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Which Personality Type Are You?


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On 10/24/2016 at 5:47 PM, RobAsh15 said:

As it so happens, I tend to be somewhat a creature of happy habit. I like structure and predictability over spontaneity and the new. I do enjoy trying new things. I will travel far for a new roller coaster! I love trying new foods and I have a passion for international beers and ales. But as far as my life structure goes, I like predictability. Having nearly died in 2007, and then suffering through what at times seemed like it would be an endless string of life altering surgeries, I am not surprised that settling into a pattern of stable behavior would become progressively more appealing to me over time.


Sorry to hear about your episode and the surgeries. I can see where this might make a person more disposed to a regular predictable life. 

I'm facing a serious surgery myself. The funny thing is, my wife seems more worried than I am. I need to be her rock while facing my own dilemma. I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The doc described the cancer as "aggressive" and "nasty". Four of the 12 cores samples they took were cancerous. The only choice is to have it removed followed by radiation. So I'm lined up with one of the best surgeons around who will use a robot for the surgery.....I'm a little bit apprehensive, but not really overly concerned about it. I had scans that determined it probably hasn't spread...so maybe I'll be around awhile yet. If you're over 50 GET YOUR PSA'S CHECKED ASAP!!!! It could save your life. I feel fine...so this thing was silent and deadly.


Anyways here's  something probably everyone here would agree with-



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Tim, all the while you have your wife to think about, I think that's a useful distraction. You're going to be preoccupied enough with the treatment. I feel you are going to cope well. Thanks for the heads up & advice.


If you're up for it, post an update now & then. A blog maybe?

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21 hours ago, Rudi said:

Tim, all the while you have your wife to think about, I think that's a useful distraction. You're going to be preoccupied enough with the treatment. I feel you are going to cope well. Thanks for the heads up & advice.


If you're up for it, post an update now & then. A blog maybe?


Thanks Rudi. My wife is a very intelligent person and it's hard to put anything by her, not that I do. My numbers are not very good. A Gleason score of 9 from a possible 2-10 rating with the higher numbers being more serious. My psa is 10.4. People have concerns when they have a psa of 5 or 7. If you went to the doctor and had a psa of 5, cancer would likely be contained in only the prostate. With a score of 10.4 it is likely that the cancer has at least spread to close surrounding areas. Since my scans don't show it being in my bones or even in close proximity, I might squeak by with a minimal invasion and this can be mopped up with radiation after the surgery. I might be ok for awhile, but as with most forms of aggressive cancer it has to be monitored and if it has migrated somewhere else it can reoccur. If and when it gets into the bones, the direction changes to coping instead of healing/fixing. I was told if I did nothing I might live 3 more years. I might be fortunate and get at least 10 more years if they get most all of it. If you have a 5 score the outlook is much much better. A 10.4 is really dancing with a 50/50 chance in the best of odds that it's all contained in one place.

I wouldn't be surprised if when the operation is over, they say...Mr Smith, there was some we didn't get. If the news is better than that I'll be very happy. That isn't the expectation of the surgeon. I go in for the op Nov. 14th. After that I'll be very uncomfortable for two or three weeks until I hopefully heal.

I'll probably just keep this to a close circle.....But DO get yourself checked. This is a common killer of men.Especially men 60 or more years old. I would start getting looked at even at 45 years old. I waited too long between physicals. I felt fine and never suspected it was that serious.

21 hours ago, RobAsh15 said:

I helped a friend through dealing with prostate cancer about 15-16 years ago. He had surgery then went through a long bout of chemo and radiation. He and I smoked a lot of really exceptional marijuana together through those days, and my friend survived.


I'm glad he made it ok. There is hope if they get to it in time. The thing about smoking pot is that most people don't use a filter and that can be some nasty smoke . I've heard of people getting cancer from pot smoke.


21 hours ago, RobAsh15 said:

My wife and I take turns, both in being strong, and in falling apart. My issues all center around a progressive vascular disease. At several points blockages have threatened either my life, or placed me in danger of losing a limb to amputation. I am still alive, and I still have both of my legs, so things have clearly gone about nearly as well as they could have.


I'm sorry to hear this Rob. I hope you're around for a long long time. Best wishes. If it's "progressive" I'm guessing it gets worse or can it be controlled?


