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Bass player from Belgium


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Hi all,


Greetings from Belgium!

I play bass, and just enough guitar to record songs. Usually I get a friend to redo the lead guitar parts, if I'm happy with the song in general.


I'm a horrible singer, but I have a daughter who is an amazing singer and we've been recording music together.


The music is mostly rock with a bit of a 90s vibe, but lately I've been injecting some pop influences into the songs, mostly because my daughter is more into pop and I want to make stuff that we're both happy with.


I've been making music since I was 16. I always felt like I didn't have any talent for it, but enjoyed doing it anyway. Over the years I picked up a few tricks, and now I personally like the stuff I come up with, and the feedback from my peers has mostly been positive, so I figured I'd get some critiques here, after stumbling across this forum.

My job involves a lot of creativity and getting reviews, both good and bad, so my skin is thick enough to deal with negative feedback :) 


I'll do my best to also critique other people's work. I'm not sure if I'm any good at that sort of thing, but I guess we'll find out!

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Hi and welcome to Songstuff Mudloop. You can always get better at critique. An important way to look at it, is that if you cannot effectively critique someone else’s music, how can you effectively (the emphasis on effectively) critique your own music? The point being that if you improve your skills in critique in general.... it greatly benefits your own music. Plus, you develop skills faster because you are not encumbered by personal connection to the songs you develop your critique skills on. A win win scenario.


Good to have you with us.

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