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What listener influences do you consider when releasing your music? 

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I'm always interested in how artists maneuver through the music industry with their releases. 


What do you think influences listener's when deciding what music they chose?  And  .. the music they purchase???


A few factors I can think of are: (Can you think of others?)

- Moods

- Seasons and special days (holidays, weddings etc.)
- Daily Activities (working out, relaxing, studying, driving etc.)
- Pop Culture

- Genre

- Visual 
- Age

- Fan


 What factors of influence do you use to reach current listeners and those that are new to your music?  


Edited by Peggy
correction in title
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Their purpose (to lift or lower mood, to enthuse, to calm, to arouse, to get excited etc)

To remember (a person, a place, a time etc)

To regulate (tempo, such as marches, for exercise repetitions)

To expand drama

To add humour

to help sleep

to waken you up


I’ll leave some for others!

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21 hours ago, john said:


Their purpose (to lift or lower mood, to enthuse, to calm, to arouse, to get excited etc)

To remember (a person, a place, a time etc)

To regulate (tempo, such as marches, for exercise repetitions)

To expand drama

To add humour

to help sleep

to waken you up


Thanks!  Those are some good thing to add in describing what  influences a Listener . 


1. Moods - The purpose (to lift or lower mood, to enthuse, to humor,  to add drama, to calm, to arouse, to get excited etc.)

2. Seasons and special days (holidays, weddings etc.)

   - To remember (a person, a place, a time etc.)

   - To  evocate emotional response to environmental influences (time of year, weather, common celebration periods, etc.) 
3. Daily Activities (working out, relaxing, wake up and sleeping, studying, driving etc.)

   - To regulate (tempo, such as marches, for exercise repetitions)




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  • Peggy changed the title to What listener influences do you consider when releasing your music? 

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