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Everything posted by Carrieptn

  1. Realwarrior: I've enjoyed your lyrics. Donna: I would absolutely love to hear your lyrics and finished country songs, as well as your folk material. Nothing would please me more. You have so much talent, and so far your material is inspiring me to write better. You've given me great insight on Georgia Peach!
  2. Yes, Yes, I know it's morbid, but hell, we've all thought about it. We have all heard the song or even a couple of songs that have just spoken so loudly or defined us so much as individuals that we've have actually told someone we love, "That is the song I want played at my funeral (or my memorial)!" What is yours? I'm still really young and hopefully very far from my final song, but as it stands now, it is Jamey Johnsons' "Lead Me Home" http://youtu.be/TJXCSM3Wg5I
  3. La De Da De Da, La De Da Da Da De, I come from a long line, of Sinners Like Me.

  4. Hey TF! Great job. I happened upon this by searching for new content and saw that Martha had commented. First let me say, before I critique: I'm not a professional vocalist, I've never been "trained", but I do have a good "ear" for vocals and mine are my main musical instrument. I think you have a very soothing voice. A very "story telling" voice. Is this the genre you aim for? This was a good song to suit your voice. I like the key you are in, and I like the lower range you go into at the end of each line in the verse. It sounds like a natural range for you. I'm new to learning the guitar and I was trying to see what chords you were playing in order to see what key you were singing in, but unfortunately I couldn't make a couple of them out...bar chords? My only suggestion is with your high notes. Open up with you are trying to hit them. Sounded kinda like you were holding in your diaphram and not pushing out correctly with the note.. Does that make sense? Your high range has a great quality, you just have to work on finding how to deliver the note. I struggle with this as well. Every singer does. Keep working at your improvements! You sound great! I love the vibe
  5. From the song Outfit "Don't tell em you're bigger than Jesus, don't give it away." -Drive by Truckers
  6. Hope so, Tom! Thanks for your response. Can't wait to check your song out
  7. I'm a huge fan of the songwriting boards. I love reading all of your songs and giving my critique. I also enjoy sharing my songs and getting a good honest critique. I haven't found a lot of country or folk songs though. There have been a couple that have really stood out. I can really relate with these members and their songwriting styles, because it is what I write. I do cross-over to country-pop in a couple of my songs and I have a couple that have a little "blues flavor" in them (that's what I call it anyway). I'd like to find some members who write in the country genre. I'd love to be able to bounce off one another and drawl inspiration. Possibly a future collaboration Every genre is so different and it's a pleasure to be a part of this community. I drawl inspiration from everyone and there creativity. LET ME HEAR YOU COUNTRY FOLK HOLLER
  8. I have to agree with Gary. I know I am new to this site, and I am by no means a professional songwriter, musician, or composer. I am not famous. I am not known by anyone famous. I am just me, but I've got an ear for music and I can tell you within 30 seconds, if a song is good. I'm constantly changing my radio stations, because there is crap music playing. There is art in every song, but there has to be some construction, whether it be lyrically, through rhythm or through melody. If you don't have these things, then you don't have a song, you have words with meaning (notice I said with meaning). As a singer and songwriter, I respect, respectful crtique. Don't butter me up, but don't rip me to shreads. I want to feel confident, so constructive criticism may be the best term.. I want to get better. I know I'm not perfect. Personally, If I post my songs up on the "Lyric Critique" board, then critique them. I may not agree with what you say, but I still want to hear it. If you like it, tell me why. If you don't, tell me why. What would you change about my song? What can you offer as advice, that can help me? After all, isn't that why we post? Now, I may not use your suggestions (they may not suit me), but they don't go un-noticed or un-thought about. It's just the deal you make when you post your work on these boards. I will admit that it is difficult to listen to a song the entire way through and the vocals be bad (most of the time I don't make it to the end...that is the 30 second test). Vocals are the KEY instrument in a song. They have to carry the lyrics. And for those that are songwriters and not singers, it's hard to "listen"....I'm only being honest here. I know this is something I have to work on as I am getting more involved in the Critique boards on here. I'm slowly getting the hang of this. Bottom line, I think it's best for an aspiring artist to be told the truth. I don't think you should crush their dreams. I think if you can help them by giving them a good critique, they will be more grateful to you. I've been grateful to everyone that has offered advice to me here! We have a WIDE VARIETY of members here, you aren't going to please everyone and your are going to piss off a few, it's cool....use the steam in your music
