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Advice on finding someone to sing one of my songs


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I've been writing lyrics on and off for about 20 years, about 50 songs total. A few of them I think have commercial viability, and I hear the songs in my head though do not know how to play any instruments, or create music on a computer (though I am learning). I thought about pitching the song to one of the many aspiring singers on social media. One in particular I think would be perfect because she has a good voice and seems to be working hard on her career, though I don't shes making a living doing it yet. She has about 100k followers on instagram, though her lyrics arent real strong, and her biggest show was opening for a 2 hit wonder who was big 30 years ago.

So, I'm new to all of this as far as networking, making connections in the industry, etc. and just looking for some advice as far as approaching singers who may be looking for songs. Im guessing a lot of people probably write one song and think its genius, I dont think most of my work is great but I do think a few of my songs have promise. Its become an earworm in my head and thats pretty unusual. So, any input is appreciated, thank you.

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Respectfully, if you only actually have words you only imagine being sung in a song, then, you don't yet really have a song for a singer to sing.  So, unless you're looking for a singer who is willing and able to be your co-author and create and record an actual song by singing your words a capella, then in my opinion, you should first try and find a collaborator who is willing and able to be your co-author to come up with, arrange and record a musical arrangement to which a singer might sing your words. 

Edited by HoboSage
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