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Posts posted by Joe

  1. Beth:


    All I do is write lyrics, and I have zero experience or knowledge about the music end of it all, but I do know when something hits me....and this song did.  I have no idea how experienced you are, nor how long you have been doing this, but this was nice....in fact, really good.  I can see where the other comments were coming from, and I agree (based on my very limited knowledge), but it seems to me you are on the way madam.  Keep up the good work.



  2. Rudi:


    Thanks for the words pal !  I went to e-Bay today just to kind of get a feel for what's out there, and in the next few days will go check some out so I can get a hands on look at them and ask questions (which should be a hoot given that I know zilch about them!).  Part of the satisfaction is in the hunt I suppose.  I don't want to over buy, nor do I want to under buy.  Just have to take some time and figure it all out.  Thanks once again.



  3. You know what?  I've kept saying that I am musically challenged and that all I can play is a bad example of the air guitar.  I happened upon this topic, and darned if I don't think I can do more than be a musical dummy as a result !!!  Great feedback to another person's question has helped me.  I think I will just go buy a keyboard and WORK at it.  Doesn't have to happen overnight, but by doing so mayhaps I will find that I can perhaps put some basic tunes to the lyrics I like to write.....and who knows, it just may help in my thought process of making those lyrics better.  THANKS !!!!!

  4. I fully agree with all of the above, both from personal experience and from some direct conversation with another party (in Nashville---very prominent in the music business).  I had a demo made by them.  It really wasn't all that bad.  For me it was a curiosity thing.  My plan was/is to find, slowly and methodically, what works best for me....and I may well have found that.  I'm not all that sure that PM is what it says it is.  I'm fairly certain (from my gut feeling) that it is a mill, in place to satisfy the egos of folks like me who want to hear their song in music....for a price.  I have no qualms with someone to be in business to make money.  I went into the situation with my eyes open and no gun to my head.  That said, one gets what one pays for.  Personally, I am about to embark in a relationship with an outfit which has a stellar reputation in the industry, has years and years of solid experience, which will not take everyone who comes along, and one which has taken multiple discussions to reach the point where they would even suggest that we hook up.  During the discussions we had, they were evaluating me...not my stuff (which they haven't even seen yet).  They were looking to see if there was any chemistry there.  It will be an expensive move for me, IF i am accepted (which it looks like), but the end result would be beneficial for both ends....they want me to grow and develop as a song writer, and they want me to be coachable, and part of the requirement (or process) is a lot of face time...not just internet swappings....actual face time.

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  5. Lythe23:


    On a ;personal basis, I have had a few very, very dark periods in my walk of life.  I am NOT talking about just battling life's ups and downs...I am talking debilitating and life threatening dark times.  I feel very strongly that it was only through music (and perhaps it coupled with the right words from the right people at precisely the right times) that got me over those hurdles (a few times very, very long in duration)and moved me towards a sense of normalcy.  Music is what feeds me more than anything.  Interesting subject, and I will look at the survey later on in the day.  Thanks.

  6. Now we're talking !  Country.....sigh.  What is more real than country?  I'll be posting some of my lyrics over the next few days and am antsy for some fine worthy advice, opinion, feedback as well.  And I'll be around to offer the same.  Watch out Songstuff, it looks like country has arrived!




    FunnyCideMusic http://funnycidemusic-com.webs.com/


    Wondering about the name?  One way to find out !

  7. I understand. I experienced writer's block for many years.. Almost a decade. Every time I would try to write, I would just feel frustrated. Then something happened this year.. Totally unexpected. Lyrics and poems started coming to me.

    The best advice I could give would be the following:

    - don't try to write. Just stop trying.

    - accept that you feel frustrated. Embrace it, as weird as that sounds.

    - instead of trying to write lyrics, try to practice being in touch with your feelings. For me, lyrics come from tapping into how i feel. I can't be inspired if I don't pay attention to what's going on inside me. So pay attention to yourself. Become mindful of your thoughts and emotions.

    - consider starting a journal. Jot down a few notes about what's on your mind. Get into the habit of expressing your thoughts and feelings in words.

    At some point, you will become more comfortable putting words to your thoughts and feelings. Then you open yourself up to inspiration and the songs will write themselves. But first, you need to be receptive.

    Hope this helps,


    Right on the nailhead there with your advice....you stated it perfectly.  This is exactly what has helped me more than anything.  I think (from my own experience) that your advice, if followed, helps one to feel much better about oneself, and it essentially frees one to open that door to the mind that sometimes closes on us when least expected.  Good solid commentary there !!! :phone:

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  8. ZN:


    One can't get all worked up by their limitations...they just have to focus on the strengths.  I absolutely cannot write/create melodies.  I can, and thus I do, write lyrics.  How good they are is a topic for debate.  What's important though, is that there are folks like us that recognize the need for collaboration, and there are forums like this that can provide the means to those collaborations.


    My main genre's are country and christian music.  I also enjoy being somewhat irreverent and thus I also write political songs.


    To learn about me, feel free to visit my site.




    FunnyCideMusic http://funnycidemusic-com.webs.com/

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  9. borjacobs:


    I do just lyrics now.  For years I wrote poetry, and I have found that what I discovered then applies equally well now.  Here are some of the things I found: 

    • each person is a unique individual, and thus should not worry about what others think.  That releases a huge sense of freedom when being creative and frees the bonds of trying to imagine others expectations.
    • equally important is the fact that we have to allow ourselves to be imperfect....else, how otherwise to strive for excellence.  It's ok to fail once in a while, it is in our nature.
    • one must really be keenly aware of when that moment of creativity occurs (and it can come at the darndest times).  When it happens, you have to be able to not only sense it, but act upon it....in doing so, the "juices" will flow...they just do.
    • do it for the personal joy and satisfaction.  If one is doing it for the approval of others, perceived or real, it can cause binding.
    • everything I write has some sort of personal connection to it, and that makes it a whole lot easier to write.  The only thing I am an expert on is the guy in whose skin I reside.
    • if you are into something, and get stymied, put it away.....park it.  In time you will feel (and feel is the key word there) the desire (not need)  to get back on it.  When that happens to me, the creativity flows.  In other words, you cannot force creativity...it really fights back, as you are experiencing.

    I hope this helps some.



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