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Posts posted by twbanter

  1. Hello All! I have written over a thousand poems/lyrics...

    I Can write a Hallmark. for anyone's, special people in their lives, in moments after a few quick questions, that brings tears to the eye.

    Question Is, what do I do with it All???

    Need lyrics, any subject? Let me know!

    And kudos to everyone here, willing to bare their souls...

    My name Is Tom... Hello!


  2. Hi Sophie!

    My name is Tom. I can write lyrics for pretty much any topic, situation, or thing, (like a tree for example.) If you are looking to collaborate, show me what you need. I'm not to good at scooting around here, (songstuff,) but I have written over 300 sets of lyrics, and or poems, and I would gladly help you complete any concept you are working on.

    Once again, welcome!Email me

  3. Hi, I'm Sophie Merlo, and I'm UK based. I'm a musician and am totally sax mad (I play the alto sax). I also play a bit of piano and keyboard but I'm not as accomplished at it.

    I've started to compose music (for various instruments) and write lyrics, and I just posted one of my latest songs in the lyrics section here. I've called it 'Lonely Life' and it's a melancholy ballad, so please take a look and critique it. I have a matching tune in my mind when the lyrics are finalised. I also have some other music without completed lyrics, and lyrics without completed music, and hey even lyrics with music that I may post on this forum if you lot are nice enough to me and are, of course, interested ... :)

  4. Not sure... I just write. I'd like to collaborate with composers. I play the drums, and some guitar, I hear the melodies, rythms, and tones, when I write, but I can't transfer them into physical music. I can hum it. I can whistle it. But I don't have any theory, and I can't write, on paper, music. So that's about it.


  5. God bless your children IRON MAN man man man man.... And look over the little dears. You're a sick man. Cursed, as it were, with prose! I KNOW! I know this first hand! I have been forced to live in a cave because of my infliction. Yoo will be shunned by society, and cast into hell upon death, where you already exist anyway! There is no cure, and the only relief? Is to write more! Eventually the parasitic nature of prose will invade your every moment, and consume you! Lyric won't cover you, it will smother you! Then chew you up but good!!! You're a marked MAN IRON. A martyr for the cause. It is your doom... I have lived this curse since 1978. It's a slow, arduos death. But actually quite pleasant. As I was just telling the bear sharing my cave, I said... SLAP! Oops, sorry...

    Nice to meet you IM. I think I know the site you refferred to. There was actual poetry on it right? Not:

    My girl is nice

    sweet and stuff

    I like her a lot

    and thats no bluff

    Blah, blah, blah

    (Shit. what rymes with blah? Hmmmmmmmm.)

    I have over 300??? poems and lyrics I don't know what to do with. 10% of them are worthy of at least critique! (The rest are mine! They're mine I tell you!) Being around the writers on the NET as much as you have, are there some respectable sites you are aware of, where I can take this stuff? I'm still not sure how to negotiate sites (this one in particular,) very well, (it's the cave thing. Okay, maybe the generational age thing!) But I have a lot of good stuff to share, and as critical as I am to my own writings, I am waay too kind to others. I would like to find a site that improves my writing. That doesn't throw around "happy face" kudo's to the sublime. Are you aware of such places?

    I don't know what I've put on here, but you're welcome to go check it out.

    A pleasure to meet you! I too, have a sick sense of humor, a warped sense of humor, a fun sense of humor, a few undiagnosed humors, and I've had to have a few humors surgically removed. (I'm in remmision now though. I'M OKAY! I'm okay.)


  6. The battle of seasons

    Winters quandary, nagging at spring

    Who knew the fury, springs snubs could bring

    Not the wing, nor the bough

    For these would shake snap and sting

    When winter was rebuffed by spring

    Spring who loved summer, but winter not

    And spring had no idea the fury he’d bring

    Had she only known

    How subtle her let down of poor winter would be

    But she didn’t

    And he came with a madness

    Freezing rain on everything!

    Howling through the night

    With a chill none could flee

    He fiercely took out house, bough and tree

    And covered in ice everything

    In his maniacal spree

    Then did the fury of his winds blow

    To add to the misery

    Now laughing and lost in his madness

    He let go three feet of snow

    On the already besotted below

    Till spring ran up and courted his mind

    Then he settled as if from a dream

    And cried, what have I done,

    What tempest has come?

    None but your own, my frosty king, said spring

    But give me a chance and I’ll right these wrongs

    You mindlessly unleashed, for that is my job

    That’s why they call me spring

    His countenance softened, that’s why I love you so

    Cannot you love me?

    Oh but I do!

    For without you I cannot be

    And the earth rejoice in what’s next to be

    Without you we surely would perish

    In absolute apathy

    How would the birds know when to breed?

    How would the flowers know when to seed?

    Winter sat back and thought about that

    Spring, he said, my dearest daughter

    It’s your turn to go and start the flowers

    And she did as she always has

    While winter slept, as it should be

    As it always has been

    And always will be

    Now bursting forth she gleefully runs

    Straight towards her Mother

    The summer sun!

    Fostering buds and nests throughout her long day

    Running throughout new creations along the way

    Subtly different from her ancestors, though still all the same

    Watering the reeds, greeting new flowers in bloom

    While the birds sang sensuous tunes

    It’s their time too!

    Unfettered she flies, free and generous

    She wakens the skies, with their bountiful rains

    Who drops Earths blood gently on the plains

    She happily looks back at all she’s done

    Her job now complete, the berthing now done

    Summer glides near, and they embrace as one

    Oh Mother I’ve missed you, I knew you would come!

