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Steven Waters

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Posts posted by Steven Waters

  1. yeah thanks for all the help. Its all a learning curve for me. All sound like good ideas and i will navigate my way around to try them all. I do agree that real musos are the best way to go as its real and it can be improvised or you can become in tuned with each other and its flexible. The sound is real andraw as well. I do jam with some friends and we have fun but have never really got serious about taking things any further. The main trouble is each wants to do their own stuff and my stuff is a lot different to what they like. We will back each other up for when we do our own stuff but most of the time we just ad lib on some blues mostly which is not what i mostly like. But for having some fun its great and you never know we could take it a little further with making a band  or doing ocassional gigs. But the other thing is we all play guitar and pretty much the same so it doesnt help with the other instruments. I have been toying with learning the drums and i know a bit of bass aand keyboard as well. I know when i have a real bass it does sound better than the Vst ones. Or at least you can give it a better rythmn on a real bass than on some buttons or keys IMO. I am trying to find a local musos get together or put an ad in for having a social get together with local musos so that i can get out there and meet people. I think this is a good way to make friends and develop connections with other musos.

  2. Let me know where I can hear some of your tracks.

    I can pretty much help you out with most of what you're looking for here and I could always use a male vocalist.

    Arrangments are a good part of what I do.

    Send me an email with some info regarding some of your tracks



    hi there you can get a couple of my songs off soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/steven-waters-3.

    There are few bits and pieces of other stuff which me and my friends mucked around with as well but they are just ad lib stuff. The songs on there are older but are very basic with my first attempts to record. I have a lot more new ones but these should give you an idea. Frustrating as i keep writing new stuff and have just hit a brick wall with recording. My equipment is not the best and I just cant get that clear sound with good backing instuments and sounds like you hear on some songs done in home studios. I havnt learnt how to mix properly so voice is to reverbed ect. All sounds a bit amuturish. I have been trying to get some decent recordings for a while now. Just either dont know how to do it or I dont have  the right equipment. Maybe I am just not good enough.

  3. hi thanks for all the replies i must have missed the last ones as i only just got a message for the latest post. ive since got another interface a focusrite scarlet 2i2 with ableton software. i wanted a 2nd one for another setup and the new one was easier to understand. i quickly worked out how to add vts instruments and they have a fair amount like bass, piano, brass and wind plus a good amount of synths. i get a pretty good result though it sounds a bit 4/4 as i havnt got the flow and timing happening at the moment. it does add some backing but i dont think i could get it to a decent level for a while and probably need more variety of instruments to find what im looking for. i start to think that i wish i had some live instruments now as the vts seems a bit  or maybe im not doing it right. anyway thats where im at and thanks for all the feedback i will also try some local musos as i am living in australia. i jam with some friends and we record that and its always fun and we end up with one or two bits of great sounds or we think so anyway. maybe we might have had a bit to much to drink but its all fun anyway.

  4. hi john thanks for the intro.

    1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? yes

    What instruments? guitar, harp

    When did you

    start playing? sometime around my 40th birthday thats 10 no 12 years ago.

    Did you teach yourself? yes

    2. Are you in a band or bands? no

    What is the name of the band?

    What do you play? guitar

    What other instruments are in the band?

    Do you have a band website? no

    3. Do you write songs? yes

    Do you write lyrics, music or both? both

    Do you have a writing partner? no

    4. Do you record your music? yes

    Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? at home i use cubase, yamaha mixer and cheap mics at the moment.

    Do you use a recording studio? no

    Do you have music available on the web? if so where? yes on soundcloud.

    5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? nothing im to busy trying to get my head around learning to record.

    Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? no

    6. Are you a tech head?no really though i like to pull computers apart to try and fix them and end up with another pile of computer bits in the corner.

    7. What country do you live in? australia

    8. What are your ambitions? to study community work and maybe a short corse in audio recording. to get my songs recorded rather than have them in my head all the time.

    9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? do up old furniture if thats art and collect antiques.

    What are your pastimes? playing and recording music. trying to learn new things esp about music and how to record.with the computer age you have to learn about the digital side of things which to me at the moment seems like a lot to get my head around.

    10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?meet people who are into the same things with music and share info and experiences.

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  5. i am a singer song writer and at the moment i am recording my songs on cubase. i have recorded a number of tracks with vocals, playing the acoustic guitar and adding in drum loops. i have pretty well got this right so far but have hit a dead end. i want to add other instruments in like a bass, keyboard or harp ect but dont know how i can do this. apart from learning the instruments or getting other musos to play is there a way where you can add them in through some sort of software. i know there is a vts option in cubase but i havnt got my head around this yet. is there a software that can add the instrument and track my original song and play to the beat and rythm. probably asking for to much but you never know. the drum loops are ok but they are constant so you have to keep time and theres no variation. i have learnt the bass and harp enough to play simple melodies and am trying to learn the keyboard. just want to add more instruments to my songs to give them more fullness. does anyone have a similar problem or better still has found a way to do this.

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