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I recall Rudi mentioning that he's missing playing out while Blown Out is on hiatus.  So much so that he's considering busking as an opportunity to do so.  I've done some busking in the distant past and always promised myself that I would again someday.  The somedays never came till this summer.  


It's work if you are not used to the process.  In the past whenever I'd work out a song.  I'd work it till I found my performance sufficient then... rarely go back to it.  Or I'd play only my favorite parts.  There is a problem with only playing only your favorite parts to song.  Our memories work that when we remember something again.  We don't go all the way back to the memory.  Instead we access the last time we remembered.  So these days I don't half commit to songs for practice sake or for picking up the guitar sake.  If I don't know it all the way through I pick up the sheet music and work it out completely.  Another thing about reading stuff from a computer software tool or sheet music.  You really have to start walking away from reading as soon as you can.  If you are referencing the sheet it becomes a crutch to performance as you'll soon find yourself only being able to perform with the sheet in front of you.   


Most of the fun stuff I'd used to do on guitar I've had to put to the side.  Sure it's fun but it's a distraction.  Other distractions I'm trying to put behind me as well.  My mind has a tendency to wander too much.   These days.  I get up, go through my practice regiment for about two hours.  Take a break then about 1:00 I go to a local park with my Variax Standard and battery powered Yamaha THR-C ten watt amp.  Play for an hour or two then I go to work.  One of the hardest parts is sticking to the set list.  Not playing songs that I'm not going to perform.  That's much easier in a band setting



I'm beginning to gain confidence with my singing live and overall playing.  It's funny,  when you play in an apartment with thin walls over time your consideration of neighbors and lack of an audience makes you want to play quieter and it's easy to become insecure about your performance abilities.  I don't sing too much in public still.  I've never had vocal training and between allergies, smoking and other factors I can't push my voice.  Nonetheless I practice singing scales and try warming up before performing.


I rarely get listeners approaching me during my performance.  When I do it's nice.   I'm less concerned with the audience than my performance.  So long as I know I've performed the song well is good enough for me.

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That seems like a good routine Mike. I absolutely identify with the quiet home 'performance' thing.


One of the street singers, it may have been Rev. Gary Davis, said that busking was where you really learned your music. Obviously he meant communicating to the public.

I doubt whether I will really busk myself, but I have seriously considered it.

The Variax is a great choice too, along with its acoustic voices it must be the most versatile guitar ever.

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