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Chris Cornell - You Know My Name (Cover by Cherokee)

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1 hour ago, Cherokee Mikkelsen said:

Hey, I'm new to this community. 

I would really appreciate if someone could give me some feedback on my vocals (or the cover in general) just as much as the cinematography. :) 
(and also how to attach videos? ^^) 

Chris Cornell - You Know My Name (Cover by Cherokee)


very quickly on videos.... the best thing is to upload the vid to youtube ( set it as unlisted if you don't want it to be generally available).... then just get the video link and past it into your post. the player will then magically appear :)





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Hey Cherokee!  Welcome to Songstuff.  You wanted feedback on your vocals.  I'll say, you got a nice deeper sort tone with what feels like some withheld power behind it.  At first when I was listening, I thought perhaps you might have been the same vocalist for one of the songs I have on a playlist on my soundcloud, but then realized it wasn't you. 

That being said, there seemed to be some strain on some of the higher notes.  They sounded as though they may have been produced out of your throat.  That would cause me to strain as well.

I've never had any vocal lessons to be able to direct anyone on how to do vocals, but I can share what I know from doing it.  I think it MIGHT be helpful.  (There are certainly others on here who DO know how to instruct and there are some educational forums that focus on that--someone who knows might be able to link you).

What I know from when I sing is that its a bit moister and more pliable if you can sing out of that spot where your collar bone dips in under your adams (EVE's) apple.  I think sound can resonate better from there, too and doesn't dry out your throat quite as much. (Just play with singing from that dip while you're in the shower or something--see how it works for you).

However, though that is where the "voice" is produced, the power comes from your abdomen, filling it on your in breath, rather than your lungs/chest and using the exit breaths to carry it through the air passages and for me opening up my mouth up wide helps.

Having a cold or chest cough can complicate singing, too, so I don't ALWAYS, ALWAYS find success in doing that and find myself singing differently depending on those factors. 

One other tip I learned from someone else just for the sake of sharing some cool tip that helped me-- I use it when I remember it.  I have a hard time holding long notes.  I run out of air it seems.  Someone told me to curl my tongue (I hear not everyone can do this) toward the back of your throat and it will help to hold the note longer.  I find it works for me (when I remember to do it!)


Keep up the singing.  I checked out your profile and saw that you are also a writer, so lyricist/vocalist.  I look forward to seeing your stuff!

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