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Blog Entries posted by Steve

    which is a most dangerous pastime for me! I was listening to a news item regarding obesity!The general concensus is that we are all becoming obese, and in another 40 years, a huge percentage of the population will be clinically obese! The government is worried! The strain this would place on the, already stretched health service could be critical! It could cost millions of pounds to treat this 'new age' condition. The news item included expert testimony from er, 'experts', who concluded that our changing lifestyles were to blame! The evolutionary process is failing to keep up with our changing ways! Apparently? The Government is suggesting that we change our slovenly ways and will more than likely find a new tax or two to 'help us'

    Well, I'm no expert! So I suppose the following points will make no difference in this ever changing world!

    Children aren't getting enough excercise.

    Government (and local council) response?

    Sell off school playing fields to developers.
    Allow the building of huge housing estates with tiny, or no gardens.
    Set aside NO green areas in proposed new developments for children to play in.
    On already existing green areas, erect signs bearing the legend 'No Ball Games Allowed'.
    Reduce the alloted time spent on physical education in the school curriculum.
    Set parents minds at rest by releasing known paedophiles into the community, and not keeping proper tabs on them.

    And while I'm fired up!

    We keep hearing from the government about 'visions' and 'the future'. What's best for the country and all that bollocks! Well I'm getting a little pissed off with it! I don't want some assholes 'vision'! Gordon Brown keeps on about his 'vision' Well I'd like Gordon Brown to come and work with me for a few years and then tell me about his f*cking vision! I'd like him to have the same bank balance that I have! With no realistic chance of ever having a decent retirement payout. I'd like him to wake up in the morning and go to a job that he doesn't like that much. But I'd like him to do that for the rest of his life! The trouble is, we can't all be politicians! Who would pay for the pensions then? I hate politics because it is, in my mind, exclusive and not inclusive. The old chestnut of somebody representing the views of the community is the biggest con ever. Politicians represent the party they belong to. Party politics is a joke. The opinions and 'visions' of a tiny minority taking sway over the majority. If somebody can distinguish the difference between the two major parties I would like to hear it! Gordon has decided that the European constitution, that nobody wanted, is what we all really want, but just don't realise it? So he's going to call it a 'treaty' and give it to us anyway! Now the fact that we were promised a referendum on this by the government, is neither here nor there! The tiny minority in government wanted the 'constitution'. The vast majority of the people don't want it. As witnessed by the referendums held in other european countries. Never mind, lets change the name ! We don't need to hold a referendum then!

    By the way! If anybody can tell me what the difference is between the parties at the moment? I'd love to hear it! When the Tories thought there might be a general election, they trotted out their proposals for a 'better' future. Then Gordon upset everybody and didn't call an election, but adopted all the Tories proposals instead? Do we need three parties? Do we actually need hundreds of MPs? Why not just have a prime minister? He makes all the decisions anyway? Why bother paying all the others? Like us, their 'visions' don't count for much! Unless you happen to be a sycophantic Gordon lover! If we have all these other 'Members', they start thinking! They try to invent new policies without first putting their brains in gear, (Or even starting the engine!) Some bright spark has now aired his (or her can't remember now?) views on what they want to get to grips with next! They are thinking of, get this, 'Targeting' middle class commuter belt citizens for drinking in their own homes! I don't know who said this but it was just another news item I heard. Whoever did say it should be deported back to the planet they came from! I remain quite exasperated! This shows you what kind of mentality is inherant in our politicians. Somewhere, somebody voted for this idiot! The thought of he/she ever becoming a powerful political entity doesn't bear thinking about!
    I have abstained from voting since 1974. Not because I don't want to vote! But because I have yet to find somebody I feel deserves my vote! Another thing we hear lots about after elections, the low turnout! That's because the system is flawed! If the Governement was a business, it would have been insolvent years ago. "It's the best system we have" is something I've heard. Well I'll wait untill I hear of a better system before I waste my time thanks!

    I'm going to finish now before I get too tense!
    I was thinking today about my old gear. I suppose being in a position of relative poverty! has always made me think very carefully about what I buy! Also, the things I have bought in the past, I still have with me today! That goes for my guitars, my 4 track, even my (very) old tape recorder! I am loath to part with any of my aquisitions mainly because they were so hard to come by in the first place. When 4 track tape recorders first appeared on the music scene, everybody I knew rushed out and bought one! The cost of these things was too prohibitive to me, being married with a load of sprogs to feed. When I had eventually saved enough to buy one, it was like Christmas and birthdays rolled into one! It cost me 3 weeks wages almost, but It was treasured from the start and is still a treasured item now some 20 years on! I suppose because it was so hard come by, is why I would never part with it! Although I almost gave it to a friend a while back! He was having some trouble recording to the PC. He only ever uses a guitar and vocal, but in the end, I couldn't bear to part with it! Not because I didn't want to help out a mate, but because he would never have appreciated it like I had! Anybody else feel the same about their own gear?
    Here we go then! I thought I might start by telling you all about my time with Dave Gimour. I am just trying to figure out how to use the gallery so I can upload a few pictures to show y'all!
  1. I was feeling pretty pissed off yesterday when I dropped my Digital snapshot camera in a stream! Fortunately, it seems to be OK now that it's dried out, although I do appear to be missing a few shots I'd taken.

    Today, I stabbed myself on the tip of my finger! Which is pretty painfull and is stopping me from playing my guitar! I cleaned all my guitars yesterday with a view to getting in some practice and hopefully working up a song! Well that's that plan scuppered for a few days. I am finding it friggin painful just typing!
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