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Posts posted by PhiloSophia

  1. Definitely a pen and paper kinda girl. There's something about seeing the physical words on paper that gets me in my groove. The only times I use something electronic is when I don't have a paper and pen handy. Then I just use my phone and record into the recording app I have. For riffs and melodies and all that non word stuff, I tend to use my phone to record the little diddys and then go home and write the piece later. Call me old fashioned, but eh... it is what it is haha. I have BOOKS of songs, papers all over the damn place. It's great :D

    great topic!


  2. thanks for the words of wisdom, I will definitely be checking out your blog. I've kinda been blindly going along for awhile now, and I'm just ready to really get somewhere. aka fire is lit under bottom :D

    I will do as you suggested, and hopefully this will get me somewhere. Networking is def a big thing, I know that. I wouldn't be where I am in life if it weren't for people I've run into or helped or have become friends with. Funny thing isn't it? Fate...

    Take care, and thanks again!

  3. So I've been reading quite a bit in this section of the forums because well, I need vast amounts of guidance...

    If a record deal with a major label is no longer the end result to consider oneself "successful" then, how do we know we got there? I really don't know a thing about the business side of the music industry aside from what to watch out for. I don't know what steps I should be taking other than 1. getting a professional demo/CD and 2. Playing live and gaining a solid fanbase. so aside from those thing, how the heck am I supposed to get from :

    Point A

    Struggling artist


    Point B

    Professional full time income generating Artist.

    Especially when I have not the slightest idea how to be able to afford getting even the first steps taken care of. Serious question... why does it seem like everyone else can "get there" and for me it's been a 6 yr struggle with minimal payoff. I've been pretty discouraged lately but there's nothing else I have this... passion for. I can't imagine doing anything else. I want to make music, I want to move people, I want to do amazing things for the world in what capacity I can, but I just can't get there.



    Anywho, if any of you seasoned pros out there have any advice I'd appreciate it. Thanks mucho!

    With love,


  4. what John said. I agree a million percent. I think that by giving samples, you're drawing people in. Good marketing technique. If you give them the whole thing right off the bat, it all gets lost in the whirlpool of new stuff. Think viral. rope em in with one or two, then you'll have more people to grab when you release new stuff. People are always raving about the newest thing, so if there's something to look forward to, people will continue to talk during the down times. :) Good luck!

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