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Merry Christmas With My New Song


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Hello, I would love to share my new song with you. It's my first song after long time... Hope you will like it

Merry Christmas



Edited by tunesmithth
all fixed, but you really need to list the lyrics in your post and give folks an idea of what specifics you'd like feedback on. If you're simply wanting to share, this is the wrong section for that.
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1. Love the rhythm

2. Maybe a little louder on the snare (sounds like a brush was used on the snare? or just EQing it higher at around 5K). Nitpicking.

3. Vocal= well EQed.

4. Vocal= correctly compressed

5. Excellent BVs.  From all aspects.  

5b. Guitars= excellently imaged.  Including the bass.  My HD 650s are going crazy with sounds coming from "all dimensions"  :)

6. I like the melody.  Very much actually.

7. Vocal= very well DeEssed.  Whoever mixed this song knows what they're doing.

8. The only thing I dont like is the ending.  Too abrupt, so many other alternative endings would sound better.  Even fading out :)

9.  I hear some room for improvement with respect to the kick drum.  A more pronounced 50 to 300 cycles will benefit the song.  This can possibly be achieved on the master buss, but having direct access to the kick track itself will have better results probably.


Great song.  Great mix.

Edited by GiMusicProductions
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Thank you all and specially thank you Gabriel for your suggestions... you right about the kick drum  that it needs improvement a bit..


the true about this song is that I've recorded it in 2 hours. I don't record covers normally, I compose my own music and songs. Unfotunately this year there was no time for music (I work as a cook in a restaurant 12hours everyday) and any of my songs would take too much time to record, produce etc. but I wanted to do some song for Christmas, well I decided to record this extremely simple track at least. I didn't play with arrangements and so... as well the video was made in haste, edited by myself.. and the camera guy was tottaly unexperienced :) but I'm hapy I could do some song after long time :)

Edited by Jirka
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Thank you all and specially thank you Gabriel for your suggestions... you right about the kick drum  that it needs improvement a bit..


the true about this song is that I've recorded it in 2 hours. I don't record covers normally, I compose my own music and songs. Unfotunately this year there was no time for music (I work as a cook in a restaurant 12hours everyday) and any of my songs would take too much time to record, produce etc. but I wanted to do some song for Christmas, well I decided to record this extremely simple track at least. I didn't play with arrangements and so... as well the video was made in haste, edited by myself.. and the camera guy was tottaly unexperienced :) but I'm hapy I could do some song after long time :)

Hey sure, you're welcome.  I just heard the song again, on monitor speakers this time (last night it was after hours so I used headphones) and also today I watched the video (yesterday I was writing as I was listening and was not watching the video).


Let me add that the solo I love and this guy "can play the guitar" :)

Also, you look like someone who should be in front of the camera. You like like a music star :)  Hey, everything counts :)


Too bad to hear you're busy with something else cos I think you could do music 100% under the right circumstances.


However I am wondering:


How did you guys do the harmonies?  Was it just you, or others also (like the video shows).  Who edited the song and do you know any of the tools used?  Where did the drums come from?  Where they real drums in a studio or a hardware/software product?

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Thanks again Gabriel, I did all the recording, mixing and editing.. I also played the rhythm guitar and dubbed the vocal including all the harmonies. The other guy who plays the solo he is a famous and legendary guitarist in my country, he's my neigbhour and good friend. 
I use Nuendo and couple of plugins for editing and mixing. like my favourite RVox, CL76, fab filter EQ, marroquin-reverb, C4 multiband comp etc for mastering voxengo elephant limiter and SSL comp. I think for this track I only added the limiter on the master nothing else. I use Rode mic and Golden age mic which is very cheap but excelent mic made in Sweden :)
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Thanks again.. I have one question. You all are native English speakers and I'm wondering how did you find my english accent in my song. Does it sound too exotic? I'm from Czech and my English is not perfect but I love singing in English. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I, for one, would like a very detailed "production breakdown" of how you put together both the song and the video.


Because – let's face it – this (including the video) is commercial-grade stuff.  If you can do this, then unless you are the executive chef at that restaurant, you're in the wrong business.    :drums:

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