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Jigsaw Sequence - Richard Tracey


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This is your first single. Why now?

This is something I have wanted to do for a very long time and I now feel that I am comfortable enough with my songwriting to put it out there to be heard. It has also helped working with a producer who understands the music and genre and is in sync with me as an artist.


Have you enjoyed the process of making the single?

I love the process of making any songs. I have a multitude of ideas a day, so it is good to get even one of them down and see it develop from a seed of an idea, into something that can be fully fleshed out. It’s also nice having someone to bounce ideas off of, something that SongStuff provides in the critique section.


Where was it recorded?

It was recorded in the Home Studio I have set up and produced in the south of England. I didn’t go there, that is the wonderful thing about technology these days.


Was anyone else involved in writing, recording or producing the songs?

I wrote and recorded the song, it was produced by an artist by the name of Fused.


What has been most challenging?

The most challenging thing for me, is me. I need to get past the stage of everything I do I hate. So if I like something, I feel that there must be something there, something to work on and get right. Then I need to get over the hurdle of actually finishing the song.




Do you have a favourite song on the album?

As this is just a single at the moment, Fused and I discussed which song to work on first. Heroes seemed like a nice song to start my journey with and it was one of my favourite songs I have written. It is not my favourite out of all of them. That will come at some point, but my second favourite of my songs, will be the second single from an EP.


Will you be gigging or touring?

I have no plans for either, but Fused and I have discussed whether this could be a possibility, so never say never. If the chance arose, I would have to have a serious think about it.


Do you have any other plans relating to this release? A video? Online Shows? 

I had a video made by someone on the Fiverr website and it is on my YouTube channel. I have posted it on Twitter as well. I have no plans for an online show, but I would like to look at expanding on the video aspect going forward.



None, other than I turn up when I need to - so I suppose that is making an appearance. My wife says it’s nice of me to make an appearance, as she thinks I am always in the studio.


Would you have any advice for would-be artists or songwriters wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Just watch out for the hurdles I have left behind me to slow you down!! Ha ha, joking. Just believe in your capabilities and practice. Write something everyday if you can, even if it sounds terrible. Keep writing. Keep every little snippet of music or lyric you have written. One day you might turn to it and think that it fits in with another song you are stuck on. As Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush say “Don’t Give Up”.


Where can your single be bought? Where can people buy your merch?

No merch, but the single is available on all major music platforms including iTunes and Spotify. Amazon seem to be a bit slow, which is strange for them. The song is also on BandCamp and CD Baby.


Heroes links


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