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So this cooking job is looking better then the last two.  But it's starting to run me ragged.  I'll have a 10-2 morning shift then a 4-close (usually 10 or 11 evening shift on regular occasion.  Along with trying to put work in at the software company which is usually a little before I go in during the morning.  A little between shifts and a little when I get home.  Job security in my cooking position seems reliant on others leaving.  I hope I don't reach a burn out level too soon.  


As much as everyone is nice to me and makes me feel wanted needed I still have aspirations to make better money be it staying or going.  I can't say for certain but I think that's why we have a staffing problem.  People have asked for more and then are told to wait and see and give it time....With winter around the corner staying is my only option for now.  Come spring I'll be reviewing my options.



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So this cooking job is looking better then the last two.  But it's starting to run me ragged.  I'll have a 10-2 morning shift then a 4-close (usually 10 or 11 evening shift on regular occasion.  Along with trying to put work in at the software company which is usually a little before I go in during the morning.  A little between shifts and a little when I get home.  Job security in my cooking position seems reliant on others leaving.  I hope I don't reach a burn out level too soon.  


As much as everyone is nice to me and makes me feel wanted needed I still have aspirations to make better money be it staying or going.  I can't say for certain but I think that's why we have a staffing problem.  People have asked for more and then are told to wait and see and give it time....With winter around the corner staying is my only option for now.  Come spring I'll be reviewing my options.



10 to 11 hour days is a lot.

I do 11 to 12 hour shifts, but only work 4 days a week. Also, everything over 9 1/4 hrs is overtime for me.

I imagine you are doing 5 or 6 days a week?

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It's not all 10 to 12 hour days and it's a six day week. The last two days I had 5 hour shifts. However the next three will be 11 hour shifts in the restaurant.  Support is catch as catch can. Sometimes it only adds up to an hour to three a day.  Because I'm salary it doesn't matter so long as everything I need to do is done.   


In years gone by I used to work two jobs one was 35 hrs a week and the other was 40.  I did it and felt like a robot after awhile.

I don't think I'll be able to coordinate a straight schedule at the restaurant after the support job is gone.  I do expect that more workers will be hired in the near future so that will affect my cooking schedule as well.   I believe even if more staff are hired I should be able to keep the roof over my head just by working at the restaurant.  It's impractical for me to look for a second job. 

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Being awake with insomnia and bored, I decided to check out the SongStuff "Merch."  Now I'll never be able to sleep again, because I can't stop wondering who may have purchased and might even be wearing a Songstuff thong.



Cough cough cough Tommy Collins cough cough


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  • 2 weeks later...

We lost two "core" employees this week.....and due to unforeseen reasons my tech job has jumped from 20 to 35 hours a week.  The problem is the tech job is salary.  I'm trying to get as much pay out of them in the next month because come nov 30 it's lights out. 


As well I'm incurring a lot of expenses from no where making my goals harder to achieve. Everytime I turn around there is a new expense nickel and diming me to death.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And now we've hired 6 more kitchen employees and my hours are being hacked to death.  As well apparently asking for insurance is a no no.  I've worked 40+ hours a week since I started which means as an employer they have to provide me with insurance.  They don't have to pay for the insurance they simply have to get me on a plan where I pay the insurance.   So I've had to go out and find my own health insurance of which I'm hoping the response will come quickly.  Now that I have to pay for insurance and I don't get a group rate discount (like you are supposed to when you work for a company)  It has pushed me beyond my means.  So I'll have to find another job, possibly two in order to survive.  


On the plus side of things I'll need a car and I just might be able to afford one in the short term.  Hopefully it will be long enough to find two jobs so I can pay for my health and car insurance and feed myself with.



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On to some more positive things....

I've finally got health insurance however the documentation won't arrive for 3 weeks.  I can't survive financially with health insurance but I need it for taxes.  My employer wouldn't offer it to me (which is kinda illegal) so I had to go out and find my own.  The ACA (also known as Obamacare) doesn't offer single payer.  Instead it makes each state "Pair" clients and providers.  In Michigan this is done via MiBridges.  I've been fighting with MiBridges for the better part of a year trying to get health care.  I finally gave up and went searching for health care providers online and found "Temporary" health insurance at 200 a month.  This is way beyond what I can pay and half as much as it would cost for me to insure myself with full.  I'm approved but it will take three weeks for the final completion.