21 hours ago, RobAsh15 said:

During the primary events, namely, during the emergency surgeries and subsequent hospitalizations, my wife was a rock. Shortly after, at home, after the crisis, she would melt into a puddle of previously unacknowledged emotions. At those times I would be the rock upon which those emotions would crash. Perhaps, in your case, in allowing her to express her worry now, you will find that she is the rock you need when you are at the point of the sword. Something tells me that is how it will be for you.


In any case, I wish nothing but the very best of outcomes for you and your wife, my brother.



Thanks Rob, I appreciate it. My wife recently lost both her mother and dad, so I didn't want to load this on her too. She can hide things very well up to a point, but I know she'll worry to death until we know more about the eventual outcome. This is where a couple who are dedicated to each other can really help since I can try to help her through it and she pulls some of my weight. If the eventual outcome is more bleak than I had hoped, I'll need to start planning things as if she lives alone and like I'm nearing retirement. Downsizing, selling, simplifying etc. The good thing is I can do that.

21 hours ago, tunesmithth said:

Very sorry to hear Tim, but good luck & hang in there!


 Thanks Tom! I'll make the best of it no matter how it goes.

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26 minutes ago, McnaughtonPark said:

Tim, an old shipmate of mine went through this last year, well maybe the year prior as well, but he made a full recovery.  He is cancer free for now.  Still has that silly grin he had when I knew him years ago.  I wish the same for you.


Thanks McnaughtonPark much appreciated. I'm glad to hear your friend is ok for now. I have REALLY changed what I eat. It's amazing how much something like this makes a person reevaluate. Every day seems more valuable than it once did. I'm doing lots of ginger root tea, apple cider vinegar, garlic by the spoonful ( hold your nose and swallow), vitamins etc etc .Not much red meat.


26 minutes ago, tunesmithth said:

If nothing else, times like this can serve as a reminder of why you clung to your faith.

You remember...that same faith folks here gave you such a hard time about. :blush:


This is very true. I think I'm learning to be a bit of a realist. Although I believe that anything is possible , I don't think it's always probable depending. You wouldn't find a better woman of faith than my mother...she had cancer and had probably hundreds of people praying for her, yet cancer took her life. I could give other examples of fine people who died from cancer or aids or any number of other things. Can God heal, yes. Will He heal? That's up to Him.


Let's face it, we're all going to go through the same door eventually in one way or another. Death is part of being human and it doesn't discriminate about the type of person it chooses good, bad or in between. I've had a good run and anything else I get is icing on the cake.

I would say my faith doesn't try to evade the inevitable. Oh heck yes I'll pray for a delay until I'm 85 or something and hope the answer is yes, but it might not be in the cards....my faith will take me through the inevitable whenever that happens to be.

Faith is very very useful so long as I can accept the facts. We are all in transition. Just like you can't really feel the earth move , yet the sun somehow makes it across the sky every day....this is your life. We can't see it moving usually, but when we look back time has passed.

Make the very best of each day you have here. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow.


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  • 2 months later...

Ironic.  I recently took the MB test online and after awhile was curious if if songwriting attracted certain personality types, then I see this!  I'm INFP.  I don't recall the percentages.  I just tried using the link provided.  They wanted payment for the results, so I didn't bite,  but they did give this info--which I kinda already knew as INFP, so I'm guessing that I once again tested as INFP.  Here's what they shared.


You have an extremely acute sense of morals and values

You are a highly private person who does not share your true self with many others

You are a true idealist who can clearly see how the world could be a better place

Your highest priority is to be true to yourself and live an authentic life

You believe that everyone has the right to express themselves as an individual

Oh...I noticed this conversation changed tone post-post  Later discussion showed up after my post registered.  My apologies...

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That's ok by me. I'm pretty good at derailing posts .


It should probably get back to the subject and I apologize for taking it away from that. This kind of thing interested me ( personality types) . 


Funny, but I suspect that no one wanted to reveal that much of themselves here, so they looked and moved on. 


I like some things about Carl Jung's ideas, the guy who originated these kinds of ideas about personality. Maybe I've been had. I think he was at least onto something.


I can also see where the whole thing might start to look a bit like a horoscope, meaning they tell you what you want to hear, yet if he was inaccurate totally I don't think the personality profiles would have been used by countless organizations to determine compatibility. A far cry from a detailed analysis of each individual since I don't believe one size fits all. Maybe we all fit into really big boxes. 


