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Posts posted by symphonious7

  1. Two different monsters really...one is more loop oriented with audio capabilities, the other a DAW with looping capabilities. That said when my new rig is up and running my second purchase will be Ableton the first being Komplete 9 and Steinberg's Halion.


    Sounds like Mixcraft is gonna actually serve my purpose better then, I'm more wanting a plugin to add to studio one than an entire DAW to learn.  Perhaps after I get familiarized with mixcraft and have better finances I'll re-look at ableton to expand.  

  2. Can't really go wrong with Mixcraft, but don't rule out Ableton which is a massively powerful program albeit slightly more than you want to spend. At least for the Standard version

    Do you think it would be better than Mixcraft?  I could sell my stuff and get the other items I want first and then see how much is left over and if it's truly that much better hope I can get it instead, but I'd only wanna do that if it was really better enough to be worth it.  

  3. I'm a jazz player but I don't currently have a jazz box.  I've had more then a few in the past and always thought about getting another one.  Last year I went out looking at washburn's, godin's, samicks and outrageously priced gibsons.


    The current cheapo's (loar) sound like crap acoustically and electrically.  The thing is in the current market you go from $400USD to 1200 USD in a heartbeat. and you really don't hit the mark untill you are near 2k.  All way to deep for my pockets.


    If I had my druthers and money was no object I'd go for a Robert Conti Guitar.  Well I have no druthers and money is an object.  So I'm getting what I think is the next closest thing.  An original Michael Kelly Vibe


    These are more like Howard Roberts Fusion guitars in appearance and I'm assuming the tone isn't far from it either.  There has been some work done to the instrument as it has the same fault gibson headstocks have  So it's not new by a long shot

    I may have to give it a day or two to acclimate.  It's coming from AZ (hot, dry) to MI (cold moist) 




    It's beeeautiful, I've always loved guitars with F holes.  I had one but tried to use it for live rock shows, ever tried to distort a guitar with F holes at high volume?  Yeeeah....  there's good feedback, and then there's... that... 

  4. I have some things I plan on selling to get better equipment, I've already picked out a cheap bass I'm going to get in place of my hellcat, and I plan on getting EZ Drummer and Guitar Rig 5.  I think a big part of my problem is that my sounds are crap.  And it's funny cause I felt like that was just a cop out, and maybe if I was amazingly talented at production it would be, but I don't have the skills to be tweaking everything like crazy to make it fit, I need sounds that will fit more or less upon entrance into the sound spectrum with minor tweaks necessary, not like what I have where it's just complete tinny BS until I've butchered it's original tone.  


    I will have around 1 or 200 bucks left over after I sell two guitars and an old mixing board and some speakers of mine and get these things, and thought it would be perfect if I were to get software that allowed me to create sounds like the ones they make in EDM.  Clearly I'm not techno or dubstep dude, but just having the capability to use some loops and synths that are in that style would help modernize my sound, plus it would be highly unusual since my writing is so classic rock.  


    So does anyone know of a program that will give me some real bang for my buck?  Preferably closer to $100 than $200?

  5. I'm reluctant to say this, but I will anyway. I've given this same advice to another member recently. It concerns your chosen member photo. Honestly, if you expect folks to take your opinions, music and topics seriously, you should really consider a member photo and profile setup which conveys that desire.

    Frankly, yours' does not!

    Obviously, the choice is yours, but it would be negligent of me not to at least point it out.


    I had a killer avatar but it wasn't sized right :(

  6. I've heard of it but never met anyone who suffers from it...must be bizarre...so you are actually seeing things...are the shapes big, small? mostly transparent?, colored?  


    I'm very curious - hope you don't mind the questions

    Small really.  It's like having glasses on and I see them coming out of the stereo in my minds eye.  You know when you close your eyes and see splotches, and then when you open them they're still there but you can still see in spite of it?  It's kinda like that.  If I hear an earthquake I might see a cloud going up and down, if I hear a keyboard I might see ripples like a river.  But I see it the most when anylizing a mix.  To me mixes look like an atom sorta.  It's like this black nucleus of bass and then it has things swirling around it and hanging off of it, the main instruments like rhythm guitar or piano usually hang right below it in a good mix, with the vocal then taking up the top of the mix and usually the center is a diamond like I already said.  But in my mixes it doesn't look like that and I start trying to make it LOOK like that rather than just listening lol  I talked about this a bit on another forum I was on and a guy who had heard of it said he heard that for musicians it was a curse.  When you consider how much trouble I have mixing I'd have to agree...


