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Posts posted by Danidog

  1. I agree totally. But, I ask myself, who makes the 'rules' of too much similarity? How did they arrive at that conclusion? A title is not copyrightable, nor chord progressions. And, as someone earlier stated there are a limited number of notes to be placed in some particular order.


    Not really looking for a definitive answer here, just wondering about the legalities of the issue and how they 'divided the baby'. On a personal level, I want a work to be my creation, not someone else's that I changed the words to. For me, I make the rules for whether or not something is too similar and my standards are tougher (I think) than the legal system since I don't even want chord progressions to be same/similar.


    Interesting thread

  2. Since this topic was started, I started actively looking for works with very similar chord progressions. I am amazed. A "typical" rock and roll progression of C,Am,F,G,C, and a dash of E7 has MANY very recognizable songs (I'm up to five with that particular set of chords. Two examples would be L. Cohen's HALLELUJAH, and a song made popular by Marty Robbins (and others) named, YOU GAVE ME A MOUNTAIN (not sure who wrote it). Still looking or more to fit this progression. 

  3. Thanks to both of you for that insight. The process for me is very much as you described for yourself, Peggy. Sometimes it is a word or phrase that is emotionally driven and sometimes while I'm just freewheeling on the guitar, a melody developes along with the word(s), or thoughts.

    Was curious if everyone "hears" their song. Thanks again...

  4. Thanks John, you just made sense of what my audiologist tried to tell me two months ago but she was talking way over my comprehension level and she's not a musician so she could not relate to what I was trying to tell her, so her explanation didn't include a solution other than, 'you need a hearing aid'.

    Thanks for pointing me in the direction I need to go to improve.


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  5. Hey, thanks guys for all the input. Part of my 'daily' now consists of keyboard with a third above and a third below to teach myself to be able to hear it in a different way than I used to be able to (also helps me with pitch correcton). Monitors are being worked into the budget, so, for right now I'll just leave off the harmony parts in the uploads until I get this resolved.

    I used to mess about a bit with old harmonizers (10+ years ago) and I agree with David, they were iffy at best and were better for special effects rather than a true harmony part. I was looking on youtube at the TC Helicons and ran across a few demo's from Laura Clapp and it looks like the harmonizers have come a long way since I used one. She does a very decent job with it (good enough to be a company rep for them). My ear isn't good enough to tell if it is 'good enough' to get by, but seems decent enough to me. I know nothing can take the place of the real thing, but it may have some usable application for me in the future

    So, the monitor will come first and then I may look at TC's Harmony G-XT just to play around with.

    Thanks for your time and efforts, as always you guys make this site the go-to source for those of use trying to better ourselves and our music.


  6. Hi@ all,

    I used to do a lot of backup harmony in the two bands I sas associated with years ago (bluegrass/folk). Over time, I've lost much of my hearing (all in left, more than 50% in right). So, it's difficult for me to stay on pitch singing lead unless I am in a very familiar key (which tends to be G or D). When I try to stretch out into other keys, there is no muscle memory there for it and I tend to be flat.

    With backup vocals, I am hit and miss due to the hearing thing. So, I've been looking for a way to be able to harmonize with myself to some degree of competence. I've been looking at some of the vocal harmonizers and was wondering what you all think of their ability to produce an acceptable harmony and would you consider this 'cheating'? I also realize that I'm only going to get out of the device what I can input to it vocally.

    Appreciate your thoughts,


  7. Hope I'm posting this in the right place.


    I've been wondering, let's say you are a lyricist looking for someone to put a melody to your words. And, lets say you have an 'idea' of how you want your lyrics/song to sound. How do you express or convey your vision for your lyrics? Or, do you just turn it over to them and say, "have at it"?


    Most of the time when I'm writing lyrics, I'm fuddling around with the guitar and from somewhere the lyrics and melody start coming in. Usually, it's just an idea, one sentence I turn into a verse and then it grows from that point forward. 


    So, for those of you who 'do it' with or for others, how does THAT process work?






    • Like 1
  8. I know, old thread.


    I tried to use a SM58 with a cable adapter to the usb port. All I got was white noise. The driver loaded correctly and the computer and software recognized the mic, but still no go.


    Went out today and got an AT 2020 usb. I know it's budget stuff, but sounds lightyears ahead of the internal mic on my laptop. I was worried that it wouldn't work with my Windows 7 as I'd read posts to that effect online. Didn't have any problem with it, loaded fine and started using it right away.

  9. I was oh-so-very pleased when I posted my first 'song' here. I couldn't have imagined that I'd do so well with the chord progression and melody, because typically, I use a very basic I, IV, V pattern of major chords (yeah, I write and play very basically and simply). On this song, I used majors and minors and man, did that thing sound GOOD to me! Until, David (Hobo Sage) pointed out that my song chord progression and melody was VERY similar to THE WRECK OF THE EDMUND FITZGERALD by G. Lightfoot.


    Now, I live in fear of 'stealing' someone elses melody, I owe David a debt of gratitude for catching that for me (and other things as well...).


    This is a great site, I'm so happy to have found it and am learning more every day.


    Thanks to all of you who make this site what it is. 