  9. Great topic. Good pointers
  10. That is a really great suggestion Rob!!! Thanks! I love the idea!
  11. I played at a jam session the other night with some friends. I played standing up on a couple tunes, however, I played on an electric. WOW. It was so much easier. I'm wondering if I purchase a thin bodied acoustic, if it would help, because of my small frame...However, I'm so partial to Chubby Sally (that's my guitar). SHE IS MY BABY! I loved playing on my friends electric. I'm still pro acoustic, it didn't change me. You just can't beat the sound of an acoustic Thanks for the advice John. I will definitely use these tips!
  12. My songs come to my lyrically, first. Normally the chorus comes first and I write around it. Or a defining line in a song, and I write around it. I write them with a melody in my mind. I always write about my personal life experiences and the melody just comes to me in my mind. I just hear it. I can't describe it. It thrills me to be able to come home and start putting chords to my songs now. I just started playing 8 months ago. I've yet to write a song by playing a chord progression first on the guitar and putting words to it. It's like a whole other process that my brain can't engage in. I wrote songs long before playing an instrument. I wrote the melody and the lyrics, stored them in my head, wrote them down, sang them out loud, and had a friend or my boyfriend put the chords to the songs. He never understood how I did it.
  13. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Such great advice and ideas, and they will definitely be put to use. I'm so happy I asked and that you all responded. Martha (or anyone) you said to make the transitions smooth. How do you make them smooth, but swift, without there being "hesitation" or deadening (especially in a more up tempo song)? I see others play and I notice this smooth quality they have. I envy it, because I too, want to be able to just change chords "smoothly." Is is just a matter of muscle memory? Any suggestions? Again, thanks for the AWESOME feedback
  14. Thank you. I am seeking advice. I'm open to advice. I want to play better and I know that is going to come from good, solid advice. I agree with you, only from what I know in my gut. Saying that, I also know that I criticize myself more so than anyone else and also, that my boyfriend, doesn't want to hurt my feeling by giving me his. There are some songs that I'm more confident in playing, others I don't know at all, and some I only know parts of. And I play according so. I remember the first time I attempted playing standing up, it kinda shocked me. It was a mind blow. Once I felt comfortable...BOOM...a new learning experience. I've decided to start practicing, standing up, atleast 3 times a week out of my sessions. I want this experience. I mean, I really want to do this with him. It is so much fun and there is just this freedom in it. Singing is my favorite instrument, but I've written songs for a very long time and to finally be able to put my own music to my lyrics (even if its not to "par") is amazing. It makes me smile thinking about getting to share them, while I play My guitar is like my own little harmony. Thank you for writing me and giving me this advice.
  15. I got my acoustic guitar for Christmas in 2011. It is honestly the best gift I have ever received. I fell in love immediately and I've been obssessed with playing and learning since day 1. Here's the deal..My boyfriend and I are both artists. He is much more accomplished on a guitar than I am. He has been playing for a while. We decided to start a duo in our small town and started practicing in our garage. I love doing this. Then he tells me that he is going to book us somewhere in one month. HOLY SMOKES! I am in no way prepared to play in public. Why is this so hard? I sing in front of people all the time! Why is playing a guitar and singing in front of them so different? My chords a deadened A LOT OF THE TIME. Especially when making a D and changing to another chord during a song (it frustrates me to no end). I keep my nails short. My strings a new. I try to position my wrist and fingers correctly. I can't keep rythmn, half the time. Most of the songs I do are mid tempo or slow. That and....I haven't played standing up yet. Is this going to change everything? This whole playing standing up? Won't that change the whole position of my wrists? Everything? I know he is pushing me, cause he believes in me, and the truth is, I love him for it...but I'm kinda freakin for his sake and mine...I'm my own worst critic. Help a lady out, won't ya?
  16. Damn I love writing new tunes.

  17. Named my Acoustic "Chubby Sally". She's my baby. I'm about 109 lbs and she's a beast next to me
  18. Thinking of a band name makes me feel like the fried egg from the 80s and 90 who was on drugs.

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