My evaluation seemed to fit pretty well. I've gone my entire life feeling like a square peg in a round hole. Looking at yours I can see why you didn't post a pic. lol! We are all so very complex, but I believe this sheds some light on who we to a very minor degree. Sadly your description is longer than the obits of many who have lived well past a half century. " He/she came, hung around awhile, did a few things and left". :)

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Oh! No worries about the derailment.  Totally understandable how it could come about.  I wanted to know how things are turning out for you, but being new and unfamiliar to people here, just didn't know if it was proper for me to inquire.  I think it's awesome that you have the type of community here that someone would be comfortable sharing here!  I need to get familiar with people here, but not yet quite sure how to go about it.  As Far as the Myers Briggs thing, I am still learning, but I find it fascinating.  Just learning the differences in what energizes an introvert vs. extrovert is helpful information, especially since I've known extroverts to misinterpret my need for time alone/processing time as a snub, which it is sooo not.  At least this way, I know to explain it to them.  I had also hoped it would help me to better inter-relate with family members to know how we process differently.  It's fascinating to me the areas it has been accurate in.  Of course not everything, but a better guideline than nothing.  It's not like it's being used to tell the future like a horoscope does--definitely not the same.  I've also read some interesting books by Kevin Leman on birth order in a family and how that impacts how people process/view things and how they tend to respond.  I am surrounded by first-borns it really seemed to ring true in that case.  I have a youngest sibling and child and that seems pretty accurate too.  Middles are a bit more complicated and hard to peg down because of varying factors, but interesting to learn about. That's  also are a guideline to HELP with understanding.  It helped me to understand what was important to my spouse, parents and children and seems pretty accurate.  I don't think it's anything like a horoscope, unless you look to it like some kind of religion. ;)

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18 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

Oh! No worries about the derailment.  Totally understandable how it could come about.  I wanted to know how things are turning out for you, but being new and unfamiliar to people here, just didn't know if it was proper for me to inquire.  I think it's awesome that you have the type of community here that someone would be comfortable sharing here!


Thank you. I believe there is a good community here. I am on the fringes of that community, but I still come around. The inner sanctum is probably the songs critique areas which I haven't been in much lately. There's a group of guys who have a few things in common and they tend to hang around which I think is a healthy thing.

Even though my personality profile type is introvert.  I'm probably too transparent. I can only speak for myself here. I don't think everyone here feels the same way. But for the most part, even those I have had disagreements with have been supportive. Back when I was in the heat of this thing( cancer) I tended to say more than I do now. Kind of similar to just coming from a car accident and you're still alive, you want to tell someone. 


I'm doing VERY well. Thanks for asking! 


18 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

 I need to get familiar with people here, but not yet quite sure how to go about it.


Others feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong. This is a typical group of musicians/creative types and all the baggage that comes along with that, some very good and some bordering on insanity. As I said before I am not a good representation of this group. I'm more like the odd man out lol. I recommend reading back posts. This should give you a decent idea. Jump in and write some lyrics for someone.

18 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

 Just learning the differences in what energizes an introvert vs. extrovert is helpful information, especially since I've known extroverts to misinterpret my need for time alone/processing time as a snub, which it is sooo not.  At least this way, I know to explain it to them.  I had also hoped it would help me to better inter-relate with family members to know how we process differently.  It's fascinating to me the areas it has been accurate in.  Of course not everything, but a better guideline than nothing.  It's not like it's being used to tell the future like a horoscope does--definitely not the same.  I've also read some interesting books by Kevin Leman on birth order in a family and how that impacts how people process/view things and how they tend to respond.  I am surrounded by first-borns it really seemed to ring true in that case.  I have a youngest sibling and child and that seems pretty accurate too.  Middles are a bit more complicated and hard to peg down because of varying factors, but interesting to learn about. That's  also are a guideline to HELP with understanding.  It helped me to understand what was important to my spouse, parents and children and seems pretty accurate.  I don't think it's anything like a horoscope, unless you look to it like some kind of religion. ;)


This is all great fodder for thought. I would like to comment on it later. Unfortunately I have to go.

18 hours ago, HoboSage said:

I just saw this about your prostate cancer, Tim.  All my sincere best to you.  My PSA's 18.8, but after three biopsies, they still can't find cancer, so I'm luckily just BPH for now.  I'm pulling for you.

Thank you! Wow. That number is nothing to play with. Unless the test is all wrong maybe?

