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Member Only Discussion Board?


Member Only Dicussion  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we have a member only discussion board?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Either works for me

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Here are my thoughts.  No.  This is a songwriting forum.  If a person wants to air their political views, there are plenty of other platform on which to do it.


 While I did state my actual views on the matter, it’s purpose was multi-level.  Goes to show that a post seeems to be acceptable when it’s not because one expects that most will agree.  (The songwriting community is quite liberal from what I’ve seen and exceptionally vocal about it—I doubt you’ll get much disagreement over the gun issue here).  


However, and to pull the political/religious card on the “other” issue is hypocritical.  Both have to do with murder of children.  The difference is that it touches a nerve of disagreement.  So really, tell me... is this the place for it?  


Only if it’s in a song.  Otherwise you are silencing those who disagree with you and enabling those who agree and eventually polarizing the the ones you silence because there is a majority existing here.   Let’s make this a safe place.  


There is always the private club option for discussion, blogs, private messaging, Facebook—the usual.  However when you start a post as open discussion,  expect discussion.  Even the kind you don’t agree with and how do you determine what’s acceptable political discussion and what’s not?  It’s all subjective.  You’re opening a can of worms.  Sometimes an illustration is more effective.  I hope this all became evident.

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1 hour ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

Here are my thoughts.  No.  This is a songwriting forum.  If a person wants to air their political views, there are plenty of other platform on which to do it.


 While I did state my actual views on the matter, it’s purpose was multi-level.  Goes to show that a post seeems to be acceptable when it’s not because one expects that most will agree.  (The songwriting community is quite liberal from what I’ve seen and exceptionally vocal about it—I doubt you’ll get much disagreement over the gun issue here).  


However, and to pull the political/religious card on the “other” issue is hypocritical.  Both have to do with murder of children.  The difference is that it touches a nerve of disagreement.  So really, tell me... is this the place for it?  


Only if it’s in a song.  Otherwise you are silencing those who disagree with you and enabling those who agree and eventually polarizing the the ones you silence because there is a majority existing here.   Let’s make this a safe place.  


There is always the private club option for discussion, blogs, private messaging, Facebook—the usual.  However when you start a post as open discussion,  expect discussion.  Even the kind you don’t agree with and how do you determine what’s acceptable political discussion and what’s not?  It’s all subjective.  You’re opening a can of worms.  Sometimes an illustration is more effective.  I hope this all became evident.



Fair enough. It just isn’t a political topic here. I don’t really get why it would be.As it is I will remove it.

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1 hour ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

A members only discussion board might be good for discussing things Songstuff related, but not as a political platform.


I voted no. I see no place for political or religious discussion, even within the critique of a religious or political song.


I replied to Rob’s topic because it isn’t a political issue here.I wasn’t thinking of the child specific element, only guns as an issue.


I didn’t ask about a member board to allow political posts. That was the mosh pit. It was removed for good reason. It was promoted by Richard’s suggestion of a member only discussion board. I can’t see a need for one, because the topics that I thought might be discussed there I wouldn’t want on Songstuff anyway lol I thought I would ask because perhaps someone would have suggested suitable topics. I still can’t think of any. Politics is not it.

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  • 2 years later...
19 hours ago, fasstrack said:

I don't like censorship. Better to give people enough rope to hang---or embarrass---themselves with.


OTOH, Branford Marsalis had a wacky forum and ran it just that way. Guess what? Trolls, assholes; and racists became so prevalent he finally shut it down. I don't blame him a bit, but felt bad that his sincere experiment in democracy went on the rocks b/c of the few. It also had attracted not only some damn good musicians but industry people who were sharp cookies. One hooked my group up with a tour promoter who brought us to NW Michigan for a nice week and decent $. I, in turn, turned 2 other groups on. All up in smoke over a few bad actors trying to tattoo Born to Raise Hell on a musician's forum.


Another forum I won't name forbade political and religious discussion after all the flaming finally pissed off the guys running it.


I LEAN toward free speech, but you'd better listen closely to that speech, or be in for unwanted headaches...

Honestly, I don’t have time or inclination to monitor all that free speech. There are plenty places to air such views. Politics and religion( and guns in America), are such incendiary topics that they regularly burn down the house they happen in. On the Internet, people feel empowered by what feels like a largely consequence free environment, they feel invulnerable, and so they vent and bully. Even when they set out to discuss, someone else’s venting and bullying seems more than capable of turning the sweetest and most docile into the worst version of themselves.


To have safe areas, pleasant places, comfortable places is vital to our sanity. Free speech is about a right to say what you want. It is not a right for it to be consequence free. I would also argue that it isn’t a right everybody has everywhere they go, at all times.

  • Places of quiet reflection stop being places of quiet reflection if we just allow people to come in and shout whatever they want when they want.
  • Kid soft play areas stop being somewhere parents bring their children if bikers are allowed to use it as a pole dancing titty bar.
  • Creatives stop being creative and sharing their works where the environment becomes openly hostile, so we have a choice
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