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The Perching Of The Two Black Birds - Creative, Short-Essay


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Hey Everyone!


As i stated in my introduction post, I have a few samples of my writing that i want you guys to judge. Please be honest and let me know how this essay "hit" you. I would appreciate the up-most honesty.


PS: If anyone could help me in creating a song with the content, it's something i've been struggling with for a while and could use some assistance! thanks!


The Perching of the Two Black Birds

On September 11 two black birds perched themselves into two identical trees.
This is the story…

On the 82nd floor everything was quiet. Silence was as if God had appeared and everyone was praying. All that was ruckus was the silent blow of the winds, and the creaking and plying of the papers emerging from the printers. Also the furious click-click sounds of the innocent Americans, the innocent family members. Rain? No. Snow? No.
What a peaceful morning. You could still smell the fresh coffee brewing and the beautiful scent of a woman's perfume that filled the air with such greatness. It was another day at that horrible place called work. Filled with people wishing that instead of slaving over a computer or talking on a phone they could spend that day with their family. With the silence of church and the smell of a doughnut shop that grandma use to take you to every morning it was the "perfect" morning. Then as we were sitting there in peace a dark cloud paned over the building, then with the force of a Mac truck a large object hit. The power went out. Screams of horror. Screams so full of rage and sadness, as if a young child was coughing blood. Screams that yelled something that affected my family and me forever. A plane had crashed into the building. Stumbling for a light or some source of life my mind flashed pictures of my child, my wife, my only family. At that point nothing in the world looked so beautiful. These thoughts ran through my mind as I was now tripping down the stairs, pushing into people that were screaming. Then the alarms that screamed murder. The squealing of the many vehicles that realize the monstrous events. Now I run to the eighty-first floor and stop. I remember to relax and breathe and in that second that the tower fell so many thoughts ran through my mind. The color of my wife's eyes, that brown tint. The hair that I used to glide my hand through, only to feel how soft and silky that it was. Holding her in my arms when she cried when her mother died. The way she looked when she walked down the stairs at her house the night of the prom. When she called me in high school crying about how her boyfriend broke up with her. Reassuring her, my wife but most of all, my best friend, that everything would be ok. My son's laugh when silly noises were made. His way of being funny. The throwing of food on the floor while laughing. Holding him when I, his father, had to break the news of his grandmothers death. Watching his lips quiver and his crying saying, 'I want grandma', knowing that she was never coming back. Bringing him to the park every Sunday. Watching him slide down that slide with his hair flying in the air and that smile that will never be thrown from my memory. Telling him everyday how much I love him and how proud that I am of him. Now knowing that my son, my only child would be with out a father for the rest of his life. Picturing his face. Nothing and no one looked as beautiful as they did at that moment. Then in the darkness I said to them that everything would be ok and that I would look down on them, and not to lose faith.

My life was over in a matter of 5 minutes.

                                              The day two black birds rested on their trees. America's trees.

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