from them, but it would be nice for that music to be available for people to hear today. In this case, all of the other 4 musicians are still alive but I have only maintained contact with one of them. I think he was the sole author of all songs, but they are on the recordings.

If anyone knows the intricacies of these kinds of things, I'd appreciate some guidance. To me it seems like it would be hopelessly complicated to get all these things formalized, but I don't know.


Thank ye!


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