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Music Background

  • Musical / Songwriting / Music Biz Skills
    composer, singer, musician, engineer

androidlove's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. New version of my marching band fanfare in Instrumental.

  2. Sorry I didn't make my 1st post here as per instructions. I hope I won't get banned. I've been writing and recording music for about 30 years. I think I discovered piano and layering around 10. I've played many instruments and objects. I've been making music on computers since I got an Atari 1200XL around 1984. I've made music in many styles, and music that's hard to pigeon hole. I've played in marching band and rock bands. I've set in acoustic circles. I've sung in drainage tunnels. I've played circuit boards with the conductivity of my fingers. I've made a Rat Shack reverb make music. I've built many studios. Of course, the latest is the greatest. I've recently successfully started up a family (3rd time's the charm). I'm used to being a free spirit, but I'm now locked into days of constant nerve racking work for a very large corporation. I managed to produce art at work for a while, but my work suffered. I now put my all into my job. I am now one of the best at what I do, but it was at a sacrifice. My creativity came to a virtual standstill. I have my sight set on a job that pays the same and will allow me to be creative. The thought of being able to leave my post has awakened my creativity. So, here I am. I found this site while looking for a place to post and review conventional music. This place is more than I hoped for. I'm happy computer graphics and video making are also covered here. I have a long history with both. Anyway, hi!
  3. I posted this in the Song and Recording Critique section as a response to an artist there. I thought it might be useful here too. Sorry about the crosspost. If you just need a simple multitrack/editor, Audacity is free http://audacity.sourceforge.net . It loads VST's and has it's suite of FX. If you want a multitrack that's more studio like, try Kristal http://www.kreatives.org/kristal If you need a robust host, here are a couple of freebies that look promising. http://lmms.sourceforge.net/home.php (Yes, it runs on Windows) http://www.mutools.com/products.html (There's a free version) I use Tracktion http://www.mackie.com/products/tracktion3 . Seems it's being sabotaged and abandoned by the hardware company that bought it. It's up the disastrous version "3 point is it fixed yet?" Here's a Tracktion 2 demo http://my.mackie.com/products/tracktion/demov2.asp . Here's a Tracktion 3 demo http://my.mackie.com/products/tracktion/demov3.asp . I use Tracktion 2 and find it relatively stable and not completely removed from the brilliant version 1. Tracktion is very easy to use yet allows complex maneuvers. Tracktion 2, $150.00, is more expensive than Tracktion 3, $100.00 (a clue?). Strangely, the cheapest way to get Tracktion is to buy a mixer for $80.00 http://www.audiolines.com/Pro-Audio/Mixing-Consoles-PA-Mixers/Mixing-Consoles-%28Analog%29/Mackie-402-VLZ3 It comes with Tracktion 3. If you can find a copy, Computer Music magazine comes with a nice host/sequencer and a bunch of plugs. Each issue usually comes with samples as well.
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