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The Thirty Second Rule

I don't believe that Wolfgang Mozart could critically analyze a piece of music in thirty seconds.

I don't believe that Vincenzo Galilei could critically analyze a piece of music in thirty seconds.

I don't believe that Aristoxenus could critically analyze a piece of music in thirty seconds.

I don't believe that Pythagoras could crtically analyze a piece of music in thirty seconds.

et cetera...

I certainly don't believe that an A & R man with a very limited technical knowledge of music can critically analyze a piece of music in thirty seconds no matter how stuffed with conceit he may be.

In the good old days, the industry used to send scouts to reputable venues to spot talent. They used to listen to demo tapes that were made in someone's garage with a two track Grundig. In short, they used to actually engage with the grass roots. They used to actively seek out talented mavericks who wanted to push the envelope, to innovate.

Until the thirty second attention span is called into question, there will never be another Dark Side of The Moon or a Nevermind or a Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band released, just tawdry, conformist, mass appeal fripperies that force those of us who are actually interested in music to have to trawl the myspace underground or look to the past generations in order to find anything remotely visceral to listen to.

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couldn't agree more.

unfortunately that is the general moduc operandi. Unfortunately people are generally fairly pragmatic and fear of losing out motivates them towards conforming to the wishes of the labels. time after time.

Things will change as artists believe they gain more by independence, but there will always be those willing to trade so I fear A & R men will always have a stream of demos to choose from. You can only hope that current perceived independence, as promoted by industry personalities recommending a course of action for bands, truly is the benefit many believe it to be and not a false dawn.



It could be that if artists reject the current model in droves, out of the ashes will rise a phoenix that will become a new way... I hope so...

In the meantime, at least we can have a laugh at a woman whose claim to fame is being caught two timing Les Dennis telling people whether they have talent or not.

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