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A Day In The Life


A Day in the Life

6.00am: Rise with the untitled tune in D minor running through head. Briefly wonder why bathroom mirror light is on. Recall that the toothbrush is plugged in there because I left shaving adaptor at beloveds. Shave. Brush teeth while loading carrots into briefcase. Climb onto scales. Only ½ lb lost this week.

Dress & run mental checklist before leaving house. Phone, wallet, ID badge, briefcase, keys.

6.30am: It’s still dark. Leave house, get car out of garage, head for work. Listen to 'The Wasps' Incidental Music by Vaughan Williams.

At the end of Swivleton Lane (a farm road) discover flashing blue lights at the T-junction. There’s a cherry picker, ambulance & other sundry vehicles & the road is blocked. Do 9 point turn in road, and take detour.

7.00am: Arrive at work dead on time. Complain to colleagues. Put kettle on. Read e-mails. Wake up. Consume breakfast bar with tea.

8.00am: Meeting. It’s a familiar litany. Project leader: `What’s the engineering status for the Isolator?’ and we all solemnly intone “material…”.

9.00am: Look for WIP material.

9.40am: Fail to find WIP material. Make phone calls. Follow up with e-mails.

9.45am: Receive text from beloved. Reply. Make cup of tea.

10.08am: Phone St. James Hospital to check how mum is this morning. She slept well and has managed breakfast without choking.

10.20am: Look for WIP material

11.15am: Fail to find WIP material

Check pedometer. I have walked 3334 steps & covered 1.57 miles.

11.20am: Return to office. Answer E-mails. Make phone calls.

12.00pm: Lunch time: Leave site and walk along the beach for 30 minutes. 3024 further steps done.

12.30pm: Lunch: carrots, tomatoes, radishes, multi-grain crispbread with marmite. Apple, passion fruit.

12.45pm: Assist machine shop

3.00pm: Return to office. Put kettle on. Drink decaf tea.

4.30pm: Clock out. Drive home. Listen to more Vaughan Williams. Swivleton Lane now clear.

4.55pm: Garage car. Check for post; none.

5.00pm: Prepare food for dinner. Open bottle of wine.

5.25pm: Dine on grilled pork, spinach, asparagus, jalapenos & noodles.

6.00pm: Put kettle on. Wash dishes.

6.00pm: Turn on TV. Watch news. Drink decaf coffee.

6.50pm: Phone: Report in to beloved. Turn off TV.

7.20pm: Play Spanish guitar:

Improvise in D harmonic minor & Dorian mode (in 2/4 as Vaughan Williams Wasps)

Play through ‘Flamingo’ x 3, ‘The Entertainer’.

Play around with untitled tune in D minor.

Improvise cross key in 11/12

Try to play theme to ‘Whose Line is it Anyway’. Got about 30% wrong

8.30pm: Turn on TV, catch the end of ‘Top Gear’. Play major scales only as James May conducts a road test.

9.00pm: Put guitar away in case. Go for walk on the foreshore.

9.25pm: Return home. Check pedometer. Total of 8459 steps done today. Text beloved.

9.30pm: Pour glass of wine. Put on DVD: Michael Woods In Search of Myths & Heros - ‘the Queen Of Sheba’.

9.40pm: Take medication.

10.30pm: Stopper wine (one glass left). Turn off TV & DVD. Relax & think

11.20pm: Retire to bed. Fall asleep with untitled D minor tune in head.


Recommended Comments

hahaha at Steve :)

I like this blog because it was so straight-forward :D

I liked how you listed things out of the usual routine of the working week that you noticed like on the way to work.

really well written XD

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