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Kayla is 19; I've known her a couple years now. She is Dylan's girlfriend and we've been there

for each other through some rough times. Also for joys. Today was one of the greatest.

Kayla was received into the Catholic Church this Maundy Thursday, and I was her sponsor.

I'd never before witnessed the Old Latin Rite reception, but I couldn't help thinking back to my own (Novus

Ordo Rite) 15 years previous.

The same Padre who I took "convert" classes from, had as first confessor and was received by, was

the priest whom Kayla took convert classes from and was received by. Father also baptized Dylan many

years ago. ( Unfortunately "185" couldn't be there due to work :( )

Thinking back to my reception, and thinking back to the past April.

[One year ago in exile w/ 5 of my children, having fled my home...Dylan had fled some

months previous, very soon after his discharge from Children's hospital. He and Kayla took many buses to

faithfully visit each week while myself and the younger children were in the shelter...that meant everything]

Kayla'd asked me to be her sponsor. She looked beautiful and had a burgundy veil. Her mom met us for

the reception and Mass afterward. Father was different yet just the same. For the Old Rite, we went into the

sanctuary, very close to the altar. Yes, this is the church the other Padre has been restoring. Believe you me

that marble floor was incredible up there, and what a compliment to its marble altar.

I couldn't believe my good fortune in being there. Kayla's voice, begun so softly, soon became loud enough to hear - the

total lack of guile, the love, the complete going-for-it-even-tho-I-don't-know-what-it-all-will-mean. This is the young

woman I have come to know, admire and cherish.

She was so happy her mom came. Her mom got to meet other who also have come to know and love Kayla;

always wonderful for a parent to see their young adult child favorably beheld. Kayla was so lovely...

beauty within does shine the greatest.

And Kayla's mom looked gorgeous! At one point Liz had to run to the car and we giggled w/ glee, admiring

the stiletto heels and the clack-clack-clacking. Wow - I'd never seen L. so beautiful.

It was High Mass. I listened closely (the choir is largely not visible due to the height of the loft)...along w/ the men, were those

women or boys? Some of the evening Masses are chanted male only. When I realized it was women, I wanted

to run up there. I cannot recall last time I sang w/ them, many months. Now I'm a single parent, w/ four daughters to monitor

or instruct as regards the missal, so chior is on big-time hold for me. Tonight tho I was sans young-uns.

I didn't wanto ditch Kayla, her first Mass as a Catholic! I asked God for direction and a moment later whispered

would you mind if I went up to the choir? She smiled radiantly, no, go for it!

Yes! Up there again with Dr. K (his shoes ON, his clothes immaculate...huh? Taking chances, chanting as he played

organ, conducting us acapella...Jim Mils that great singer present; the stalwart regulars whom I scandulously take

for granted but am always grateful for, always feel a certain safety and more with; the young girls, and one of my alto-teachers

(she wouldn't know that but she is). I sighed deeply within. I have really missed chanting, missed the Latin propers especially.

I've missed the ployphony, and the good long warm up of just hitting my stride after about 45 minutes of singing.

At one point I was discouraged - a short alto among tall people trying to throw my voice that long way to the front of the

church...then I took a psychological breath and elongated my frame, while sinking roots deep below the loft... to the

ground floor, thinking of my old 17-year-old-mentor who aimed for a spot far away to throw her voice to. That's what I did,

yes, amidst so many voices around me I could not hear myself (why was it chaotic in that way tonight? Probably the full moon).

But that's another thing about the liturgy - the liturgical music with its especial purpose, its melodies, chant, the Latin

language - all these work together to right any wrongs. And at some point (I've witnessed it time and again), the group

will get onto a better track, which finally did happen.

I sighed deeply again, thinking of Kayla and beautiful Liz down there, the peaceful joy of goodwill in those who love

Kayla being present and my having been so close to the altar; and unfortunately me having to leave early from Mass. I checked

the time. I'd just hit my singing stride, at the 40 minute mark, wanting to stay the next 45 minutes;

then for rehearsal afterward. Like Treebeard drinking long, slow draughts.

I finished up with the Offertory Propers and the Miserere., then ran for home, veil flying.

Kayla! Squeal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [smiley=hearts.gif]


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