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4 minutes ago, symphonious7 said:

Oh man, can I like a post twice??  That's exactly the thing I'm talking except because I'm hyper and reeeeeally interested in what I'm thinking about, I kept noticing how I was always dominating conversation, steering it into what I thought was exciting and the people would look.... overwhelmed and a little... "Dude I just wanted to chat..."  But yeah I get it now, not everything is worth saying right then, and I think I'm finding that balance of giving in put without being like "I'LL TAKE IT FROM HERE GUYS" and zooming passed them 100 mph lol

 Some personality types are in a constant state of sensory overload. You have so much coming in from everywhere and you're analyzing all of it at once. At least this is what it kinds sounds like to me.By the time they've talked about it on the surface you might have had a half dozen thoughts on it and are probably eager to say something. OTOH, they didn't want to really want get that deep. They are content to make small talk. Might not have the interest to pursue the subject deeper. You might be stewing on it for the next 5 hours. Am I close? Do you get frustrated with the superficial nature of most conversations?  Sometimes I think , why say anything at all? None of it really means anything. You had your dog to the vet, that's great. And if someone asks you how you're doing, we know what happens if we really tell them ;)

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@starise my friend it's like you just drew a map of my brain hahahaha yes, we have identified exactly what it was that had me so convinced I was arrogant haha  See when I USED to be arrogant, I really DID kinda... think I was pretty great for thinking on such a "higher" level, and could often times like... I dunno I was just acting like I was sooooo cool.  But the very fact I was worried about it and trying to learn to listen should have shown me it's not arrogance this time around, just an unsatisfied overactive brain.  lol  False alarm guys, false alarm...

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@symphonious7, if its any consolation to you, I find your posts quite entertaining--at least how I imagine you to be based on how you write out your thoughts.  You remind me of my younger sister somewhat.  Your excitement over things is endearing.  However, I get to read it at my own leisure and that makes a difference.  I am one of those people who gets sensory overload.  I like deep subjects, not so much superficial ones, but sometimes, depending on my mood I participate.  


What I remember of my sister, who now lives away, is that I was used to how she was when we grew up together, but then she tried out a life event that took her away for awhile.

When she came back, it was like, "Whoa! I've got to get out of here!"  With her movements, constant conversation and animation and engagement in a small space was more than I could handle for long periods of time.  The house was sooooo quiet when she was gone and so filled with commotion when she came back--the difference knocked me off my kilter a bit.  That's more about my limitations than her behavior.


I enjoy her personality and her company as long as she doesn't try to push me to think like she does.  I believe wholeheartedly in Jesus  (and I don't care if others think he's a myth--or if they think I'm a dumb sheep --too much of his presence has been made known to me to deny him), but there are things about "practicing" she and I differ on considerably and she's always trying to convert me back to her way of believing/practicing and I want no part of that.  Even when I am enjoying her company, I still need a mental break after some time because that's how I'm created.  I need lots of alone downtime to process my thoughts.


I think our position in the family might partially account for how our very different personalities developed.  She's the youngest of multiple siblings and thrived on LOTS of attention, which was given by all members of the family.  I have a youngest child and what I see in common with the two of them is they are very light-hearted (except when they're not--which is brief), persistent, jovial, funny, smart, quick-witted, and forgiving.  Point is...she's got imperfections as well as good points, but people gotta love you for who you are, so if that's who you are, be who you are!  Its better than someone loving you for who you're not.


Edited by Pahchisme Plaid
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The only thing you have to remember is there is a difference between arrogance and ignorance. Ignorance I cannot stand, arrogance is just somebody's make-up and most of the time shouldn't affect anyone unless they let it.


I like to believe I am neither arrogant or ignorant, but I know that my tolerance levels have greatly reduced the older I get and I now get fed up with far too many conversations. I normally just smile and nod along, but inside I'm screaming that the person is boring my head off.

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3 hours ago, Richard Tracey said:

The only thing you have to remember is there is a difference between arrogance and ignorance. Ignorance I cannot stand, arrogance is just somebody's make-up and most of the time shouldn't affect anyone unless they let it.


