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The 1st pro band I was with came over to my house today; an army of food and mellow

blessed familiar band-mates.

I's 17 when I answered their ad: Drummer? Singer? We need you! Judy (I cannot

legitimately call her a "band wife" because she is always Persona In Her Own Right...

- you know, just a venerable, loving presence): anyway, Judy recalled at the audition

that the next auditon-ee following me could sing as well as drum: so I

was asked if I could sing Oh Darlin; reportedly I said I can sing that,

and "you blew everyone away."

I do not remember things such. But okay. I do know they gently encouraged me to sing

more and more as time went on. Those two words just try reaped a lot. Just try

singing Linda Ronstadt...Aretha...Lydia Pence (of Cold Blood).

Bruce (keys!) and Judy'd been onhand supportive those last weeks before the untrial...

today they set up lunch annd gear while we were all still at Mass and I was so happy, thinking

"these are good folk, my big brothers, my Judy, who know about life and hard

times and this is a homecoming."

My house (I can now report) sounded very good with live music coming out of it, into the

open air and sunshine (3 other musicians showed up who've been playing w/ the guys, one

of whom is a drummer). In fact it sounded so good that it seems just made for live music

and I'm already wondering how soon I can get musicians here again.

It was v. cool and natural, how much I relied upon seeing esp. Mark, guitarist/singer (also Bruce).

Mark and I just sang pretty naturally, auto-pilot-like or mmemory wise. Ken (bass) my good friend reminded me they

never would do any Three Dog Night (sniff but also >:( cause I think it was

a prissy attitude o listen to album cuts then you'll understand!) but we did end up doing

Try A little Tenderness and since I's singing and drumming it, coaxed them into that

version whilst we played.

Bruce held it together, he and Ken.

Bruce...I love his organ playing, no wonder I glommed onto Tommy

as a keyboardist. Those keyboard players (and in my exp. the ones who will always stand way

out are men)...they are really special. Everyone is, tho. But I'd not given much thought I guess

to the connection and love I have for that sound, and the interplay with the pianist.

Before Bruce was Cos (when I's 13 - 16). The most formative experiences had me playing

with very good pianists and I am so glad! Not everybody is that fortunate.

I wanted them to stay much longer than they could. It was like we'd only had 4 pages of

musical conversation, and I wanted 2 chapters.

Mark is one of those musicians who can sing and play anything - and you come to expect

that. He's really (still) got it all over, the cat has vocal range and can hit the Brian Seltzer

rockabilly range to the high tenor. He's a tall, lotsa-energy type and cracked me up, kinda

like Dr. K...quickturnuphisampthenjumpbackintotheguitarleadandohboynowthemainvocal!

The other kind of Minnesotan, who talks ReallyFast and does everything reallyfast.

Ken...he's quiet and strong and plays that bass all a-round! He's the walking man, he can

walk that bass, I spent many a moment and phrase and section in my youth getting excited

by that walk and swell. So there he is, barely visible, head back a bit, eyes closed, lost and

found all at once. Kinda like Loo...I'm so used to him and comfy I don't take the time to

think about his qualities, just go, "yeah, he's great."

I dunno...too much rolling around in heart and mind to write anything coherent. I am just very,

very pleased about the whole situation, and I think the most pleasing was Bruce saying "you're

just the same, Donna, you're older and mature and a mom, but your spirit is just the same."

...that is the one goal and thing I need, to be she who was nearly smothered from me.

It was nearly 30 years ago I'd auditioned, and I think 25 since we'd seen each other or played together

(save I saw Ken who met me for lunch this past winter). B & J's daughter Allison was about a 9 year old

girl at that time - dig it, now a grown woman in her 30's. Got to meet her husband...oh it could go

on and on - plus 3 of the guys' other children came. Oh - and the alto player, she was really good

+ brought a friend with her, Perry.

I was wishing the neighbors et al would've come over. But it was really quiet, I think

people are out of town cause I was in the street listening to the music and volume, but there were no

neighbors or acquaintances.

And of course Dylan and Kayla, and my oldest 2 girls were here (G'ma & G'pa took the 4 youngest).

I love my big brothers!


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