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Posts posted by edison

  1. Luke Bryan is the best country male artist now.

    Little Big Town is the best group.


    Shania Twain, Faith Hill, and Sara Evans were the women of the 90s.

    Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, and Taylor Swift are the women now.


    It's changing even as I type!

    I am huge fan of Luke Bryan and Sara Evans ...always try to grab their live concert and music.Please let me know if any live concert orgnize in London...

  2. Hi

    I wanted to get an idea of how you perceive your understanding of the workings of the Music Industry. This will help me to decide on upcoming articles, tutorials and products.



    Hey its a good poll  to identify all the talented and hidden talent of person ,who wants to join music industries.Good one John ,keep it up and let me know for further  post!!!!

  3. i've been playing acoustic for around 3years now, i play close to every day for at minimum 15minutes and obvious have callous built up, but still my fingers hurt when trying to learn new songs etc i guess because i'm trying harder and doing it for longer. Is there any little tips that are useful for stopping this?

    Which kind of music you like it seems you are Rock music lover and you are playing guitar so aggresively  :guitar: may be its the reason for finger pain.Have you join any institute for proper guideline ? :smartass:

  4. I usually start singing with guitar, I have some kind of riff going and then try singing with it. I don't have much problem with melody that way, something comes up and I change it up until I like the outcome. Kinda similar approach as finding riff on the guitar. Sometimes I write lyrics as I sing with the music, otherwise I write lyrics first and then I either have an idea of how I want to sing it or more often I just use the lyrics I have with some music that I've written.

    Hey your are multi-talented ,you are a singer,composer and lyricist too...It just wowwww for me :drool: .keep it up...... :rockin:

  5. Are you beer lover?your vocal a bit low in high pitch, which  may be due to cold or you daily habitted of desert kind of thing  like beer or ice cream etc?Is it? :osama:

    Otherwise you voice quality not so bad.Need to work on Chorus..... :phone:

  6. Hi David

    It comes from a multi-mix up, partly due to terminology change, and from the mix up when compound forms are used.

    The "chorus" originally derived from the notion of "multi-voices" singing a section of the song, and was therefor applied to sections where multiple voices sung together. In classical music the massed voices in larger musical pieces are still termed "the chorus". The second meaning is the modern understanding of the section of a song called "a chorus".

    AAA is a description of a verse only construct. Though refrain lines can be sung by multiple voices, and using older terminology it is a chorus, but it is not the "chorus section" we know and love from "verse-chorus form" often called "AB form". Where the confusion comes is that AB is used to describe the architecture of the two main sections of the song, not the whole song. What we think of as the standard "AB form", as in verse, chorus, verse, chorus, verse, chorus is in fact a compound song form Every section of "A" in AAA becomes an "AB" giving "ABABAB". Similarly if you mix AB standard form with AABA and AB mix the two, moving the "B" in AABA to a new letter of C, then mix AB into AACA and you get what is understood to be (or named) "ABC" song form. As it is faster to understand AB and ABC typical form than to say it is AB compounded with AAA or AABA the roots of those forms are not often mentioned.

    12-bar blues is another form that just describes the verse structure as AAB (where B in this case is the resolution, typically as the refrain) to get a full song model using it you need to apply a full song form such as AAA or AABA to it. To avoid confusion even further, and as the spots were claimed by the AB and ABC song forms in terms of common understanding, they just left the overall shape of the song down to the individual lol

    To add insult to injury, "the verse" did not used to be what we know it as now. It used to be the name for a 32 bar introduction, before you got to the main piece of music, typically AABA in structure (ie a second 32 bar section).

    Often conflicts in terminology seem to come down to classical musicians interpreting it one way and popular music using the term for something that it wasn't, or simply musicians in one area calling a section of music with a name that was already used for another section of music elsewhere.

    So no not an idiot. changing terminology, blame that. I found quite a lot of explanations online that were flawed. No doubt ours has flaws too, but I hope this explains why the article draws the conclusions it does. What is never too certain is whether to muddy the waters in the article or not to clarify why it states things the way it does. I just thought it would add confusion to outline all that history. I'd be happy to add something to this effect if you think it could lead to misunderstandings to omit it? I did go into it a bit in at least one of the articles, but not even as in depth as this explanation! lol

    Thanks, for the guidelines and very good research

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