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A & L (plus Me) Won




We're Idols now in our little locale.

I was uncertain what to wear, only because my whole day was spent at the doc (Dylan follow up), school registration, and all these Mom duties, man I didn't have any time to think - and no time to play one note except on the grass, tuning up, while the first contestants were on. Forget warm up singing!

I ended up wearing my Songstuff shirt. What else would tune me into the solidarity, much needed, on such a harried day?

A & L won the group category, (and sang acapella!! ya gotta be proud doubly there). Gen was also in the finals. Very cool!

I got it for over 21 - and was not expecting to (no competetion the week I tryed out, but there was prior to). We received clock radios...I think. Haven't looked at it yet. All the finalists did, so now our house has 4 of these! Afterward they showed a movie outdoors. It's nice being in the dark and warm eve w/ the little ones laying their head on thee lap.

But the best part is that I played 'The Barre Chord Song' out for the first time! And that was a whopper (wrote about that tune awhile back in this blog). Originally I's gonna do a ballad thinking of cross over of audience. But then decided to be myself, how I'm feeling now, and let loose w/ an edgier thing.

The last 12 bars or so is soloing with voice. It's not scat...but I like to do this, always! since first hearing Three Dog Night do it.

**Don't ever give up on what is yours. The Yes, ELP, Rush, etc; band I was in as a teen (kind of an adjunct member...the drummer much better than I, the singer too), wasn't fit to sing lead much, forget soloing. But I knew this was mine, and just kept it, even if I couldn't keep at it.**

So 3DN and Joan Armatrading, thank you for showing how it's done :)

[smiley=vocals.gif][smiley=drums.gif] Oh, and most importantly, now: [smiley=acoustic.gif]




Dylan was going to video it, but the lad really needed to lay low this eve. We're still trying to figure out about school, how much can he do. They are very understanding and accomodating. He's so pale and thin. He walks so slowly.

But after the contest when I dropped off the gear, there he was on the doorstep with his hair covering his entire face, and glasses on over that. I said, "Hey, Cousin It!"

Is there a way to fade out video, like songs? Maybe we could record here at home and post it on a You Tube. The sound was horrendous for the show...the princess royalty (one of the judges) held the mic and I blew it out every time I hit certain chorus notes.

The audience was open to more traditional way of song. People sang acapella but most sang to a CD.




Where the heck was I, before Dylan got sooo sick, I mean the 1st hospitalization in June? Wasn't it preparing to audition at the Black Sheep for a 45 minute set? Yeah, that was it...

Now I feel like I can get back to that. And maybe right away. Think I'm ready to just go out, play and get lost in it, make mistakes.


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