    Edit:  On an interesting note, it shows me just how precise professional producers can be.  This doesn't happen so much on newer recordings, but on the old 70's productions like pinkfloyd and steely dan etc, they fit their sounds together so perfectly it's like placing them in a puzzle.  Like in my mixes and even pretty good mixes these days, there are holes between the sounds a bit, or some sounds overlap a little, in really bad mixes you get lines zig zagging and crossing each other all over the place, but even in good mixes they overlap a little bit but still reach the correct general vicinity.  But in the old mixes?  It's as if someone measured the areas of each sounds core essence and then cut them up to fit together with exact precision.  It's quite amazing really.  I have no idea how they did that but on some records it's there.  

  7. does your hearing condition have a name?  I have a hearing condition too I can't remember what it's called, but it means that I see sound more than I hear it.  I just looked it up it's called "Synesthesia"  But I've heard it makes it difficult to mix, as I can't just listen to the emotion in a song, instead I see the shapes of each sound.  I've noticed that in popular recordings they usually have the bass and kick looking like a diamond in the center of the mix, and then the off shoot sounds make ovals and the main ones shoot out like a curvy trumpet shape.  So when I mix and my sounds don't create these shapes I spend ages trying to get them to, even though I'm told I shouldn't listen in that way.  I don't however hear things most people can't, so I'm curious about your condition.  

  8. Although I agree that an analyzer can be helpful you should start to really familiarize yourself with what frequencies sound like. The other thing that you need to address if you are taking this recording thing seriously is your listening environment. 


    Simple treatments can accomplish amazing results in taming low end and reflections in your listening room and should be the #1 priority for any serious recordist.


    The 2nd priority is buyng the best monitors you can afford (or save up for) with these two things in place what you hear will ten times more accurate than what you're previously used to.


    And that makes your job (recording and mic decisions) that much easier

    The sad thing is that my reason for doing all this is in the hopes of making money with it as I literally have no income whatsoever at all.  So there is no "saving" right now, I do listen in different ways though, listening in different parts of the room, using 2 sets of headphones that sound different.  I believe everything is improving but I'm just not improving at the rate and to the level I want to be.  I'm not sure what I need I keep scouring the internet for more tips and tricks but it'd be nice if I could find a youtube channel with like 100s of videos that take you step by step through everything you could want to know.  As of now I'm reading articles on this BAM audio school website.  

  9. For whatever reason, I really like "Asleep At The Wheel".

    While it's a great name for a band, the suggestive implications of it leave a little to be desired. LOL


    It'd be a great name for a band that doesn't rehearse, and doesn't pay attention to what they're doing live.  "Hi we are asleep at the wheel and we got no idea what the hell we're doing up here!!"  *noise noise noise*

  10. Use blastviews.com to push your music. It's a site that will provide for you genuine Youtube sees, which will help you get more attention.

    Never use those sites.  The only sites that give you genuine youtube views use a "view for view" system, and what you get is a bunch of people clicking through a list of videos mindlessly with no intention of subscribing or giving it a real honest observation.  The trick with youtube is thumbnail, SEO, and a title people can't refuse that isn't misleading.  Write an awesome song called "My girlfriend is a gay nazi"  And put a picture of cleavage in the thumbnail, then make every tag about sex or homosexuality or something of that nature, and you'll get hits galore.  Now that is the douche bag route, and it's one many take.  I never would, but my point in giving that example is that youtube is not a very prestigious place for the most part.  If you want to hit that front page, you gotta think like a tabloid writer does, shock, ride coattails of other trending things/and amaze.  

  11. Just like tunesmith said, just because a song is in a certain key doesn't mean it can't be sung in falsetto or in a lower range.  But there is one song in C I'd love to hear you sing, and that's Tina Turner's Proud Mary.  With back up singers and dancing please.  Oh and start it off niiice and eaaasy, but then make it go rough....  



    (Last part is Tina's words not mine)  

  12. Truth be told you should have already started on it, never mind waiting until your music is done. There is a ton of work to be done to prepare for a release unless you want to release your album only to sell, or even give away, only 100 or so copies. Believe me it is a well trodden path.

    I need to sleep but I will try and remember to come back and give you some pointers tomorrow. Symph will no doubt remind me!

    Other than that, I wrote an editorial for our community newsletter that I would consider as the first thing to do. If you missed it I will be posting a copy of the newsletter to the forums tomorrow.

    I will be waiting... and the moment you wake up...  POW.

