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Different Music for Different Folks

Pahchisme Plaid

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I just got done reading a separate post that got me thinking about what causes people to listen to certain music.  I have a few thoughts and a few theories going by my own experiences.


I like songs that I can sing along with.  I think a lot of people feel uplifted with music and moreso when they can sing along.


factors I think affect that are:

• a hook that’s easy to remember

• a vocal range within reach of the average person

• a structure that makes it easy to know what to expect next.


I listen to those types of music while I’m in my car (where I can sing as loudly as I like with no one hearing me), but I also like to have either complete silence (no music) or instrumental only or easy listening so that I can still get lost in my thoughts at times.  


What I call easy listening are folks like, The Eagles, Elton John, the Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Norah Jones and Colby Collait (and some Dixie Chicks).  I never can be sure I spell her last name correctly,) etc.  


I also have vocalists

that I like to stretch my skills along with like Eva Cassidy,  Sarah McLaughlin, Christina Aguilera, Patsy Cline, Adele, and Queen.  (But that’s when I’m feeling energetic).


I also find that there are lots of varied genre and tempo songs that I like due to familiarity—songs my parents or siblings or friends listened to or sang in my formative years.


My theory is that familiarity or the potential for familiarity is what people need the element of in the music they listen to.


More complicated and unfamiliar or new (like peer listening) music I reserve for when I can give my full listening/mental processing attention.  That means for me a less frequent listening opportunity at this stage in my life because I’m either moving all the time or my mental attention is being demanded regularly.  


I used to to be able to listen and do things (like type an email or help with homework), but now I have to turn off or at least reduce sensory stimulus to be able to focus on a task requiring my mental attention so that means I need to wait until others are not home and my tasks are taken care of.  That sort of thing, so the more complicated stuff gets less attention.  


I think people who perhaps are in a higher class (possibly more stable in their lifestyle) or are trained musicians or are perhaps at a stage in life where demands are different likely are able to enjoy a little more entertainment-style music where one can focus on appreciating the nuances and complicated/challenging playing.  I think such people are more likely to devote time for that.


I also can get energized from certain music that I find passionate or that makes me feel something.  Something that triggers emotion within me.  It’s about identification, whether in lyrics or the music pulling the strings in my innards.  


So, you have my theory on why people listen to certain music.  Feel free to share your theories and your thoughts.  It may be that this conversation may effect how we create for others (and ourselves because admit it,  I will.  I create mostly because it fulfills my needs).

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Most musicians seek approval. For a long time I though I was different, but I'm not.


I am glad though, that I am at least not brooding & resentful toward those who are indifferent and unmoved by my music. Glad because I see it so much here & elsewhere.


As a listener, I have consumed music voraciously, and sometimes feel its almost worn to the nub, except that there is always more. By more I don't mean rehashing the same thing all over again. I mean something a little different.


Enjoying familiar sounding music is wonderful, but some of us also need to keep broadening our scope. Different music doesn't come knocking on the door. It has to be hunted down.




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Have either of you ever inquired of your fans what draws them to your music?  Also, is there generalized “group” that comes for your music?  Like for example, The Wall Street crowd on a Friday night come to chill or Ladies getting together for a regular girls night out or other musicians come to appreciate your music.  Do you see repeat listeners, do you have a following or a new crowd each week or a good mixture of both?  Do your listeners purchase your paraphernalia including your CDs and/or from Bandcamp or whatever online source you offer or are people you’ve not had contact with your purchasers of CDs and online offerings? Or is it a combination?  Do you think you have more that hear your CDs and online offerings and then come to listen to you live or does it seem that those who listen to you live then purchase your music from you?  I’m asking these things to help identify your audience and perhaps you might find more efficient ways of advertising based on you target audience.

Edited by Pahchisme Plaid
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2 hours ago, Rudi said:

Most musicians seek approval. For a long time I though I was different, but I'm not.


I am glad though, that I am at least not brooding & resentful toward those who are indifferent and unmoved by my music. Glad because I see it so much here & elsewhere.


As a listener, I have consumed music voraciously, and sometimes feel its almost worn to the nub, except that there is always more. By more I don't mean rehashing the same thing all over again. I mean something a little different.


Enjoying familiar sounding music is wonderful, but some of us also need to keep broadening our scope. Different music doesn't come knocking on the door. It has to be hunted down.





Every word in this post rings true as if it were my own. To the point it's almost scary. Do I know you Rubi?  :) :)

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14 hours ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

Have either of you ever inquired of your fans what draws them to your music?  Also, is there generalized “group” that comes for your music?  Like for example, The Wall Street crowd on a Friday night come to chill or Ladies getting together for a regular girls night out or other musicians come to appreciate your music.  Do you see repeat listeners, do you have a following or a new crowd each week or a good mixture of both?  Do your listeners purchase your paraphernalia including your CDs and/or from Bandcamp or whatever online source you offer or are people you’ve not had contact with your purchasers of CDs and online offerings? Or is it a combination?  Do you think you have more that hear your CDs and online offerings and then come to listen to you live or does it seem that those who listen to you live then purchase your music from you?  I’m asking these things to help identify your audience and perhaps you might find more efficient ways of advertising based on you target audience.


I have rarely played my own music out live. Blown Out is just a covers band. My home recordings reach only a few people, mostly friends at that. I have never asked them what they think of it. I dont want to ask them.


I dont sell my music. Anyone is welcome to it. If my music was popular, I would consider setting up an account for buying it, but the proceeds would go to the Alzheimers Society. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I found a great site  several months ago, and I've been engrossed with it ever since. It's a great way to explore music that you might not have previously considered!  You can either pick a genre and explore new bands that are unfamiliar to you, or, open the page and stick a virtual pin in and see what you come up with? I've spent hours on this site!


Every Noise at Once


If you look for a band that you know and like, all the other bands around them will be of a similar type.  Have a little explore. It's brilliant! :)

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21 hours ago, Steve said:

I found a great site  several months ago, and I've been engrossed with it ever since. It's a great way to explore music that you might not have previously considered!  You can either pick a genre and explore new bands that are unfamiliar to you, or, open the page and stick a virtual pin in and see what you come up with? I've spent hours on this site!


Every Noise at Once


If you look for a band that you know and like, all the other bands around them will be of a similar type.  Have a little explore. It's brilliant! :)


I'm on it.










This better not be another porn site...!

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