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Euromerica-a Cyber Duo



In the past two months my music has taken a turn in a slightly different direction.

Sometime in mid September, a guy from Paris France named Guy Debreilly who plays guitar (in many different genres) posted a link to a song on the 2090 forum he had recently completed which he called "Green Prairies" and asked if anybody thought lyrics would be appropriate. He said himself that he didn't hear a lyric/vocal line in it but wanted some other opinions on the matter. I was the first to respond and said yes, I can envision a lyric line. He responded once again saying that he didn't hear a vocal/lyric, but thanks for checking it out. I sent him a PM asking if it would be OK with him if I played around with it. He said it was not only OK, but he would be honored if I would. One of the other guys also had an idea but I got mine in first (not that I would've been offended if somebody else would've taken it on. After all, it was Guy's song, so it was really up to him). I added a lyric/vocal track dubbed over top of his guitar. I also embellished it with a bit of string synth. I wanted to retain his original title of Green Prairies but Green Fields suited the lyric better. I posted it and Guy was very impressed. He sent me another idea he called "Waiting For Tomorrow" which was another success.

Since then, Guy and I have agreed to a more or less permanent partnership we call Euromerica and started a separate page on Soundclick for it. We have 6 completed projects. Four are currently posted on SC.

"A Work Of Art"-pop tune (posted for review on Songstuff)

"Green Fields"-Acoustic ballad

"Waiting For Tomorrow"-Acoustic ballad

"Ambiance (Vocal Mix) -Acoustic Jazz

"Ambiance (Instrumental mix)-Acoustic Jazz

"d-lerious" (a hard rock instrumental)

The first four are currently on Soundclick.

Guy sends me several new ideas a week. I've temporarily shelved my new solo ideas to work on the "Euromerica Project" and as we move forward I will ask Guy to do some guitar work on projects I initiate. The idea is that we are pooling our ideas and resourses together to make a quality form of indie music. We like to think of ourselves as a "cyber Steely Dan"

Please have a listen:

<a href="http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=762647" target="_blank">http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=762647</a>

Guy's solo site here:

<a href="http://guitarlover.free.fr/" target="_blank">http://guitarlover.free.fr/</a>

Guitarists take note that Guy lists his tunings with the samples on page 2.


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:) Hey John. This is great stuff! I love 'Ambiance' Isn't the internet a wonderful invention? I love it!


:) Hey John. This is great stuff! I love 'Ambiance' Isn't the internet a wonderful invention? I love it!

Thanks, Steve. Sorry it took so long to get back to this.

We have since dropped the "Euromerica" and decided on "The Bowen-DeBreilly Project".

Much more here:


Thanks again!

:) :) John B.

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