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Hello! Please tell my what you think of my voice

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                      I could barely hear you... your holding back. I can see your lacking the confidence you need to sing well.

You have a nice voice.. but I'm sure it sounds a lot better when your singing to yourself alone. Don't be shy.. everybody

is scared or shy when it comes to singing, speaking, or just about anything.. in front of people we don't know. Listen, it 

takes a little guts to to work up the courage to sing comfortably in front of a bunch of people. But you will never know how

good you are or can be, if you don't try. And your voice like anything thats trained, will just continue to get louder, stronger,

and better as your confidence in yourself grows.  Just remember.. your as good as anybody out there.. work harder.

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Hi Melissa, the level that you recorded at was very low so it wouldn't be a fair assessment to comment on your vocal sound or skill at this time.


However, it did allow me to concentrate more on how you are presenting yourself and how I perceive you come across to an audience.


It is evident that you are reading the lyric to your right of your screen which has the effect of disconnecting yourself from your audience.


I would advise that you thoroughly learn a song so that you don't have to think about what you are singing. It is very important that a singer believe in the song that they are singing and if you believe it your audience will too. Remember that you are the channel that expresses the emotions in a song and conveys it to your audience.


Confidence comes when you know a song inside out and it gives you the ability to look your audience in the eye and tell them the story.


I look forward to the next video that you post Malissa so don't forget to check your sound level before proceeding. I think that you will receive some good advice on Songstuff and you will surely make improvements that will move you forward.


By the way, "You look fine"

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You have a good ear because your pitch is pretty good. It sounds as if you are singing quietly. Even quiet, it sounds good enough to work for recording. Maybe even live?


You will probably find that later on, you’ll want your voice to project more. So it’s not a bad idea sing louder now. When you do sing louder, you will probably want to sing higher (ie: change key upward).

Singing through a microphone in a noisy venue, makes me sing at the top of my voice usually, but like most people, when I am at home, I tend to sing much quieter. I mention this because your surroundings make a difference you how you sing. It can come as a bit of a shock when you ‘have to’ sing loud.

You voice is pleasant. Much nicer than mine.

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Hi Melissa, I forgot to add that Barbara Streisand's voice was small but with a pre amped microphone she sounded phenomenal.


Having a small voice is not a hindrance, it's how you express and use what you've got is the important thing. :001_smile:

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