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20 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

Just learning the differences in what energizes an introvert vs. extrovert is helpful information, especially since I've known extroverts to misinterpret my need for time alone/processing time as a snub, which it is sooo not.

 Ok I wanted to further comment.

Yes I hear you on this one for sure. They still don't really get it though.

20 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

 It's fascinating to me the areas it has been accurate in.

Yes it is probably the closest thing I could find to an accurate representation. 

20 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

 It's not like it's being used to tell the future like a horoscope does--definitely not the same

I hear you on that. My comparison was mainly along the lines of answers that fit a large percentage of the population, for instance, in the case of the horoscope it might say, " You will have a new idea in the next month". That statement would hold true for a lot of people no matter what their sign is. In the case of a personality profile it might say, " you value relationships ". This would also cover a large number of people. So I think I was trying to weed out the things that could be construed to be almost universal statements about people in general. This was at least my attempt.

20 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

I've also read some interesting books by Kevin Leman on birth order in a family and how that impacts how people process/view things and how they tend to respond.  I am surrounded by first-borns it really seemed to ring true in that case.  I have a youngest sibling and child and that seems pretty accurate too.  Middles are a bit more complicated and hard to peg down because of varying factors, but interesting to learn about. That's  also are a guideline to HELP with understanding.  It helped me to understand what was important to my spouse, parents and children and seems pretty accurate.  I don't think it's anything like a horoscope, unless you look to it like some kind of religion. ;)

Not familiar or qualified to comment on that book. Sounds interesting. Do his ideas stem from the surrounding environment the child was raised in? I know of a case where a second born was really more like a first born because the eldest child died before he was born. The family/ sibling order much be very strong.


Hobosage- What is BPH? You have me worried. I hope you're ok.


I want to thank all of those who chipped in with good thoughts!

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When I try to quote, the whole kit and kaboodle shows up.  How do you all get just the portion of the quote?  I have plans to reply to some responses here, but since I'm on an iPod plunking in one letter at a time, I'd like to know your shortcuts first to save me some technology frustrations.

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21 hours ago, starise said:

Even though my personality profile type is introvert.  I'm probably too transparent. I can only speak for myself here. I don't think everyone here feels the same way. But for the most part, even those I have had disagreements with have been supportive. Back when I was in the heat of this thing( cancer) I tended to say more than I do now. Kind of similar to just coming from a car accident and you're still alive, you want to tell someone. 

I totally get that.  Part of introversion processing (I think) is in eventually expressing things through writing --Here it is writing--and I'm sure you had lots to process.  Also, if you found that you were comfortable with others here, I think that encourages an introvert (and problably the most like-minded in intensity and understanding are here).  Even in songwriting, you get some sort of a picture of others and writers make themselves vulnerable in expressing their thoughts in so many ways through song, but the fact that they do do that helps, don't you think?  I hardly ever spoke my thoughts to others prior to songwriting.  Expressing through songwriting somehow, magically, I still don't get it, opened me up to share more in a way that I never would have before and not just through songwriting.  I am pretty private, but once in awhile, there's a connection somewhere with someone and my insides all come out--rare.  

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On 1/25/2017 at 1:13 PM, starise said:

My evaluation seemed to fit pretty well. I've gone my entire life feeling like a square peg in a round hole. Looking at yours I can see why you didn't post a pic. lol! We are all so very complex, but I believe this sheds some light on who we to a very minor degree. Sadly your description is longer than the obits of many who have lived well past a half century. " He/she came, hung around awhile, did a few things and left". :)

Hah!  I took that as a challenge to get myself outside my comfort zone and It most certainly did!  My daughter was helping me to upload the pic since I couldn't figure out how to do it from the ipod.  I wanted to do just a corner of maybe an eye or something.  Would you believe she fought me on it and refused to do it that way, hence the pic that's there.  I can always delete--hah!  Time for me to snap some photos of interesting objects around the house--my usual is photos of some sort of flower.

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19 hours ago, starise said:

Not familiar or qualified to comment on that book. Sounds interesting. Do his ideas stem from the surrounding environment the child was raised in? I know of a case where a second born was really more like a first born because the eldest child died before he was born. The family/ sibling order much be very strong.


