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I've noticed a bug this week where I have to post replies twice for them to appear.  I write a response, hit Submit Reply, but nothing appears. When I go back, it tells me that it's "restored" my last message (can't remember the exact wording).  I hit Submit Reply again, and it works as it should.  Not sure if its happening on every reply (I will make a note), but its happened multiple times this week. 

10 hours ago, MisterB said:

I've noticed a bug this week where I have to post replies twice for them to appear.  I write a response, hit Submit Reply, but nothing appears. When I go back, it tells me that it's "restored" my last message (can't remember the exact wording).  I hit Submit Reply again, and it works as it should.  Not sure if its happening on every reply (I will make a note), but its happened multiple times this week. 


Thanks for reporting this. It’s not something I have seen myself. There is a content restore feature when something has not been submitted. I have seen this being restored even when the post succeeded.


Try refreshing your cache in case you have an about of date or corrupted JavaScript file. You do this by either ctrl-reload or shift-reload (depending on your browser).


You can also try opening your web developer tools and monitoring to see if any errors are logged when hitting submit. You usually launch this using F12 when your browser is open.


Let me know if this keeps happening and if you either encounter an error message or you notice anything further behaviour wise that might help give us a clue about the cause. A screen grab of any error or information messages would be helpful as sometimes the exact text can help identify where in the software any error has occurred.

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