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I don't know whether to just jump right in with whats going on, or make a topic in another thread specific to my questions, so I will just put the basics here. I used to be in a band about 20 years ago. I played synthesizer. So recently I  have just been itching to play again, with the plan of just working at home to see if I could put stuff together electronically, without the drama and bull that comes with working with a bunch of creative types that cannot get along.


So I saw an ad for a nice affordable little synth that was way more powerful than anything I had, and that made the decision for me. So it showed up, and i started toying with it, and I was off. It came with Ableton live 9 (lite which is working for now as a way to learn and get started) and every day I am more amazed by that software. So here is the problem, I have created one piece, what it has turned into is not what it started out to be, at first it was going to be mainstream, or I wanted it to be, but like authors say, "the story wrote itself"and I was just along for the ride. I am sure it is becoming what it is supposed to be, I am pretty sure of that. Back to the problem, I need some constructive criticism, and I can't get anyone to listen to it and tell me what they really think, I think they don't want to hurt my feelings or something. So please, can some one listen to this and tell me anything you think, good or bad. Oh like I say it started out mainstream, I think it is  changing to like a scene music piece for TV or movie, I have no idea



Edited by Kaalypso
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Kaalyspso, your first instinct is correct. I would use this thread you introduce yourself. Then I would post your soundcloud link with critiquing questions on the board for Sound and recording critique. We've got some fine musicians here and I'm sure they are going to give you their honest opinion. Be sure to fill in how you like to get critiqued on your profile. I personally don't like to get "Both Barrels" I like "Detailed" This will help members communicate with you in the way you like.

If I can help in any way let me know!

Welcome and see you on the boards!

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LOL, it is cropped down, the words around him say "How fascinating, Please tell me more" Thanks for your comment on my conglomeration of whatever it is, that actually means a lot to me

K, the saying makes your cat even funnier! I love soundcloud as you can tell from mine. I too appreciate your comments on my song. Sometimes one word it all it takes! ;-)

I see Justsoulin is cleaning up and making you look good on the boardss. We are all pretty close and you'll find some good friends here. I stalk a few myself!!! lol

See you on the boards!


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Its good to find nice people, I haven't been excessively trolled yet, that's like an internet record.


Justsoulin needs less cattle prod, more velvet whip, I may never get these burn marks out of my fur...hehe


But I suppose someone has to keep the substance crazed monkey population in check

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