I'm not positive I spelled his name correctly, but, in answer to your question, "Yes".  He refers to something as displaced firstborns.  Certain factors such as an overly critical parent can influence a true first-born's tendency as well as the next child's, and as you make reference to above, special needs of a firstborn can affect this, a first (for example): girl in a family of boys and vice versa, and a number of years (Maybe 4+, hard to remember now) between children lend to a displaced first-born.  In keeping with what you mentioned regarding personality categorizing:  


On 1/25/2017 at 1:13 PM, starise said:

I can also see where the whole thing might start to look a bit like a horoscope, meaning they tell you what you want to hear, yet if he was inaccurate totally I don't think the personality profiles would have been used by countless organizations to determine compatibility. A far cry from a detailed analysis of each individual since I don't believe one size fits all. Maybe we all fit into really big boxes. 

I think the same applies.

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This is what I got


Are you a human?

You are a psychopath

You should not be allowed out

You should refrain from socialising with decent human beings

Are you sure you're human?

Is Alistair a friend?

Edited by Steve
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On 1/26/2017 at 6:02 PM, Pahchisme Plaid said:

When I try to quote, the whole kit and kaboodle shows up.  How do you all get just the portion of the quote?  I have plans to reply to some responses here, but since I'm on an iPod plunking in one letter at a time, I'd like to know your shortcuts first to save me some technology frustrations.

On a full sized PC I highlight and if I hover the mouse on the highlighted area I am given the option to quote that section. I'm not familiar with posting using an iPod. I have an iPhone and an iPad. Maybe the iPod is similar? With those I can hold my finger on text to copy/paste it. I try to use Siri to take notes and then paste those. Siri lets you speak text and notes which I then edit and paste.

 Most times though, I avoid using a portable device to post because it can be so frustrating ;)

On 1/26/2017 at 9:49 PM, HoboSage said:

BPH = Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia = enlarged prostate without cancer.


Thanks for that info Hobosage. If you ever have any questions feel free to PM me on my experiences. That seems like both really good news and also not so good. You are getting the high readings from another condition.You don't have cancer yay! OTOH, since the psa test is the main indicator, the only other way I'm aware of that they could know if you would eventually really get cancer is a scan and my doc tells me they aren't extremely accurate.


21 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

I totally get that.  Part of introversion processing (I think) is in eventually expressing things through writing --Here it is writing--and I'm sure you had lots to process.  Also, if you found that you were comfortable with others here, I think that encourages an introvert (and problably the most like-minded in intensity and understanding are here).  Even in songwriting, you get some sort of a picture of others and writers make themselves vulnerable in expressing their thoughts in so many ways through song, but the fact that they do do that helps, don't you think?  I hardly ever spoke my thoughts to others prior to songwriting.  Expressing through songwriting somehow, magically, I still don't get it, opened me up to share more in a way that I never would have before and not just through songwriting.  I am pretty private, but once in awhile, there's a connection somewhere with someone and my insides all come out--rare.  


I read back through some of the thread and came across a comment Alistair had made on introversion.. I would have to agree with his idea that introversion is viewed as a weakness. Sometimes introversion is compared to shyness and this IS looked at as undesirable in a man at least. I have since come to realize it has nothing to do with that. For me introversion is more about the want or need to periodically socially disconnect to recharge my inner self. The theory is some people see and feel more from other people than others. They are like magnets drawing in others peoples energy.These people are  drained when in social circles.. They can usually handle it for a short time, but it gets cumbersome if it goes on for too long.


Another thing I believe contributes to introversion is that people who are task oriented don't want distractions. They want to be left alone to do their job or project. I don't prefer to multitask since I believe that this takes away from each individual  task. The more we like a thing and the more involved in it we get , the more we want to do that thing and the less we want to be bothered.


Yes, I believe there is some vulnerability in songwriting. It's a chance the writer takes to express I suppose.Does this mean a song that appears to be wandering points to a wandering  person? What do you think? A mysterious story leaves the listener hanging, but might be a form of expression for the writer. I personally struggle with the writing end of things. My mentality at the beginning is, I just want to make music, why does it need to be serious? To make a statement? Trying to put a meaningful lyric to it sometimes takes away from the simplicity of the music itself for me personally. Not that I won't try it from time to time.


I believe are many benefits to writing over verbal personal communication. It allows more of a focus on the subject instead of becoming distracted by how someone looks or their mannerisms. Writing assures communication. In a personal setting you might be getting talked over or not listened to. Writing gives all the time necessary for the reader to get the point of the writer. If I missed something I can go back to it. Writing allows us to make a statement that maybe we need to get out to feel better.Writing allows only those who are interested to read it and we can choose when and how much at a time we want to read.