    • Like 1
  10. Rudi,

    Take this method you are describing, keep expanding and teaching as you go until you have fifty or sixty pages and then market it as a short on overcoming writer's block, or how to develop ideas for your next book or song and publish it as an ebook and you'll have a success on your hands. 


    great idea

  11. My reply will be short, ergo, not as intelligent nor detailed and may not even be factual. I've always believed that the replicated models were taken from the 'cream that rose to the top'. If they were popular, they were popular for a reason, like playability, dependability, sound, etc. 


    I don't know much about the electrics, although I did almost buy a  real Les Paul many years ago. We are seeing the same recurring theme of replications in acoustics that you mention for the E's, Rudi. Some are from the parent companies of the originals. THAT, I find strange...,

  12. Well, I was trying 'unsuccessfully', I might ad, to say that we're all different. I get it and can dig it that some people want to create a full blown production, to orchestrate and others (like me) like to use the KISS method ( acronym meaning 'keep it simple stupid'). It's not calling someone stupid, just a silly acronym. Like the other thread with the ztar,heck, I can't even wrap my feeble mind around that thing, but I can appreciate those who can, and seem to do it very well. So, I'm saying that it's pretty cool, this community of very diverse people that have come together with a common interest', but there are many different roads each of us are taking to to 'follow our bliss", as Joseph Campbell used to say.

  13. I'm the new guy on the block for sure and am enjoying hanging out with you all and learning about writing songs.

    One thing I noticed, very quickly, however. Our musicals tastes are very different. And that's not a bad thing either, be kinda boring if we were all writing the same kind of lyrics and enjoyed the same genres of music.

    Some want to create something as complete as an orchestra, some write for a band in whatever style they like and then others are perfectly content with a guitar and a vocalist.

    Well, that's my kinda gig, one dude or dudette doing their thing on their own. Thinking back over the years, some of the best 'concerts' I've attended were one or maybe two performers doing their thing by themselves. I could listen to Nora Jones all night long (and have), or listened to Jackie Greene any chance I get. And there are so many others, in other genres.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is this. For me, its the KISS, but it's all good in the end.


  14. Way back I used only Martin SP's in mediums. (used to like to 'flog the dog', so to speak and the mediums held up well). Until six months or so ago, I'd never played anything other than a full-sized dreadnought. And then I found a little Taylor GS mini that I literally fell in love with. That came with Elixer Nanaweb mediums and I've been so satisfied with them, I put them on my two full-sized acoustics. To my ear, they sound better than the Martins and so far have outlasted them by more than double (I change my strings first of each month). I think they are too pricey, and look (hope) for their prices to come down when the next 'newest and best' thing comes along.


    Strings are such a subjective thing, hard to say what's best or not. Kinda like which guitar sounds/plays best.


    A word if warning, if I may? Stay away from the GS mini's. They are addictive and you will join the mini cult club. :) 

  15. So....I guess the moral of the story is.....if you've got a Taylor, stay the hell out of the Appalachians  ^_^ Pretty sure I can do that  :yes:


    Sound like a bunch of folks I'd have absolutely no interest in knowing....EVER.

    I do see the value in having personal standards, but there are reasonable limits to everything. I doubt these folks could spell reasonable. LOL

    Good story though & good to know things have eased up a bit.



    Oh, don't sell them short, they can spell it, just don't know what it means. :)

  16. One time I travelled way back up into the Appalachian mountains for a three day bluegrass festival. Rustic camping provided. Now, if you go to a bluegrass festival back up in the hills, you damned sight better know that these folks are 110% TRAD. 


    I found that out in the campgrounds at night when people would gather around and just start jamming and before you know it, fist fights are breaking out because someone done brought in a Taylor guitar to a bluegrass get together. If you had a Martin, you were golden, a Gallegher (sp?), and you must know what you were doing 'cause that's what Doc played. 


    The venue I went to where so many people left was funny as hell. All the other famous bluegrass folks were done for the day and that evening R. S.  was scheduled for one of his 'super-sets'. Everyone else had to do two sets a day, but Ricky always only did one ninety minute set. So, his sound crew comes out on stage and with all the 'stuff' and start setting it up. Someone up in front yell's, "what the hell is all that stuff for?" The sound guy was very polite and explained that, "once you hear the show, you will know."  Wrong answer..., . R. S. paid for the fact that he sold out bluegrass for Nashville country and then when he wasn't popular there any longer, he was  all of a sudden a bluegrass man again.


    But it is changing now, Jerry Garcia was a big help with Greaful Dawg, Nickelback was young and very good and a few other newgrass groups started making people take notice. All in all, I like the change but it's going to come slow for some.

  17. Realism matters to two 'entities'. You, and your 'audience'. If you are happy with what you are creating, that's great. But, you can't expect your audience to be as impressed with your work as you are, if they want to see a live band (even if most of them do not know what's going on 'behind the scenes'), to make the band sound like they do. And then you have to ask, where is the 'purity line' drawn? I agree that a much younger generation will not care. But, I've seen die-hard traditionalist bluegrass fans go NUTS because something wasn't 'traditional' (two mics instead of one, an electric bass instead of bass fiddle). One day I watched almost 20 percent of an audience get up and walk out on an international star when his sound crew started setting up for his set. If it makes you happy, go for it. If you are trying to make others happy, give it some thought.

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