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The "castle"



According to the description the real estate site gave on the net we now live in a "medieval-like castle" built in 1919.

Of course, it's not REALLY a castle.

Doesn't look a bit like a castle from the outside - most of it is covered in ivy so you can't see much, but all the interior walls are made out of rough stone that's been limewashed and there are enough arches to drive a person crazy!

The owner wanted to rent it furnished and he did have a lot of really chunky dark wood medieval type furniture in it, including swords on the walls etc, but we really needed an unfurnished house.

As it turned out this was ok and the owner put all his stuff into storage.

It's the most bizarre house we have ever lived in, which is of course why we decided to rent it.

Why not?

Some of the kids were not too happy at first (the spooky aspect for the younger ones and the "Mum this is too weird" aspect from the teenagers) but they have now all adjusted.

All the other rentals were tiny boxes squeezed into new estates. NOT for us!

I'd love to know the history of the place and WHY it was built this way.

It's certainly not the norm for the period in which it was built.

It's all done by hand.....there's not a "standard" door or window in the place!

Some doorways are very low. Like the ensuite, and poor hubby who is very tall, keeps knocking his head on it. Some doors are very narrow. Some door ways only came with half a door, lol!

The floors are all old timber floors or slate and the main area of the house is simply red concrete!

GREAT for me because with dogs, cats and kids I don't have to worry about pristine carpets.

I am NOT a domestic goddess you see. The less housework I have to do the better!

It still has some of the original glass in some of the windows and you can tell because it's like looking through water....Glass shifts over time through gravity giving a weird "fun house" mirror type distorting effect.

Apparently one of the previous owners died whilst fighting a bush fire in the local area.

It is said that his body was laid out for the viewing in the main area of the house.


To be honest though not much "spiritual energy" has been experienced yet...not by me anyway, and Richard, my husband could trip over a "ghost" and still not see it!

Well, I tell a lie.

Two things have happened so far.

Once, while in the kitchen I heard footsteps....IN THE ROOF!

Like someone walking barefoot across the ceiling.

Nobody was home at the time so it wasn't coming from anyone IN the house.

The resident possum maybe? A big footed one.

Another time I caught a glimpse of "somebody" walking through the glass front door.

Just a fraction of a second glimpse though.

Whoever it was they were in a hurry.

I mostly just saw the top of a dark headed TALL person.

No...it wasn't my husband. He HAS no hair and as far as I know he can't walk through glass doors.

Maybe I'd had a few too many wines.

Ok, but what about my bedroom.

I can't quite explain this but there is a "wrong" energy in there.

Like the feng shui is just not right.

Not that I believe in feng shui, but .....well.......something is just not right in that room.

It seems to be mostly in one area of the room...in a corner where the bed faces.

I bought this clock...one that sits inside a glass dome and a brass "thingy" on the bottom swings around when the clock is going.

When I put it in that corner it would NOT work.

Just stopped ticking.

When I would move it elsewhere it works fine. Not a problem.

The weirdest thing was....when daylight savings started here a few weeks ago the clock MIRACULOUSLY put itself forward an hour.

I swear to GOD it did just this!

Nobody touched it.

The thick layer of dust on top of the glass dome is testimony to that, lol!

But there it sat...on my bedside table somehow mysteriously having changed the time.

How can a clock that has wind around hands do that?

Anyway....I have since discovered a trap door in my bedroom...Some planks of wood can be removed and there is a cellar type room underneath.

At first I was excited and wanted to explore it.

Take my metal detector down there even, but the other day a program on the radio talking about asbestos has now got me all paranoid...

I keep looking at the house wondering.....

They used to wrap plumbing and stuff with asbestos and our bedroom is right next to the ensuite.

I wouldn't want to disturb asbestos...or otherwise.

But, eventually curiosity will get the better of me.

Anyway.....I love it here. It's certainly not everyones cup of tea.

It's draughty ( like a castle!) and the rocky walls are dusty!

Very "rustic" best sums it up.

We even have an outside loo.....like the old days ( though there are two more toilets inside) and an old fuel stove in the kitchen.

There are five fireplaces in all ( no wonder there are draughts)

We have kangaroo's grazing in the front yard, possums who clamber on the roof, rabbits apparently too.....one fell in the pool and drowned :( and a multitude of BIG lizards who live in the garden.

Snakes also visit I am told. I'm not too happy about that but what can you do.

Anyway, if you're interested here are some ( a lot, lol) of pictures.

The first pics are of my conversion of the "outside room" into my bellydance room.



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Wow! What an amazing place! I'd love to live somewhere like that! It's fantastic! :)

It sure is different!

My husband - Richard sticks his toothbrush in a 'hole" high up in the bathroom wall.

He has toothbrush paranoia you see...

Thinks the kids are using his toothbrush. They probably are....lazy sods.

Spiders live in the holes too though.

There is one that comes out every night near the tap in the ensuite and "hangs" there.

I don't mind. We can live in harmony.

I don't really know why I wrote all that.......but anyway.


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It sure is different!

My husband - Richard sticks his toothbrush in a 'hole" high up in the bathroom wall.

He has toothbrush paranoia you see...

Thinks the kids are using his toothbrush. They probably are....lazy sods.

Spiders live in the holes too though.

There is one that comes out every night near the tap in the ensuite and "hangs" there.

I don't mind. We can live in harmony.

I don't really know why I wrote all that.......but anyway.


^_^ Feel free to prattle on! I love it!

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