22 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

Hah!  I took that as a challenge to get myself outside my comfort zone and It most certainly did!  My daughter was helping me to upload the pic since I couldn't figure out how to do it from the ipod.  I wanted to do just a corner of maybe an eye or something.  Would you believe she fought me on it and refused to do it that way, hence the pic that's there.  I can always delete--hah!  Time for me to snap some photos of interesting objects around the house--my usual is photos of some sort of flower.


Well it looks like you right? :) Unless you're a 70 year old male troll.

22 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

I'm not positive I spelled his name correctly, but, in answer to your question, "Yes".  He refers to something as displaced firstborns.  Certain factors such as an overly critical parent can influence a true first-born's tendency as well as the next child's, and as you make reference to above, special needs of a firstborn can affect this, a first (for example): girl in a family of boys and vice versa, and a number of years (Maybe 4+, hard to remember now) between children lend to a displaced first-born.  In keeping with what you mentioned regarding personality categorizing:  

My wife who is a school teacher sees lot's of kids every day and she has taught for a long long time. I ran this past her( family order/siblings) and she said that she notices the largest difference with single child families in a school setting.


15 hours ago, Steve said:

This is what I got


Are you a human?

You are a psychopath

You should not be allowed out

You should refrain from socialising with decent human beings

Are you sure you're human?

Is Alistair a friend?


Steve you look human from here. That is your pic right? 

That test seems a bit harsh :)


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7 hours ago, starise said:

I read back through some of the thread and came across a comment Alistair had made on introversion.. I would have to agree with his idea that introversion is viewed as a weakness. Sometimes introversion is compared to shyness and this IS looked at as undesirable in a man at least. I have since come to realize it has nothing to do with that. For me introversion is more about the want or need to periodically socially disconnect to recharge my inner self. The theory is some people see and feel more from other people than others. They are like magnets drawing in others peoples energy.These people are  drained when in social circles.. They can usually handle it for a short time, but it gets cumbersome if it goes on for too long.

Exactly!  on all counts!  I can tell you the moment my husband walks through the door if he's in a grumpy mood even before he says anything.  He gives off this grumpy vibe that radiates right into my being.  It was the same way with my mom and dad while I was growing up.  It affects me something awful! I had a friend I dearly cared for, but I had to separate from that relationship because she called me EVERYDAY sharing her relationship problems and her symptoms with her health.  I began to have all her symptoms.  It got better when I put space between us, but I do still care for her very much.  I just can't be sick for her.

7 hours ago, starise said:

Another thing I believe contributes to introversion is that people who are task oriented don't want distractions. They want to be left alone to do their job or project. I don't prefer to multitask since I believe that this takes away from each individual  task. The more we like a thing and the more involved in it we get , the more we want to do that thing and the less we want to be bothered.

This is me completely!  Sometimes I forget to eat until my body reminds me (or my husband calls to remind me).  I hate to stop what I'm doing in the middle of it!  I am no longer a good multi-tasker.  I was, but I had some health issues that impacted that significantly.

7 hours ago, starise said:

My mentality at the beginning is, I just want to make music, why does it need to be serious? To make a statement? Trying to put a meaningful lyric to it sometimes takes away from the simplicity of the music itself for me personally. Not that I won't try it from time to time.

I am just the opposite.  I would prefer to just write and make melody.  If I HAD the skill to do music, I'm sure I would love that, too, but to play and put chords to a song on guitar is a beginner skill for me, I can't yet do what I want and when sometimes I can, it takes forever for me to do in comparison to the time it takes me to write. Plus if I am unable to practice what I've learned on guitar, It just goes badly and sometimes I have quite the stretch where I am unable to practice.  Got three kiddos, work, keep house, paperwork, bills, write songs, (sometimes have to etch time out for that) and I'm not a super-energetic person, so sometimes practice falls by the wayside.


7 hours ago, starise said:

I believe are many benefits to writing over verbal personal communication. It allows more of a focus on the subject instead of becoming distracted by how someone looks or their mannerisms. Writing assures communication. In a personal setting you might be getting talked over or not listened to. Writing gives all the time necessary for the reader to get the point of the writer. If I missed something I can go back to it. Writing allows us to make a statement that maybe we need to get out to feel better.Writing allows only those who are interested to read it and we can choose when and how much at a time we want to read.

 You are SO right!  So insightful...couldn't have said it better!

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