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Everything posted by Dkaudio

  1. I hope to start recording tonight once I get off work
  2. I guess its lame... but again there were too many positives for me personally not to buy Mixcraft
  3. Can't go wrong with the 57/58's. Or.. even the behringer mics have came a long way in the last few years. Their about as cheap as you can get and the quality keeps getting better and better.. I know a lot of people hate on behringer, but if you're on a budget and still need decent quality, I'd check em out. I own a few products from behringer and am completely satisfied, especially with the price I paid
  4. I think what country music needs is a few "new" artists to emerge And their music be based in actual country music.... almost everything country now is like you said... its more pop based but with acoustic guitars and hints of banjos... its getting sad.... its time for a "Johnny Cash" to come out with just a 3-4 piece band and kick some tail!
  5. Yea man definitely. I'm anxious to hear your original material!
  6. Dude. This has to be one of THE very best covers ever recorded.
  7. Sorry I havent been on here lately fellas. Ive been doing a ton of research on a few of the mentioned DAW's. Ive downloaded the free/trial versions of them, Ive also watched more Youtube videos in the last week then ever in my life.. The "how-to's" etc. So.. Once I got past the "not-so-good looking" aspect of Mixcraft, Ive come to find it very easy to use, and with the pro version, for only $150. I get a ton of efx's, Vst's(which once i found the edit window, each vst does infact have its own, pretty good skin, with pretty much every adjustable parameter i could ask for). Also have full video mode(which is great for me, i like to pretend I'm an ameature short film maker from time to time, lol). And the pro version comes with some decent mastering capabilities. Add in the fact that I can use the vst's I already own(unlike the Studio one, I would have to upgrade to the next version to be able to use 3rd party vst's). Soo... at the end of the day, even with Mixcraft not looking as "pretty" as some of the others, including Studio one, I'm going to go ahead and give it a shot. I can look past the "look" of it, especially with Sooo many features that go well with me. I'll keep ya guys updated as I begin to record some original material in the next two weeks. Sorry for the long post.
  8. Personally man, if you can honestly play guitar like Pertucci from Dream Theatre AND sing anywhere around Freedie from Queen, then you should be uploading videos of yourself to YouTube, vimeo, etc.. Not too many people have both those skill sets, and I'm definitely not saying that you don't. You will be found if you habe talent. I believe that. And good luck man!
  9. Which DAW? Ive been out of the recording scene for a while and wanna get back to it.. I used to use Sonar a few years ago. But I wanna get a new one and start recording again. So.. studio one artist is $100.. Mixcraft 6 pro is $150... studio one looks better but mixcraft seems to have a ton more efx, loops, and so on. Any prefrences between too?
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