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I go by moptop and I an new to this forum.  I am a amatrure song writer.  I play several instruments and I am also a singer/rhythm guitarist in a rock/country cover band.  I record my originals at home in my small but adequate studio and sing and perform all the instrumental parts myself. I am using what some might call an outdated DAW called Cool Edit Pro 2.0 which works perfectly on my older desktop.   I am an home appliance repair technician my day.  I am probably much older that most on this forum and my song writing style reflects that, 60's-70's kinda stuff.  Although I do make and honest effort to listen to others compositions, I sometimes don't post many replies about them due time constraints.  I hope this is something that won't be held against me.  Anyway I hope that this is a place where I can fit in and I will make constructive contributions when I can.


Take care, Moptop

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Hey RobAsh15,  thanks for the welcome message.  It's great to now know that there are other members in my age bracket. I'm 59 and do not feel like i've begun to scratch the surface of what I want to do musically.  I didn't pick up the guitar until I was 19 and then didn't start to take it seriously until I went through a sh**ty divorce at 30. It had a good outcome by giving the time to delvelop some "band skills".  I've been playing regularly ever since.

If I could ask you a question, how does this board handle it's mp3 tracks?  Can I U/L them directly to the board or do I have to host the somewhere else like soundcloud and then just post a link?  I was not able to figure that out by looking through the FAQ's.  


Appreciate the welcome and the info.


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Hobosage,  Thanks very much for the info.  So I take it take anything uploaded here has to be downloaded before it can be played? That's ok with me.Fro some reason Soundclown doesn't seem to like my computer or browser.  It just will not stream anything.  I end up having to d/l it to play it.


Thanks again

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I have another question.  I was in the showcase section and wanted to post a comment to a members song but I could not find the "submit reply" button.  Am I not allowed to post in that section?



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