It looks as if this has become a 'lets re-define arrogance' exercise so Symp can feel justified, or at least better about it.


Arrogance encompasses ignorance, or at least empathy. The only way you can justify arrogance is if you are genuinely superior to everybody else. 

I believe this to be a contemporary social condition. Modesty and good manners exist to help keep this sort of thing in check, but both have been eroded. So now maybe arrogance now doesn't look too bad after all?


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45 minutes ago, Rudi said:


It looks as if this has become a 'lets re-define arrogance' exercise so Symp can feel justified, or at least better about it.


Arrogance encompasses ignorance, or at least empathy. The only way you can justify arrogance is if you are genuinely superior to everybody else. 

I believe this to be a contemporary social condition. Modesty and good manners exist to help keep this sort of thing in check, but both have been eroded. So now maybe arrogance now doesn't look too bad after all?



Thats why I broke it down into the two - ignorance is just arrogance gone too far.

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3 hours ago, Richard Tracey said:


Thats why I broke it down into the two - ignorance is just arrogance gone too far.


I see how you reason that, buts its not correct. You can be arrogant and still fully informed.


BTW when I said encompass empathy I meant ABSENCE of empathy.

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4 hours ago, Rudi said:


It looks as if this has become a 'lets re-define arrogance' exercise so Symp can feel justified, or at least better about it.


Arrogance encompasses ignorance, or at least empathy. The only way you can justify arrogance is if you are genuinely superior to everybody else. 

I believe this to be a contemporary social condition. Modesty and good manners exist to help keep this sort of thing in check, but both have been eroded. So now maybe arrogance now doesn't look too bad after all?


I think it's more like I was just applying the wrong term to what I was doing.  Starise really hit the nail on the head with it being an overactive overly bored brain, and no I'm not trying to necessarily feel "better" about myself.  I more or less just like to take my deepest feelings and put them on the table for analyzation.  Often times you find others relate and can even help you figure out yourself, which is pretty much what happened with the thread! haha  But yeah like you just said, arrogance would mean I felt SUPERIOR, I don't struggle with feelings of superiority.  I more or less just need to learn how to truly focus on what others are saying instead of kind of listening while still going on my own thought train, and then trying to get them on it with me.  Gotta let others steer the ship too right? hehehe


On 7/14/2017 at 0:53 PM, Pahchisme Plaid said:

@symphonious7, if its any consolation to you, I find your posts quite entertaining--at least how I imagine you to be based on how you write out your thoughts.  You remind me of my younger sister somewhat.  Your excitement over things is endearing.  However, I get to read it at my own leisure and that makes a difference.  I am one of those people who gets sensory overload.  I like deep subjects, not so much superficial ones, but sometimes, depending on my mood I participate.  


What I remember of my sister, who now lives away, is that I was used to how she was when we grew up together, but then she tried out a life event that took her away for awhile.

When she came back, it was like, "Whoa! I've got to get out of here!"  With her movements, constant conversation and animation and engagement in a small space was more than I could handle for long periods of time.  The house was sooooo quiet when she was gone and so filled with commotion when she came back--the difference knocked me off my kilter a bit.  That's more about my limitations than her behavior.

Yep, that's me!  I talk with my hands, I speak with a loud intensity, I cackle when I laugh, I can make people uncomfortable by staring a little too deeply in their eyes, and yes it's because I'm so over the moon about Jesus! hahaha  We can't get too involved in that aspect of it though I want to respect the rules of this forum, but it's so funny that ALL the simililarites are there.  What's cool is that as I practice listening, while it is kinda hard at first, (I'll think I'm really bored) it's never long before something kinda... shifts in my focus, and then I start to REALLY hear what the person is saying.  Then I begin to learn things that AREN'T already in my head, and it kinda... sticks with me for next time, I'm noticing my demeanor getting calmer all the time.  It's like you gotta have it proven to you over and over "Your thoughts are not the most exciting thoughts" but in time it DOES sink in.  Cool stuff, thanks for that @Pahchisme Plaid


16 hours ago, Rob Ash said:


I a coming to this thread late. I will try to be brief.