Meanwhile .... I got a car.  One of my sisters was kind enough to allow me to buy a car in her name.  The reason for this is I've not been driving for many a year.  As a result that means I go into the high risk drivers pool even though I've had a clean record for the past 30 years.  Another reason is that while I do finally have health insurance I've yet to receive the paperwork.  


I just got home from driving around town. Drove around my old stomping ground, then decided to quit while I was ahead.  There's still much for me to do including.... Look for another job.  Now that I can drive I can be more choosy about the place I work.  


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Great news about the car. Sometimes just driving around actually helps clear your mind. Yeah, health insurance. I truly don't know how they're getting away with that whole scam. I'm baffled.  

That is all great news though, good luck with finding a new job. Are you only looking at restaurants or are you looking for a tech job. I would figure you wouldn't have any trouble getting a tech job nowadays. 

Edited by Just1L
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Oddly I've had more doors slammed in my face in the tech field then I can shake a stick at.  About the only thing I haven't tried is Data Entry.  Most data entry jobs locally are very low paying with the exception of medical.  That's another job market which has been swallowed whole by India.  As a whole the software field is dying.  The only consumer software market still thriving is ... Music creation software.  I've built a few softsynths in the past but it's not my forte.  While Native Instruments is hiring the only thing I'm qualified for is an internship.  Working for free for two years really doesn't interest me.

I'm going back to cooking.  It's a field I know well and it gets me out in the public.  Cooking even at a very busy restaurant has a social aspect to it that you can't get in office work.  The food is usually free or at a deep discount and it keeps me physically active. I'm not the athletic minded type and I could use the activity.


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Oddly I've turned into a hand to the wheel and nose to the grindstone type guy.  Seems like whenever I have an idle moment my boss wants me to clean something not in my department.  Still it's nice to converse with my coworkers.


So it has been seven days of owning the car.  And on the 6th it died on me.  Saturday night I cut my finger doing food prep. Sunday I went to a blues jam but couldn't play because of the finger.  Still it was good seeing an old friend and the band put on a great show.  On the way home.... My car died.  No apparent reason it just stalled and I couldn't restart it.  Called a friend for a jump, that didn't work.  Had the car towed.  And now I'm waiting for the garage that sold me the car to open.  They should fix it without charging me.



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I paid for the car from the garage.  The relative (sister) is listed as the purchaser of record on the title.  Here's why.  In order to get car insurance one must have health insurance first.  What is supposed to happen (even if they employer doesn't pay for it) is that the employer signs the employee up for health insurance and then either the employer (as a benefit) pays the insurance or the employer withdraws the amount for the insurance from the payroll check...


Well, my employer refused to offer me insurance (either way) so I had to go out and buy my own health insurance separately.  But....It takes about three to four weeks of processing until I have the proof of health insurance.  My sister already has health insurance and car insurance on another car.  So if the car is put in her name and I pay her to pay for the insurance. It's not only cheaper it's also a faster way for me to get into a car.


The odd part about car insurance.  I have no points on my record.  I've had no points on my record since 1985. But because I was without a car,  auto insurance companies can put me into "the pool" (of high risk drivers) which means the rates skyrocket.


The news of the day is no news.  Apparently it's one of the computers but they don't know which one. So they have to pull the computers out and test them to find the one that isn't functioning. 

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Car insurance companies aren't on my favorites list.

We had four cars which would qualify us for a reduced rate for insuring multiple cars with the same company. We sold one of them which  should have made our rates much lower, but instead the rates stayed the same. The company found some other reason to keep the rates up. It sometimes seems they pull numbers out of thin air in attempting to justify the cost. If you don't have any points  it would seem they are putting you into the young inexperienced driver group, which really isn't fair since you have driven and you are more experienced. JMO. I think really the numbers can move, but they choose to put you in a place where it helps them make the most money.

I wasn't aware that you need health insurance in order to get car insurance. I see this as yet another way for the government to get more control. Even though health insurance is a good idea, if I don't want insurance I shouldn't be forced to get it since it is a product for sale and the same should apply to auto insurance. If I don't want it or can't afford it why must I be forced to have it?  In the southern states inspection isn't necessary, but here where I live you need to have a car inspected once a year to legally drive it on the road. To me inspection makes more sense as something that should be required for safety reasons, yet here in the US you can drive a car in Georgia with the muffler cobbled together with bailing wire and no turn signals and if the cops don't see it you can get away with it.No telling what you'll see on the road down there and if you're visiting watch out because the vehicles driving with you might not be safe. Pretty soon it's be like India down there. You might see a guy hauling a goat on his motorcycle, but at least we'll all be insured.




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