  13. What would you say, if I told you I knew of a keyboard, that's only 50 bucks, anyone can play, even comes with a microphone, and freakin turn tables.  You could be a god dang DJ.  It even has a stool.  You'd probably say I was crazy right?  Old Symph's gone nuts eh?  Well, scroll to the end of this post, and you will see your brand new keyboard in all it's glory....



































































    y7030_b.jpgDid I deliver or did I deliver.  

    • Like 2
  14. It is probably in a hidden folder for VSTs. You may then have to run a VST load tool. Sorry I am not familiar with studio 1. Or your operating system lol

    Oh well lol.  I'll figure it out I'm sure.  On the positive side, I just finished what to me is a decent mix, first I've been able to get since studying up on techniques and doing more than just fiddling with knobs.  I'll post it soon as it's mastered :)  

  15. Hey

    It sounds like a classic frequency clash. Here is one solution. Use notch filters (EQ) to cut holes in your keys (a pad maybe?)





    Try using a notch filter to cut the holes, and a spectrum analyser to identify the hole you need to cut. Keep it to a minimum width and depth... Ie just enough to allow the guitar to poke through.

    I hope this helps

    Oooooo I have never tried that before.  To be honest I did find a solution.  Not a perfect one, but one that was good enough for me.  And that was panning my guitars wider than I had them, it seemed to create the space I needed to get it in there.  Also, as far as the spectrum analyzer is concerned, I made a thread today earlier about how I can't get Span to work and asked if there was another spectrum analyzer I could work with in Studio One hahaha  

  16. Mastering can be done inside Studio one....you will need a really transparent stereo EQ, multiband stereo compressor and  stereo limiter


    A program like iZotope Ozone will do the job all on its own as a plugin


    Just render your mix to a stereo track...bring that track up into a new project in studio one then apply EQ / Compression and Limiting to it and you are mastering.  Once you're happy with what you've done test your stereo masters on a few different systems like a car stereo / iPod / home stereo / computer etc and see how it sounds. When it translates well on every system you're done.



    Dude.  How did I not think of that myself.  *facepalm*  THANK YOU

  17. Are you referencing mastering as - taking the stereo two track and tweaking it with EQ and compression?  Or are you looking for a multitrack DAW (digital audio workstation) like Audacity to address individual tracks and mix them into a 2 track stereo mix.

    Sorry if this seems self evident but the term mastering has been misused a lot lately?


    or are you looking for a plugin to use to do mastering (as in the first option)

    as far as I know, mixing is what I do in studio one, where you effect the volumes and balance of each individual instrument and mastering is what you do after you have what you consider a decent mix, meaning you dump it into a program like audacity and then add compression to the mix as a whole and boost the highs and lows.  And frankly, audacity would work just fine for me if you could hear more than 5 seconds of audio and make changes to settings as the track played.  But the fact that I have to listen in 5 second snippets is so difficult to do anything with.  

  18. This is something I do that helps alot.  Granted I know very little about recording, but basically I go to youtube or think of a visually stunning movie or something like that, it needs to have alot of motion in it and fit the "mood" of my song, so this could be a first person perspective bike ride, or someone else's music video, or people dancing, or you can look up "electric sheep" and watch one of their visual stimuluses.  And when I think my mix is getting close to finished or is finished, I mute the audio in whatever I've found to watch, and play my track while watching it.  9 times out of 10 I notice things that are off while doing so, as the visual seems to get my mind out of the technical mode and back into an emotional state of listening, and if your mix is correct, then your song should flow well with most anything you choose to watch, and if something is buried too low or not carrying the "message" of your song, it will stick out to you and you'll realize how poorly your mix would be as a soundtrack.  


    It's good to note though that you don't want to get into the habit of doing this at every stage of the mix, or the visual will lose it's impact and start to make you think your mix is good when it isn't.  You basically do this when you think you're ready to move on to mastering as a last check like "could this be the background music to a movie?"  

  19. What do you do?  I've been studying about mixing and production for a few days now and I've managed to get such higher quality than I was getting (which was crap)  And it's finally starting to come together.  And in some songs I get everything placed really well sounding and it all stays inside the mix and works well and compliments each other, but there's this one song that needs a keyboard section in it.  I've eq'd it every which way I know how, applied compression, removed compression, added chorus, it's midi and I even went through other keyboard sounds to see if it was just that sound in general, but nothing I'm doing is working.  It's either buried to where it has no impact, or it's outside of the mix and over the vocal and I have no idea what you do or how you figure out what the problem is.  I suppose it could be the rest of the mix, but that would suck because I like how everything else sounds and it took me a while to get it that way.  Any suggestions?

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