I am arrogant.


Yes, yes, it's true. Those who are hearing this for the first time, please, try to remain calm... the shock will pass quickly.


At first, I knew this to be true because of how many times I was told so by others. Now I know it to be true because I have learned more fully just exactly who I am, and embraced that reality.


For me, the revelation formed itself thus: Am I arrogant? Yes. Do I have reason to be? All things being relative, as others, including the OP, have previously stated... yes. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?


Thus, symphonious7 (nice made up word, that, by the way...B)), I see your insights, as posted herein, as being relatively normal, and the course of your life to be on track, with regards to how you reflect upon how you employ the gifts you see yourself benefiting from. I too, was overly arrogant in my youth, I still am arrogant. Even to the point of occasionally acting against my own best interests.


But not often. Such is one benefit of being 55, intelligent and introspective.


So worry not, my friend, that you care enough to place yourself under the microscope of true self evaluation, at all... says much that is good about you.

Yeah and I've known people who were arrogant and were real charming with it.  Like, just admitting it but also sticking to their guns when they know they're right in an almost assholish way that somehow is still endearing lol  Or people who say things like "See?  I'm ALWAYS right" *wink* stuff like that haha I've seen people OWN their arrogance I really have, actually that's how I used to be and girls dug me for it cause I carried myself with a cool "swagger" etc...  

As I got older I felt like... some people admired the way I was, but some were intimidated and offended by it.  I want to be all things to all people if I can be, so that's when I started trying to pinpoint and get rid of my arrogance, I think I did this by making myself enjoy things I didn't enjoy.  I started looking at artists my friends like that I KNEW "sucked" and trying to see if I'd missed something and often times I HAD, I was just being judgemental, not having a "higher taste in music".  So I dunno, stuff like that brought me down over time.  


I kinda wish now I'd titled this thread "I can't control the thought train!"  Or something, cause as Rudi correctly pointed out, this thread really never had anything to do with arrogance, I just thought it did hahaha but I love seeing someone who can be so honest about themselves.  I was that dude who if you said "I think Beyonce is a great singer" I automatically thought you were of lesser intelligence than me, not cultured, and I would suddenly want to "school you" on what good music is.  WHen I was like that?  THAT was arrogant hahaha  Now I can hear a statement like that and just think "Some people are suckers for a strong voice and catchy pop songs, everybody's got their thing!"  And that's all I think now, and that feels good :)  

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's amazing that a discussion about arrogance can attract so many posters.


All I have to say to symphonious7 is that I am by far better looking than him.


If you all take a look at the photograph of me on the left you MUST agree that I am the most handsome individual on Songstuff, on this planet, the solar system, the Milky way and the universe. It feels so good to be a humble personality and one day I must give up the crack pipe. :helpsmilie:

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14 minutes ago, Ray888 said:

It's amazing that a discussion about arrogance can attract so many posters.


All I have to say to symphonious7 is that I am by far better looking than him.


If you all take a look at the photograph of me on the left you MUST agree that I am the most handsome individual on Songstuff, on this planet, the solar system, the Milky way and the universe. It feels so good to be a humble personality and one day I must give up the crack pipe. :helpsmilie:

ITS TRUE.  I made this post because of my jealousy over his pink newborn handsomeness!!!!  I would RULE this place if it weren't for you.....  CURSE YOU YOU HANDSOME MARSUPIAL!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/11/2017 at 6:40 PM, Ray888 said:

It's amazing that a discussion about arrogance can attract so many posters.


All I have to say to symphonious7 is that I am by far better looking than him.


If you all take a look at the photograph of me on the left you MUST agree that I am the most handsome individual on Songstuff, on this planet, the solar system, the Milky way and the universe. It feels so good to be a humble personality and one day I must give up the crack pipe. :helpsmilie:


Ray, I was going to bring this up eventually, but I didn't want it to go to your head. I see you know already. Oh well.:D

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