This is my response to the first challenge of the Poetic Proliferation group. I'm kinda happy with how it turned out, so I thought I'd post it here, along with an encouragement to join the group if you haven't already. Cheers!
Naturally, there are things that set poets apart,
And naturally is usually how they're aquired.
I'll list out a few, though it's a hard list to start.
Don't think it's complete, and don't think it's inspired.
They know they discover their works; they don't make them.
They have mental erasers like stone masons' tools.
They don't guess what's inside of words till they shake them.
They have a respect for the rules.
(But they know how to break them.)
Their hands are well-versed, and their ears are well-chorused,
Their brains catch the details that get past the eyes.
They know that if a tree falls alone in the forest,
It cries.
They think with their hearts and feel with their heads,
They write with their ears like a ragtime musician.
They order their phenomes from violets to reds,
Then work from both ends to whittle down their composition.
Anything a poet says or writes is a poem.
They just think harder about some before they show it.
And, by virtue of that, that is what they become,
Since we call one who writes and tells poems a poet.