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Anotha Music Pal


Well, wwll, I found the old Lynn-ster, running George Benson's former recording

studio in Maui!

Lynn Peterson is the guy who

WAIT! This is the most important part:

Remember Finn giving

vocal excersizes in that thread, saying you should tape your main

vocal, then add 3rds (vocally), like sixteen times? Lynn kind of

did this! In some of his songs I heard recordings of!

These drummers! You just don't know what you're going to get.

They can be a lot of trouble - but usually very worth it, I mean

Lynn could do anything. I saw him DO all this stuff from building

a beautiful house to mixing anything to fixing a guitar and funny

as hell! Plus he sings and writes.

So anyway he

-ran sound for the cover band I played w/ full time in the 80's

-really good drummer /ditto singer -writer

-built a gorgeous studio back in Farmington MN

Lynn's Maui Studio

The photos link shows Lynn w/ Mick Fleetwood and Daniel Denholm for Billy Thorpe's project (+RIP+).

Tech head big time but he often reminded me of a muppet. Lanky, with

very long hair, extremely animated. Exactly the same hair today but silver.

One time at Duffy's

in Mpls - it was the pinnacle of success in my eye, he ran up to the stage

after frantically signing to me from the booth...runs up like a madman but

trying to be incognito, kneels next to the kit and yells "SLOW... DOWN!!!!!!"

I was so excited at the gig I just took off like a kewpie doll on speed

but stone cold sober, let me tell you! That was the most disciplined I can recall being,

it was an athletic endeavor to play 3 sets a night, cause the drums usually kept going

inbetween songs, I rarely got to stop once we began, plus I sang lead or extensive back up.

I played hard w/ 5B's and drumming gave me a good build for like 22 years

after the fact of that intensive training and performance.

I remember Lynn working in the below 45 degrees cold to get the heater working in one

of the cars...and boy things broke and he knew how to fix ANYTHING! I have no

idea how we were able to snatch him for a time there.

Yeah - and when we met The Metro's 1st time, Danny Mangold reminded me, it was

in Duluth, and fifty below. Ya know, in a way those cats kinda dressed like The Time -

or actually the other way around, cause Metro's around before The T. It was very

intimidating, plus they were at the top of their game musically as a band. I was about 19, but probly looked 14.

I never knew what else to do in those nervy situations but play as if my life depended

on it. I recall that night Lynn said something like, "do you always screw up the tempo

THAT much?" I began taping shows from then on, I think. After the gig I'd listen to the set(s).

Well anyway I shot Lynn a note, we'll see.


Vanity: Stage 3 this eve of the independence beat. St. 4 will have to br broken

down into 2 phases. While out running in the car today, I suddenly knew that it was

time to learn Out To Storm instrumentation even tho I cannot find my score.

Immediately I popped in the tape and began re-learning while driving. Had that feeling

that I'll end up playing all the instruments. And me knowing Jared, B3 master! Et al!!

Even so...I'm almost convinced I'll be the slob to play all the parts.

So tonight I worked on guitar one/intro. Memory came back into my hands.

G'nite ~


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