    My daughter I’m so proud of the lives you’ve now sprung!

    I’ll take them from here and nourish with love

    All the new life, the new little ones

    Now go to your rest, don’t wake Father my dear

    You know how he gets when his time comes near!

    So gently spring seeped into Mother Earth

    To rest ‘till her next time, her time for new birth

    So summer did settle as Grand Mothers do

    And watched from afar as the children all grew

    She watched all their triumphs, their struggles to learn

    She sometimes got stormy, tumultuous and stern

    But bathed them with the love, only Grandmothers know

    Embraced and delighted them with her radiant glow

    From adolescence through adulthood

    Beneath her life flowed

    She basked in the glory as she watched all unfold

    From pup down to fern, all things she fed

    And she watched them grow up

    Their lives tied as one

    The harmonies’ which together they led

    “Till she finally wearied the cycle now done

    Autumn came gently, to tell her he’d come

    Summer knew birth and death were both one

    So sadly and painfully she had to succumb

    Autumn said “Mother, you know this must be”

    She took one last look, at the elders below

    With a sigh in her heart, she knew she must go

    Now autumns’ turn to do what was best

    To weed out the old and lay them to rest

    With fresh new clean air his countenance flowed

    The animals gathered, while the trees all glowed

    With vibrant brisk days and crispy cool nights

    The creatures relented, to his strong gentle might

    The animals fattened, the flowers lay down

    Beautiful foliage gave mountains their crowns

    The elders gave way knowing their time had come

    And they would be ancestors to the new little ones

    Slowly but firmly autumn did work

    Giving fair warning of things yet to come

    Alerting the flowers the bees’ and the shrub

    They knew he meant business and what must be done

    So nestled down snuggly they anxiously wait

    For the one they new coming could be fiercely grave

    Then one day a chill from the north did appear

    And went on a rampage, autumn gravely did fear

    So winter did come and pelted the trees

    And stripped them all bare, down to every last leaf

    He frosted the ground to keep them all there

    Then covered them beautifully with deep clear white snow

    Looking over his shoulder, because he knew spring would know

    And soon she’d awaken and come with that glow

    And then they would battle from his envy and love

    Since the dawn of time, the law laid down

    From the great mystery above…

  7. Hello. My name is Tom and I'm from Manchester, NH, USA. (Don't blame me, I was born here!) Just clowning, I'm simply a guest on Earth like everyone else.

    I have been involved in music since I started playing the drums in 1976. I have been writing lyric and poetry since around then as well. I don't know how many I've written... probably upwards of 300 to 400. I probably have held on to about 200. (I don't count them!) Most of them I'm suddenly driven, (or channeled,) to write... "Lullaby" came to me strongly in this way. I wrote "the Tree Song" (in about ten minutes,) on a paper bag out of some sudden inspiration. I don't believe inspiration comes from our minds. In fact it seems to come best when we quiet our minds. After all, how can one "create" something the mind has no prior knowledge about? Where does insane (out of the norm,) theory come from? "We are not the center of the universe? That's crazy talk!" I might write two in one day, 5 in one week, or none for 4 weeks... I never know. But if given a topic, I can usually write one in one day, sometimes in minutes.

    When I write it just flows out, from somewhere. I have no clue from whence it comes, but I'm grateful it does. It can be quite rewarding, internally, whether shared or not.

    I am 51 years old, and have recently been through hell, with an insane illness. I lost everything I thought mattered, but gained enlightenment, (to some degree I hope,) as a result. I am very spiritual, but totally against religion. If I had to, I'd say the Native Americans were closest to the truth, but even they limit the Creator, Spirit, God, the purpose, intent, love, joy, peace, GLUE, that created all that is, and isn't (the space for it to exist,) which is a part of me,(my spirit,) and I a part of it. Meditation confirms this powerfully for me. (Enough said.)

    I hope this place is substantial, and I can make some solid connections, in the form of friends here...

    We'll see.


    PS I wrote this this morning... I'm not a "dark" person, in fact I'm quite content, but it doesn't always come out that way...

    Existential arrogance

    All the difference much the same

    Mine beats yours a crazy game

    A microcosm who’s right who’s wrong

    Born that way or in a chosen song

    If you take part you better go along

    Take down the weak now

    And curse the strong!

    Arrogant circles where you must cram

    Follow the leader and slay the lamb

    Insanely chanting he’s our man

    But the leaders done now out on the lam

    Blind senseless followers now in command

    Lost righteous defenders of the plan

    Aimless goals

    Aimless demands!


    Existential arrogance a human flaw

    The need for comfort need to belong

    The world explodes now from your violent caw

    It won’t be long ‘till we’re all gone

    The children cry as we roll on

    The babies cry as we roll on

    The mothers die as we roll on

    We lost our sight when we rolled on

    There’s only madness to this song

    Only madness to this song

    You don’t fit here unless you show

    Programmed philosophies in the know

    Now play your part take the rest all down

    Weed out the sorry for God and man

    We’re the puppeteers and you’re the clown

    The stink of righteousness brings the whole world down

    Can be no dark in this white lit town

    The fear of difference just goes round and round


    Gangs’ religion politics

    It’s all the same now, make sure you fit

    Christian, Muslim, KKK or any click

    Grab up the sword become part if it

    Pledge to your country

    Pledge to your shtick

    You simply must belong

    No need believing it


    So few fit here in this mold we made

    Look at the sick, see the depraved

    We’re on a mission we dig the graves

    God’s thunder falling, His blessing gave

    A power to us and so we rant and rave

    Forced morality by our measuring stick

    Our way the only way

    That’s all there is to it!


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